Thursday Thoughts

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It’s time for another Thursday Thoughts! If you are participating in this Thanksgiving Edition of Thursday Thoughts make sure to throw your link in below. I’ll be making my normal rounds later in the day to visit / comment and see what everyone is thinking about today!  And if you want to participate, but have no idea what a link-up is, you can check out my explanation of it here.

~Is it just me or is this week flying by? Maybe it’s because it’s been so busy (for me anyway)! L has a half day today and then we have his Parent-Teacher Conferences this afternoon. B is coming with, so that will be nice. And then I think we are going to try and trek out to a Christmas Tree Farm and cut down our tree! L is all over this idea and has big plans to saw the tree down himself. LOL. However, his job is going to be picking out a tree. B and I have a long-standing tradition of getting into an big argument picking out a tree, so maybe this will help out with that.  It’s “you pick a tree”, “no you pick” and then one person picks and it’s “you suck I hate that tree” and it goes on and on.  #holidaymemories

I picked this one.
I picked this one.

~I posted it on Instagram, but if you don’t follow me there you missed out on the cats in space leggings I picked up yesterday. I saw them a while back and (dumbly) didn’t grab them so when I ran into them again yesterday I knew what I had to do.  I don’t get this cat in space thing (at all), but obviously something is happening with it.  First these leggings. Then Miley’s crazy performance.

No idea why I needed these.
No idea why I needed these.

~I am totally dying because B’s PopSugar Limited Edition Men’s Box, my Limited Edition Women’s Box and my December PopSugar boxes are ALL on their way.  I cannot even believe it!  And what’s better is that the are all actually in-transit and aren’t just sitting somewhere.  I suspect we will be getting spoilers on all of these quite soon!!!!  What do you think will be included?  Or what are you hoping for?

~In addition to PopSugar (which probably won’t arrive this week anyway), I should be getting the Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box, Fabletics, Stitch Fix, Appleseed Lane, Allure Winter Beauty Box (no review for that one though, it’s going directly to the winner of this giveaway) and Trunk Club.  Lots of goodies coming this week!

~I have been promising L a tree in his room since we started decorating for the holidays and finally today, Fred the Elf delivered.  I will report back on L’s reaction, but I am certain this is going to be a huge hit.

More fabulous photography here!
More fabulous photography here!

~I posted on Tuesday about how my Erin Condren order(s) were taking forever and I feel like I should update that one shipped.  Sort of.  It hasn’t actually “moved” yet, but as long as it leaves SOON, I should have it by the time I need it (which is the 19th).  The second order, which included a holiday acrylic tray is seems to have a “production error” and who knows when exactly that will ship.  You’d think they would have sent out an e-mail about that or about the delay on the other one.  These will likely be the last non-paper orders from EC that I ever make.  I LOVE my Life Planner, but this is ridiculous.

~And finally, has anyone seen this “26 Problems Only Anxious People Will Understand“.  I laughed so hard I was choking.  I can’t tell you the number of times I have had to go back home to make sure the garage door was shut.  Basically all the things on that list are so me.  Like #18 about being called into your bosses office and thinking you are about to be fired?  yeah, I used to think that all the time!

BAHAHAHA.  I have thought this.
BAHAHAHA. I have thought this.

That’s it for now!  What’s on your agenda today? Any big weekend plans?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 35 Comments

  1. Lisa D

    Oh….my Popsugar Must Have and LE box are moving to……but there is that stinking storm that could delay it all…..UGH. I hope we get some cute things….not sure exactly what “I want”, but cute things I can gift. Unique things that will be cool and useful.
    That is a cute tree for L- I was wondering the other day…..How many tree’s does this girl have? LOL

    1. Jennifer

      You were wondering that about me? I have, umm, two right now. This one and my decorative one.

  2. Alexia561

    Looking forward to hearing about L’s reaction to his very own tree! And every time I was called into my bosses office, I was positive I was going to be fired. So glad I’m not alone on this! *L*

    1. Jennifer

      So not alone! And he loved it!!!

  3. omg i saw the cat pants on the sidebar yesterday… and i was like, is she posting old photos? because we had a conversation about those pants and i distinctly remembered them. um, how could i forget them?!

    1. Jennifer

      Aren’t they stunning?

  4. Sher

    This is why I have an eight-foot artificial tree that I love ? no arguments, no hassles!

    1. Jennifer

      Lol. It’s a tradition!

  5. alyssa

    I’m super excited got the shipping notice on my first JLH fancy box today and it’s gonna be here tomorrow! Still no clue on my popsugar cause I can’t get my subscription numbers to work to track them lol. Hoping jlh has something cute in it I can use when I’m in New York on Saturday with my mom!

    1. Jennifer

      Mine too! I can’t wait to see what’s going to be inside!!!! Have fun in New York!

  6. Jen

    The leggings are hilarious! Love it.

  7. Tracy

    yes and yes on “I’m going to get fired” and “I’m going to jail”. sigh.

    1. Jennifer

      It sounds so crazy, but I REALLY think like that!!!

  8. Mikkii

    I have been dying to put a christmas tree in pattrik’s bedroom. His dad thinks it’s a bad idea. Not because Pattrik will do anything to it, but b/c LuLu will wander into Pattrik’s room and be instantly indignant that she doesn’t have one in her room. Then we will argue about putting a tree in a two year old’s room. Eventually she will get a tree, and then proceed to destroy not only her’s, but the one in her brother’s room too!!
    I want cat space leggings!! What is this about? I have never seen cats in space. Now I must go GTS!!!

    1. Jennifer

      I have never seen cats in space either. Although I have never been to space, so what do I know??

      Luckily WB is too little to even get that L has a tree and he doesn’t!

  9. Beth

    Niether of my Popsugar boxes have left thier initial destination – so I’ll be at least a week out – probably closer to two.

    Wow – that list hits close to home on…..well, all of them. But so glad I’m not alone in thinking my boss is going to fire me everytime I get a meeting invite.

    1. Jennifer

      LOL!!!!!! So not alone. So not alone.

  10. Jenny

    This week has been crazy fast. Before we know it Christmas will be over and it will be the new year already.
    And I can’t believe you bought those pants. When are you going to wear them? My boys would think was loony toons if I got those. LOL

    1. Jennifer

      Well Im not sure. I’ll find a time though!

      1. Jenny

        You need to take a picture of that time. 🙂

        1. Jennifer


  11. Glenna

    I love how your elf brought a tree for L! So cute! 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      He’s a sneaky elf!

  12. Bethany

    Haha love this post! I just finished reading the anxious people problems… OMG so true. Excited to see your JLH Fancy review! I think I’m asking for that subscription for Christmas…

    1. Jennifer

      SO true! I can’t wait to get that box tomorrow. I’m so anxious!

  13. Lindsay

    Where did you get the cat leggings?? Those are the best!

    1. Jennifer


  14. Rebecca

    Oh my gosh were they reading my mind when they made that anxious people list? It was so funny, yet so true.

    1. Jennifer

      Yours and mine both!!

  15. julie b

    ahhhh! none of my boxes are showing up on fedex. not even as processing.

    1. Jennifer

      Really?? Not the special edition even? And you are tracking by reference with your subscription #?

  16. subbox

    Can’t wait for the popsugar box!

    1. Jennifer

      Me either! Hurry up! Maybe tomorrow for spoilers I am thinking? I hope so anyway.

  17. suzy

    What brand are the cat pants? I WANT, and they aren’t showing up on the target website so I wanted to do a more advance search for them.

    1. Jennifer

      Hmm, they might be in store only. I think they are the teen brand there?? Let me go look…

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