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Monday Morning Ramblings

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~Since this is another holiday week I still feel like it’s not a “real” week. B’s gone still, but with him being on vacation and L not having school, it just doesn’t have the same significance you know? Back when I worked, I always quite enjoyed working the week between Christmas and New Years. For one, there was never any traffic. And then there was the fact that no one else was working (which is why there was no traffic), which made it nice and productive (except for those long lunches at Target) for me! So if you are working this week, I hope it’s the same for you!

~Has anyone else checked out the top Pinterest Pins of 2013? For some reason I find this kind of stuff totally fascinating. I love seeing what everyone else loves. And I know kind of feel like I need to make this Mini Fishing Set out of an Altoids Tin!

Top Pins

~I mentioned it yesterday, but it’s going to be a SLOW week subscription box wise. I am expecting bluum and umm, the Deluxe part of my December Citrus Lane box. And that’s seriously it! I really cannot even think of one other thing I am even expecting in the mail. And maybe Julep, but I don’t know about that? I think this is going to be the week I am able to get ALL caught up on box reviews. I am loving the thought of that for sure.

~I went to the Dollar Store (the Dollar Tree) to be exact for the first time in, umm, years over the weekend and wow, what a treasure of goodies that place is.  I spent like $6 and was just amazed. So.much.stuff.

He had a good time too.

~Depending on what time B gets home today, I may try and run to a Target or two tonight and check out some more clearance stuff. I have heard about some pajamas that include a book that are part of the clearance and I need to find those. Plus, I just like looking ;). I don’t want to drag WB again though so if I don’t make it, no big deal.

~I kind of slacked off at the end of the year on my “I’m Totally Trying It” posts, but I think I am going to bring them back for 2014. It kind of forces me to give things a fair chance to determine if I like them (one or two times just isn’t enough) which is good. If anyone is interested I’ll totally make it a link-up too!  I am hoping to get my first I’m Totally Trying It up on the 1st or 2nd.

~You still have like another day to think of this, but is anyone making any New Year’s Resolutions for 2014?  I’m not going to make anything too specific, but I have a few goals I’d like to make happen including FOR REAL running a 5K, getting more sleep and taking better care of me.  What about you?

That’s about it from here this morning.  What’s going on for you this week? Any big New Years plans?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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