Saturday Smiles

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Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

Today I’m smiling because:

~We had a great time at L’s school’s ice cream social last night! The games were all very fun (Ramblings of a Suburban Mom sponsored “Minute to Win It”) and had cool prizes for the kids. But, my boys spent most of their time dancing their little butts off! Ha!!!

Dancing Boys!
Dancing Boys!

~I am headed back to Lush this morning! I can’t wait to pick up a few more of your recommendations. I can’t believe I waited so long to try this stuff.

~Target Easter Clearance will be 90% off today! Not sure what will be left or what I’d even buy anyway, but I will be going regardless!

~I FINALLY got the Ray-Ban “Flash” aviators I have been lusting after for the last year. B thinks they are crazy, but I like them. #selfiesaturday

Now I want all the colors
Now I want all the colors

~L said to me yesterday “If we added a waiter to our house that would be quite nice”. BAHAHAHA. Yes, L that would be quite nice. Not only did that make me smile, it made me laugh out loud.

~We’ve only got like six more weeks or school until SUMMER VACATION! Come on summer!!!!

~I am going to get a chance this weekend to get caught up on a bunch of blog stuff.  At least that’s the plan anyway.

~My Facebook wall is a total baby boom and I am loving seeing all those sweet babies everyday!  But I must know, what was going on last summer???

~I mentioned it yesterday, but I threw away all my subscription box information cards.  I am so proud of myself! Let this be the start of the organization of my house!

That’s it from here!  What’s got you smiling today?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 23 Comments

  1. Bethany

    AH! I can’t believe you threw away the cards! You are my inspiration! I need to go back and read old posts.. I love the glasses!! (And your caption that you want all the colors, hahah!) Also, your hair looks great!

    1. Jennifer

      I had too. I just had too. It was getting crazy!

  2. Jenny

    Doesn’t look like I’m going to make another Target run this clearance fun. Oh well I did get some goodies at 70% so that made me happy.
    We have 8more weeks of school and then he will be a 1st grader. WOW how did that happen. N is actually at school today for a snow makeup day. Not too bad since they didn’t go back until Wed so its still a short week.
    I also recently purged my cards. I did not have your stash by any means but it did feel good. Now if I want to know something I just look on my blog or google it.

    1. Jennifer

      It does feel good to get rid of that stuff doesn’t it?

      And seriously, how do we have first graders??

  3. Tiffany

    I’m having a baby on Tuesday. My OB told me last visit that baby J’s kindergarten class is going to be gigantic. She said she is the busiest she has been in her entire career. Babies everywhere!

    1. Jennifer

      OMG so exciting!!!

      And I totally believe that. Babies everywhere!!!!

  4. Debi B.

    Jenny, remember those sunglasses that you lusted after at Norstroms (SP)
    That were $179.00 and you finally got….. Do you think they still have them, I want to go try on and hope they look like hell on me. Lol
    For some reason I fell in love with them.

    1. Jennifer

      The pink ones in here??? I bet they have them!

    2. Debi B.

      No Jen, it was like last year, I think you had them on when you had your hair colored at the ends…that’s ok , I am going over there and see what they have….

      1. Jennifer

        Ohhh, those Tom Ford gold ones? Those were so $$$$$$.

  5. Ashley C.

    Oh the baby boom! My blog feed is full of new babies and a bunch of friends are either having them or announcing they are pregnant. Surprisingly, I know now that I am done with two — no baby fever! I just want to squish all their cheeks and then hand them back instead! 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      I don’t know if it makes me want one, but it makes me want to snuggle them all.

  6. Jennifer

    I have been eyeballing the pink aviators for a why and now they are on sale. You are a wonderful influence!

    1. Jennifer

      ;). You’ll love them!

    1. Jennifer

      Oh I only post pictures were I look halfway decent! That’s why I don’t post a ton. But thank you!

      That’s too bad about your clearance ;(

  7. Alexia561

    Loved the picture of your two boys dancing! So cool that L is such a good big brother, as some brothers want nothing to do with each other. Love the glasses!

    1. Jennifer

      They are SO sweet together!

  8. cindy

    dying to see if you picked up anything great at target 90 day, our store restickered alot of the toys, bummer, but did score some of the starburst crazy beans jelly beans 2 flavored everyones talking about, couldnt even find them before easter

    1. Jennifer

      I got… NOTHING!! For real!

      1. cindy

        DRAT…or you are being sooooo good

  9. Diana Garza

    The sunglasses look GREAT on you! Now I need a pair!!

    1. Jennifer

      You do need a pair! They are so fun!

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