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Still loving these!

Currently Burning…

Old Picture.  But it’s still going!

I am still loving this one and have already burned through a few of them.  I am hoping to finish this one up and pick up a another one of their new ones.  I cannot remember the scent, but it’s yellow.  Super helpful right?  LOL!!!

Currently Watching…
Kathie Lee and Hoda.  I love them.  They don’t have the best guests or the best segments, but I like them.  A lot.

Currently Shopping For…
Throw pillows.  I need some for the couch and I never know where to look.  Target is always my first stop, but I am now thinking I might just want covers so I can switch it up all the time.  What place has tons of these to pick from?

Currently On My “To Do” List…
Laundry (does it ever stop) and cleaning / organizing for our (yet to be scheduled) garage sale.  I’m not really excited to do that either though because I don’t know where I am going to put anything.  I don’t want it all over the basement, I don’t want it all over the guest bedroom (that’s already filled with the boys old clothes anyway) and it won’t fit in the garage, so it sits!  Oh and I also need to go to the post office today.  And paint my nails.

Currently Excited About…
Getting some subscription boxes in the mail!  I think I am only behind on ONE review (which is amazing), so I need to get some mail this week!  I am also excited that the newsletter has been restarted and I am happy that everyone seems to like it.

Currently Annoyed About…
Being sick.  I thought it was allergies, but now I am not so sure.  L isn’t feeling amazing either (I having a sneaking suspicion that his strep didn’t totally go away) but I think maybe a smoothie for him and Starbucks for me tonight after school might make up both a little better ;).

Currently Anxious About…

Allure Summer 2014 Beauty Box

I am so ready for the Summer Allure Beauty Box to go on sale tomorrow (it’s at 12pm EST).  Ugh. I hope I can land one!  I don’t “need” it, yet I do.  I so do.  I have my alarm set and I am ready.  I am NOT going to post about it here tomorrow, but I will post a reminder on Facebook about 10 minutes before.

Currently Reading…

US Weekly

US Weekly!  I have had it open on the counter since it came in the mail and every time I get a chance I flip through a few pages to check on the celebs.  Little Prince George is the cutest thing going!  Ahh, I love his little facial impressions and outfits.  So sweet.  Also, when is Prince Harry going to get married?  I am in need of another royal wedding!  I got up early to watch Will & Kate’s and SO want to see another!

Currently Plotting…
Something for L’s birthday.  Since we never made it to Chicago for Spring Break I was thinking we could go for his birthday.  And then I looked at the hotel prices and I think not.  Must be something going on that weekend.  So now I am thinking Niagra Falls?

What’s currently going on with you today?  How’s your Monday?


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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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