Monday Morning Ramblings

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~It’s finally here, the last week of school for L!  They got their yearbooks on Friday which are so cute and have been busy doing a million other fun things including practicing for graduation, celebrating summer birthdays and cleaning up the classroom (which L actually thinks is super fun).  I am not going to miss the morning routine, but I will so miss waiting to pick L up and watching WB’s face light up when he walked out of the building everyday.  And then they both start running towards each other.  I love it!  I need to try and get a video of it today!

Summer Fun
Summer Fun

~I’ve got lots of subscription boxes coming this week including June’s PopSugar Must Have Box, PetBox, Hatchery, Citrus Lane Mystery Boxes, FabKids (I went for it after all) and FAIR Treasure.  And if you missed any of my reviews from the weekend, make sure to check them out, including the PopSugar Must Have Summer Box because that one included a giveaway!!!

~This recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough brownies from Recipe Girl appeared in my Facebook feed yesterday and OMG I need them in my life.  I have been trying to eat better (it was a rough crappy food filled winter), but these may need to happen.

image credit: Recipe Girl
image credit: Recipe Girl

~Speaking of eating better, I am still off the Diet Pepsi and feeling quite proud of myself. Ideally I would like to be able to only have one every once in a while, but if I have one, I want two so I am going to try to stay away for a few months and see how I feel.  Advocare just came out with a new Limited Edition Spark flavor (Green Apple), so that’s one more thing I can drink instead of soda.

image credit: Advocare
image credit: Advocare

~I’ll have the next weekly newsletter coming out later today or sometime tomorrow, so don’t think I have forgotten about it! I just been distracted with all this Orange is the New Black. I cannot focus on anything else!

~I am cracking up even typing this, but L told me he wanted a phone last night.  What? I have no idea where he got this since he said none of his friends have phones, but he’s determined.  He says he needs it call his Nana & Papa and his friends & his favorite cousin.  I was like oh, just use my phone.  He rolled his eyes.  BAHAHAHA! #nothappening

~If you are going on vacation this summer, where are you headed?  We are doing Disney and up-north, but I want to do something else as well.  Something drivable.  And that can be done in a weekend.  Maybe one of the beaches on the west side of the state?  I need to work on this more.

 What’s up for your Monday? Any big plans this week?  And of course, what subscription boxes are you expecting?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 23 Comments

  1. Amy

    I don’t know if you’d be interested in this because of his age, but Sprint offers a kids phone like this:

    when my oldest (19 now) was around 10, we got her a Firefly phone because she had basketball after school and different things, and we wanted her to be able to call us if something was cancelled or let out early–but I have to say–she HATED it. lol. She barely got service places (I’m sure that has changed now) and she said the phone was stupid ha ha. We ended up getting her a cheap add-on phone with our plan. My son is going to be 10 this summer and he’s been asking for a phone for about the last year. The boy can barely find his backpack and he wants a phone!

    Have you tasted the Green Apple Spark? What are your thoughts? I have been using it as a pre workout boost and I love the Grape, Mango Strawberry and fruit punch but Green apple sounds yummy!

    1. Jennifer

      That phone is so cute! He is so not getting one though. LOL!

      I haven’t tried the Green Apple. I am ordering it today though. It seriously came out the day after I placed my last order. Grrr!!!

  2. Jenny

    We have a shorter summer with Ns schedule but we are planning a week up in Boston. I need M to talk to his family up there about it and he said he will do that today but we will see. LOL I need to make plans with my friends up there so I need to know the family stuff first 😉 Not sure what else we are doing. C wants to go to the beach so we may try to work a couple days in for that too. Oh and we have tickets to Marvel Universe Live and we are all excited for that one. LOL
    So funny about the phone. N has the worst phone manners and I don’t think he will ever want a phone for calling people. He is all about the video/picture feature though. He loves to make videos on my phone. Now that he can read and write better now he has also started doing some texting. Its so funny to see him trying to figure out his message to M or my mom. It takes forever since he wants to make sure it is just right before he sends it. LOL

    1. Jennifer

      How close are you to the beach? Like close enough for a weekend? Ohh, I forgot to tell you, I got the shoes!! SO CUTE! Thank you!!!!

      I need to check and see if Marvel Universe is coming here. That sounds right up our alley.

      L likes to FaceTime. All he wants to do is FaceTime people. LOL!

      1. Jenny

        Beach is about 2hours so we really could do a day trip if we wanted. That is one of the great things about NC we have the beach and the mountains all so close.
        So welcome for the shoes. I’m so glad someone can use them. C loves his pair now but he never really got into those.

        1. Jennifer

          Oh that is awesome!!!

  3. Nichole Van Bruggen

    Oh you totally need to visit Holland, Michigan! They have the best beaches and the greatest downtown area ever! Plus an awesome farmers market and street performers every thursday. I grew up there but i was just reading this article someone posted. Its really a great place!

    1. Jennifer


    1. Jennifer

      Those too look incredible right now!

  4. Alicia

    Speaking of West Side of the state beaches . We have a cottage in South Haven and go every summer. I love that town, it seems so isolated (well theres still walmart and such, but the marina area is so great). Its been in the family for 100+ years and we love it. We will be traveling from Birmingham, AL in just 2 weeks!

    1. Jennifer

      I bet that cottage is totally gorgeous!!!!!

  5. Ashley C.

    We’re spending as much time this summer at the beach as we can! I told my husband I would live in a tent if it meant we could move there tomorrow, I just need that sand and sun in my life!

    1. Jennifer

      I wouldn’t mind moving into a tent on the beach!

  6. Laura

    I wasn’t too far into the first episode of Orange is the New Black Season 2 when I decided to pause and watch the last episode of Season 1. I was so confused and drawing a total blank on the timeline of the show. I still cannot remember how that one chick got burned. I finished up Season 2 last night but I am going to watch Season 1 again anyway.
    P.S. Damn you for that brownie pic!!! lol

    1. Jennifer

      That was a good call! I should have so done the same.

  7. Bethany

    Hahaha L wanting a phone. Pretty sure if my daughter could talk she’d ask for her own phone, too. OMG that cookie dough brownie. I can’t even. I just slipped on some pre-preggo jeans I’ve been avoiding that FINALLY fit and I’m like, I can’t eat anything ever again. I don’t think we have any travel plans this summer except to explore Orlando, I suppose! I really don’t feel like any more long road trips or flights with a one-year-old! Also, I think my June PS will be here Wednesday! Can’t wait! Spoiler free and going strong!

    1. Jennifer

      OMG you are amazing!!! Spoiler free and skinny jeans? Get it girl!

      Oh and I swear I am sending out your book! I just need to get on the ball!!!

      1. Bethany

        Haha it’s okay, no rush! I still have like 20 boxes from moving left to unpack.. Ugh.

  8. carol

    Oh wow, Bath and Body works is having their annual sale and so is Victoria Secret. I cleaned up both online and in store. The three wick candles are 11 and body wash was 2.50.
    Doing the happy dance.

    1. Jennifer

      I have been meaning to hit up BBW but I haven’t gotten a chance yet! Thanks for the reminder!

  9. carol

    It’s online and in store. Online you can find a coupon to use for another 20% off. Bra’s a VS are as low as 13.00

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