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Barkbox Review + Coupon Code – January 2014

January 2014 Barkbox
Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
January 2014 Barkbox
January 2014 Birchbox

January 2014 Barkbox is here!  Seriously, this month got off to such a slow start, but things have picked up nicely.

The Box

Barkbox ships via DHL Global Mail (starts out as DHL ends up being delivered by USPS) and took about six days to arrive this month.  Had it not taken a detail to the wrong city, I think it would have been in like 4 days!

First Look

I recognized nothing from the first look!  Always a good sign.

The Information Card

The January 2014 Barkbox was all about football and getting off that couch and getting moving. Both for you and your dog.  Hers is what it included:

~Harry Barker Tug n’ Toss ($3): The furries can always use enough rope toy and this one will be great for WB to be able to play too.  He plays tug of war with Buddy (and laughs and laughs about it) and this should let him get a good grip on the rope.  Buddy usually wins (unless he lets WB win), but WB puts up a good fight.

Harry Barker Tug n’ Toss

~Loving Pets Barksters ($8.99):  These are a little big for my dogs (they like tiny soft treats best) so they will go to my brothers dogs (he has 3).  These are all-natural, low in fat, and made using only U.S. farm-grown ingredients, which is important with all the things that have been going on with dog food / treats mad abroad lately!

Loving Pets Barksters

~Think! Dog Alligator Jerky ($5.59):I thought that perhaps these were just called alligator jerky and were made from something else, but nope, it’s alligator!  The dogs were loving them and I thought they were one of the most unique treats we have gotten lately.

Think! Dog Alligator Jerky

~Wigzi Pocket Bone ($7.99):  It’s a good thing I read the instructions on this one because I thought it was just a rubber chew toy.  You can stick a treat in it and throw it and the treat doesn’t pop out!  It also floats which may make it a perfect up-north toy for this summer.  I will have to remember to pack this!

Wigzi Pocket Bone

~Barkworthies Junior Bully Stick ($2.50):  My information card says that the box has an Etta Says Deer Chew, but it had a bully stick in it instead.  We just got this last month and the dogs like them all right, but I would have preferred something new.


All totaled I came up with a value of $28.07 for January 2014 Barkbox.  Nothing popped out at me like it did last month with the two toys, but Barkbox remains one of our favorite pet subscription boxes.  It starts at $18/month if you subscribe for 6 months or more) and always has a value over that!  Plus, yhey consistently send out safe, high-quality products for the furries which I know they enjoy.

Barkbox and Baxter

Do you subscribe to Barkbox?  What’d you think of this month’s box?  If you want to subscribe or learn more, click here.  And don’t forget to use the code “RAMBLING” save 15% off ANY subscription plan!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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