Tuesdays Troubles

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I’ve said it before (like every week), but this should be named “things i’m annoyed / confused / want to complain about”, however I couldn’t figure out how to make any of those into a snappy title, so Tuesday Troubles it is.  And yes, I do realize that these aren’t true “troubles”. I know that many of these for sure could be defined as first world problems!

~I wrote a check the other night (I know, I know. No one writes checks anymore) and you know what? I cannot find that thing to save my life. And it’s driving me totally 100% insane. Like for real. I was paying some other bills and it’s slightly possible I included it in one of those envelopes, but I do not think so. I have totally turned my house upside-down looking for it. No dice. B’s like where is the last place you had it? Umm, if I knew that it wouldn’t be lost! Where is this thing? I wrote another check, so that’s not the point anymore, now I just want to regain my sanity and find this. It’s driving me batty!

~For reasons I cannot totally seem to remember, L didn’t have his 5 year-old well visit until last August.  His birthday is in May.  No biggie right?  We’ll get back on track this year.  Wrong.  I guess the insurance companies require you to wait a 365 days or something like that between well visits.  Grrr.  Totally my fault.  But totally annoying.  Is there any way to get back on track or are we doomed to 3-month late well visits forever?

~Those of you who got the Citrus Zinger in last month’s PopSugar box, tell me, what all are you putting in it?  I have had good luck with bigger fruits (oranges, lemons, etc.), but strawberries and smaller fruits?  Not such good luck.  Do I need to be using more?  Or should I be taking the citrus part of the Citrus Zinger name more seriously and use it only with citrus fruits?

~I am cracking up just thinking about this, but you know that Ariana Grande song? The one they play all the time? Anyway, I always thought the song was “I got one LAST PROM without ya!”, but umm, it turns out the actual words are “I got one LESS PROBLEM without ya!”. I wasn’t even close.  I saw the song title “Problem” on my radio screen yesterday morning and put two and two together.  #soold #sooutoftouch

~At what age did you switch your toddler into a bed?  WB just turned two and sometimes I think he’s ready and other times?  Not so much.  I think he wants to sleep in a big boy bed, however, I am also not sure he would stay in it. He has climbed out of his crib once, but I think it freaked it out so much that it actually worked that he hasn’t tried it again.

That’s it from here for now! What’s troubling you today?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 48 Comments

  1. Jodie Hills

    You may want to double check that the insurance company will make you wait 365 days. I work for one and our standard is once per calendar year.

    1. Jennifer

      I will call!!

  2. Lauren

    We did the race car bed at 3 with my first. I think we converted Cribb to toddler at 2 &half?? He feel out over the edge:/ I’m wondering this again my self as my other Little guy just turned 2 and wants to sleep in big brothers bed. But I’m soon not ready to keep walking him back to bed EVERY NIGHT all night..

    1. Jennifer

      We had to switch my older son before he turned 2 because he would crawl out every night. But we went right to a full size bed for him. I don’t even think he knew he could get out of it so he stayed in. But the little guy will SO climb out. But I think once he fell sleep, he would be happier!

  3. Vicki Levy

    It’s no big deal to do well visits three months late- do you think they hit developmental milestones exactly on their birthdays?!
    Supposedly you should move toddlers into big kid beds when they try to climb out of their cribs, so they don’t fall trying. My daughter liked her crib- she might still be in there ( she’s 15 yo) if I waited for that

    1. Jennifer

      No, I just don’t want to end up behind forever. The summer is harder to make plans in with vacations and all that.

  4. Tiffany

    Ive worked in insurance for 5 and half years now. Who told you specifically that you had to wait 365 days? The doctors office? they are usually wrong. 9 times out of 10 your insurance policy is set up that you can have 1 visit PER calendar year. So technically you could take L dec 31st, and again Jan 1st. because its different calendar years.. Does your plan start over every January.. or does it start over somewehre in the middle of the year like july? I can almost gurantee you that whoever told you that was wrong, unless you heard it directly from the insurance company themselves. I use to get this call all the time where the Drs office said no you have to wait 365 days, but its not true.

    1. Jennifer

      The nurse! We had a full discussion about it. I need to call! It starts every January!

  5. Sarah

    Are you having problems with the Citrus Zinger leaking or just not enough flavor for you? I had problems with it leaking, because I put too much fruit in. Unlike what the outside of the packaging looks like, you can’t put that much fruit in. I make it a rule to only fill it 1 inch to 1.5 inches full of fruit. I have been taking lemon, lime (or mixing together), oranges, and mint + cucumber. I always buy organic if it’s something that has the peel on (I’m not always good at buying organic otherwise) and I’m too lazy to take the peel off for my Citrus Zinger. I always, always cut the fruit up so it releases the flavor better. Today, I have slices of lemon. I’ve been able to get at least two “zings” out of them and I’m using it every single day at work. I REALLY like it. You could also try melon? I haven’t, though. However, strawberries are the one thing I didn’t have much luck with — they got mushy and the water tasted gross to me. Oh! And one thing I do is always fill it up at night and leave it in the fridge overnight, letting the flavors go longer. I’d try that! I’ve never had a problem. Let me know if you have any other questions in it!

    1. Jennifer

      Just not enough flavor! I should leave it overnight. That’s a great idea. I bet I would get better flavor that way! I may need to get another one of these…..

  6. April

    When my son was 2, we put a toddler bed in his room and let him choose…some nights it was the crib and other nights it was the bed…it gave him some security knowing the crib was right there if he wanted to switch back into it…

    1. Jennifer

      I almost wish we had a toddler bed. We don’t though!

  7. suzy

    Ok, I’m laughing out loud about you and the song-because until last week, I’m not kidding, I thought that Katy Perry song said “I’m coming at you with a garden hose.” I just learned it’s DARK HORSE. Makes a lot more sense. But now all my friends sing it as garden hose. 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      Ha!!!!!!!!!!!! I am glad I am not alone.

      1. Madelyn

        Oh my god I am going to be singing it as “garden hose” forever now.

        I always thought that Phil Collins song was “I can feel it coming in the early night…..”

  8. Elizabeth

    We took the side off my oldest daughter’s crib when she was 20 months because she was regularly climbing out and we were afraid she’d fall. My youngest just turned two and she wants to be in a bed but I’m waiting until we are home on vacation in a couple weeks to take the side off. My oldest went into a twin bed at 2 1/2 and that’s probably when my youngest will go in one.

    1. Jennifer

      Do you put something up on the side or just leave it open?

      1. Elizabeth

        Our crib can turn into a toddler bed so we left it open. For the twin bed, we thought about using the rails but my daughter was so good with it we never needed to.

  9. Jen

    lol love the song lyrics flub – I do this all the time – that Lorde song Team – uhm the first couple times I heard ” we’re only seventeen” instead of “We’re on each other’s team” My son pointed out the song is called Team – just where was that word if my lyrics were correct??? lol

    1. Jennifer


  10. Mel

    My daughter climbed out of her crib at 18 months. The hard landing made her cry, but thankfully she was ok. I freaked out and lined her floor with couch cushions. Which, in hindsight, probably invited her to keep doing it! After about a week of that, we turned her crib into a toddler bed, which she never stayed in. I’m not sure if she didn’t like it or just liked the freedom, but we most often found her asleep in the cushy ancient lazy boy we have in her room. About 6 months later we discovered she liked the futon in our guest room and it was nice and low, so we just gave her that. Now, at 3.5 we’re finally mattress shopping to give her a real full size bed. Which hopefully she won’t hate!

    1. Jennifer

      That made me laugh! I never lined the floor in pillows with my older one, but sometimes I would find him sitting on top of the crib – like straddeling the bars at 2am. He’d like get stuck! Not good! We had to move him after that! LOL.

      1. Mel

        Haha, yeah, we called that “monorail baby”. I took a picture once. …because that was my first reaction – don’t rescue her, take a picture! Mom of the year. 🙂

        1. Jennifer

          Dying. I have a monorail picture baby too!

  11. Genevieve

    Was trying to decide the same thing for E. She hasn’t tried to climb out (she’s way too short) but I think she might try soon. I have a 1960s couch that is super low to the ground that I think I am going to make a day bed out of so she can start taking naps in it. Overnight I wouldn’t feel safe.

    1. Jennifer

      I want to see the before and afters on this couch!

      1. Genevieve

        Yes! Then I’ll have to remember to take before and after photos. I almost always forget!

  12. Amber

    I only have the one kid, so I certainly don’t know what I’m talking about 🙂

    But we took the side off of the convertible crib when he was about 22 months old. He had never made any attempts to get out of the crib, I just didn’t want him thinking he had to stay in there when he was awake. Obviously we put up one of those bed rails to keep him from falling out. But boy did he feel like such a big boy – so proud of himself! He’s 26 months now and we’ve had no issues.

    We bought a toddler bed, but never seem to have the time to put it together. We’ve decided to make it a whole big thing and completely redecorate his room when we do the toddler bed, so he’ll be even more excited.

    I guess I just wanted to be proactive and encouraging and not so much as a reaction, you know? That way it just makes him think he’s a big boy 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      I should put a rail on my older sons lower bunk and see how he does in there…

  13. Ashley C.

    Neither of my kids climbed out of their cribs … so I didn’t really have to worry about when I switched them over to beds. We waited until they were 2 or older before doing it. And surprisingly, neither of them sneak out of bed unless we leave their door open. My youngest has been in his bed for almost 2 months now, and even at nap time, its like he forgets his toy box is in the same room — he won’t even leave his bed when he wakes up. Just fusses or talks so I can hear him on the monitor and waits until I come get him up!

    1. Jennifer

      That’s awesome!

  14. Lauren

    We’re having the same issue with my daughter well visit (born in May, didn’t get in until August last year!) and now her appointment is in August again because of insurance. I think it’s a weird rule!
    We also put our daughter in a real bed when she turned 3!

    1. Jennifer

      Such a weird rule.

  15. Tabitha

    We put our daughter in a twin day bed just before she was 2 years old. Did she roll out?…um, yes. We solved that problem by lining the edge of the bed with a body pillow. However, she thought she could climb out of bed whenever she wanted. She never climbed out of her crib but the bed was fair game to her. We even tried putting a baby gate at the bedroom door to at least keep her in the room but that didn’t work because she figured out how to get it down. At the advice of her pediatrician, we had to sit in the bedroom with her until she fell asleep. Loads of fun…NOT! If she got up, we put her right back in bed and pretty much sat in the corner working on the laptop in the dark until we were certain she was asleep.

    1. Jennifer

      Ha! I am going to try having him nap in L’s lower bunk with a rail and see what happens!

  16. Terri Q

    I didn’t care for lemons or oranges in my zinger, but love strawberries! I leave it in the fridge overnight and it has a nice berry taste the next day. I’ve been getting two bottles out of one set of strawberries. I cut them up first, then add. Tried mushing them a little, but I prefer the non-mushed berries. I should experiment with different flavors, but once I find something I like, I tend to stick to it!

    1. Jennifer

      I don’t like mushed berries either. I am going to try the overnight thing!

  17. Cindy

    Ha! Good luck getting back on track with the well visits. Once you get a few months behind…which I did eventually, too, it just gets worse. For example, I just made J and Ks 13 year old well visits for the week before they turn 14! Believe me, it didn’t start out that way! Once they get all the immunization in, it matters less and less. #momoftheyear

    1. Jennifer

      Ha! L see this happening to us. You should just call it their 14 year old well visit!

  18. Laura

    I haven’t actually used my zinger water bottle yet. I bought some mint for it though! There was a recipe card inside that had some really good ideas (mandarins- which I cannot find- and mint!) but laziness always wins.

    And I worked at a bank in rural Wisconsin earlier this year (I’d still work there but I moved out of WI, got to live in winter only there.. hoorah) and I was so surprised at how many people still use checks there. Here in AZ, nobody accepts checks anymore. There, even restaurants and gas stations still allowed them! It was crazy. I don’t even order checks these days. I did when I was probably 19 or 20 because I wanted the DC comic (hate writing DC comics since DC stands for Detective Comics) but I might have used 5 whole checks in as many years, and then closed that account since they closed the location near me and I didn’t want to drive 45 minutes to do bank stuff.

    1. Jennifer

      Where did you live in Wisconsin? My husband is from there!

      1. Laura

        Plover, worked in Steven’s Point though. Super small town but so many people I’ve run into have some relative from that area, it’s crazy. There are barely even like 30,000 people in the whole area and yet I’ve probably met a dozen or more people recently who knew someone from there.

        I only lived there from November to April though. It was very cold. I think I made it stay cold forever because I bought a bathing suit and flip flops in February.

        1. Jennifer

          Oh, I know where that is! Very near were my husband grew up!

  19. Lori

    OMG … you are three months late!!! Hey three months is no big deal…unless of course… say its your period and your three months month late. The yes, I agree…big deal. However, Grandma was almost 97 years old. That’s 1164 months. So say L lives to be that old. What 3 months out of 1164? My point….no big deal.

    1. Jennifer

      That is some math that you did there!!! I just know this won’t be the only time we are late so it’s just going to start stacking up!

    1. Jennifer

      Do you like it better than the citrus zinger?

      1. Yolanda

        I use both of them equally, so I wouldn’t say that I like it better.

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