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Monday Morning Ramblings

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~Ahhh, Monday! How are you here so soon? We had a busy weekend here which began with making gingerbread houses after school on Friday and then Painting with a Twist on Friday night (I’ll have a review up on that soon). Saturday was errands and fro-yo and holiday stuff with the little boys since B had drill. Sunday was their unit had a holiday party so I brought the kids up there for a while. And then L and I decorated the tree while WB napped and after B got home we all went out to dinner. Phew. It was fun one though that’s for sure!

Weekend Recap

~We also made a quick trip to see Santa this weekend and yeah, WB was not a fan. He didn’t totally lose his mind, but he was not too thrilled either. Luckily (?) he’ll have a few more chances to change his mind about the big man as we have some more (a bunch actually) of events coming up that Santa will be at! And it will give L a chance to tell Santa what WB wants as he was too nervous to tell him and is very concerned that Santa won’t know what WB wants (a fake dog and an Elmo) unless he tells Santa for him. How sweet is he?


~If you were looking for them, I am sure you have seen them by now, but spoilers are up for the PopSugar Limited Edition Boxes (For Him and For Her) and also for the December Box! So much PopSugar this week. So much!

~I ran into April (who I ran into one before at the park), who reads here and lives so close to me, at Target this weekend.   I looked like I got hit by a bus (those mini wine bottles from the night before gave me quite a headache) and clearly she’s ready for people like me as she took one look at me and was like hh I have something for you and handed me a Rodan & Fields Mini Facial kit!  Thanks April!  I cannot wait to try it!  I will totally report back on how I like it!

~In all my fun this weekend I didn’t get a chance to update the subscription box list.  But I should (?) have some time to get that done this week.  There are some new additions, but not a ton!

~That’s about it from here this morning.  What’s going on for you this week?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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