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Sunday Sentiments

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You know the drill, I am stealing Jen’s Sunday Sentiments button and idea and making it mine tonight!

~I’ll do a little weekend recap tomorrow, but we spent the morning at LegoFest and I highly recommend it if you have a Lego fan!  Totally worth it! The boys loved it and I appreciated that it wasn’t too crazy crowded!


~Believe it or not I did not get ONE thing from the Target 90% off Easter clearance. Not one thing. I came home from shopping yesterday morning and told B and he couldn’t even believe. I think he wanted to take me to the doctor to make sure I was okay. LOL!  Just nothing I “needed” this year.

~I did, however, hit up LUSH and picked up a few things. I grabbed the Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner, the Sea Spray Hair Mist, the Whoosh Shower Jelly and the Ayesha Fresh Face Mask. So far I am loving the Sea Spray (OMG amazing) and the Ayesha Fresh Face Mask. I don’t love that you need to keep the face mask in the fridge, but I get that is what it’s all about. The Whoosh Shower Jelly is quite interesting. It’s basically a big glop of jelly that you use like a bar soap. I am kind of excited to use up some of my LUSH stuff so I can go back and get some new goodies to test out! It’s very dangerous that it’s so close to my house.


~If you aren’t subscribed to my newsletter yet, you might want to be. I have been slacking on sending it out but I am getting back on track. Expect one in your inbox tomorrow or Tuesday morning. And *maybe*, just maybe, you should open it because there could be a giveaway in there. Just saying.

~Someone mentioned “Fashion Project” in the comments the other day and then it popped up in my Facebook newsfeed so I figured out it was time to check out it.  It’s kind of like thredUP and Twice, except instead of selling your old stuff to them, you donate it and they give you a $40 Nordstrom gift card for every 5 qualifying items in return.  AND they donate 55% of the sale price to a charity of your choice which you get to take as a tax deduction.  This sounds fabulous!  I requested a bag and I will report back!

Fashion Project

~I’m on this big kick to not only try and shop local more often, but also to shop in person instead of online.  It’s a lot easier to order from Nordstrom or Sephora or Bath & Body Works online, but I also would be SO SAD if they closed the ones near me because everyone else did what I did and just ordered online most of the time.  So I have decided that if I can go buy something in person, I will.  If not, I can get it online.  That said there are some stores I am dying to open up here.  Like The Container Store.  Why can’t Michigan have one?  UGH!  Are there any stores you wish you had closer to you?

That’s about it from here tonight! How was your weekend?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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