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Bespoke Post
Cost: $45/month
Ships To: US, Alaska, Hawaii, and Canada. They will also ship to military addresses upon e-mail request.
Coupon Code: “RESCUE” to save 30% of your first box.

B’s Bespoke Post arrived yesterday and I think he was thrilled when he got home and learned that it was here.
In case you aren’t familiar with them, Bespoke Post delivers fresh and interesting lifestyle brands and products to men. Each month, you’ll get to choose from their limited-edition boxes filled with an array of products built around a central, unique theme. Don’t want one that month? Just skip the month (you can opt out during the first 5 days of the month) and you won’t be charged.
Bespoke Post shipped via Newgistics and took about five days to arrive. I somehow missed the first look picture on this one, but it looked like an axe with lots of packing materials. Because that’s exactly what it was.
Bespoke Post offered two new boxes this month – “Lumberjack” and “Covered” and also had an assortment of previous boxes available if you weren’t interested in either of the two new selections. We opted for Lumberback which included the following items:
~Naturalist Curved Hatchet by Hardcore Hammers ($45): The handles on these are made out of American Hickory and are all totally unique in color and shape which is really cool. As soon as B saw this box, he grabbed it and rushed outside to test it out. He chopped some wood with it (L snapped the picture below for me) and declared that it was awesome. He said it worked great and he’s going to hang it next to his mini hatchet he used to use.
~Leather Sheath by Gotham Textiles: I can’t find a price for this online, but something tells me it’s more than I would expect something like this to be. It fits the hatchet perfectly and protects from rust and grime. And it’s stylish to boot!
~Gun Oil by Remington: I didn’t realize that you’d ever need to clean your hatchet, but I suppose it makes sense now that I think about it. It cleans off any rust and grime you may get during the use of this and also protects the metal surface.
I couldn’t do a cost breakdown on the August 2014 Bespoke Post box because I couldn’t find everything online, but I think it’s fair to say we got our $45 worth! B loved it and has already put all of the items in the box away which means he’s happy with it!
What do you think of Bespoke Post? Did you get a box this month? Which one? If you are interested in subscribing or just want to learn more, click here and check out what boxes they have available. You can use the coupon code “RESCUE” to save 30% off your first box!!!