August 2014 Global Delights Box Review

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Global Delights
Cost: $36/month
Ships To: United States. Add $5 for shipping to Alaska, Hawaii & Puerto Rico
August 2014 Global Delights
August 2014 Global Delights

Global Delights, who kindly sent me this box to review, is an international food subscription box. Each month you will receive at least seven international food items from a wide variety of food types from a multitude of countries. Foods will range from cookies and candies to soups and entrees.

August 2014 Global Delights
The Box

Global Delights ships via USPS Priority Mail and took the standard two days to arrive.

August 2014 Global Delights
First Look

I couldn’t really tell what anything was from the first look, but that is what I like abut this box – that I’m not familiar with anything!

August 2014 Global Delights
The Information Card

Global Delights doesn’t have a theme, however, they do have an information card which lists the products included, as well as, the country they are from.  Here is what the August box included:

~Pastry Rings – Russia: I wasn’t sure what to expect from these, but they taste like those round ring bread things that are in Chex-Mix, except on a bigger scale.  WB and I both liked them well enough, but I didn’t think they were anything I would need to get it I went overseas.

August 2014 Global Delights
Pastry Rings – Russia

~Lychee – Japan: Lychee is a tropical fruit and these were yummy.  They were like a cross between a fruit snack and like Dots candy.

August 2014 Global Delights
Lychee – Japan

~Guava Bars – Columbia:  Hmm.  I don’t know about these.  They weren’t as bad as I expected, but they weren’t a Luna bar either.  They are wrapped in leaves which I thought was neat and are like a giant square of gel like guava.  I should have taken a picture out of the package.  I think the consistency of it bothered me more than the taste.

August 2014 Global Delights
Guava Bars – Columbia

~Frankish Cream of Spelt Soup – German: Cream of Spelt huh?  I thought it looked like broccoli cheese soup ;).  Does anyone speak German that could translate the front of the package?  Because I want to know what else is in this.

August 2014 Global Delights
Frankish Cream of Spelt Soup – German

~Brazil Nut Toffee – England: I so should have read the instructions on this first because I opened it and could not figure out how to break off a piece.  The label clearly says you should “whack” it then unwrap it!  Makes sense.  Anyway, this was delicious and I loved it.

August 2014 Global Delights
Brazil Nut Toffee – England

~Strawberry Wafers – Portugal: I love wafer cookies.  I am a fan of all flavors and these strawberry ones were great.  They are thinner than the ones we have here (at least the ones I have tried), but they are very very good.

August 2014 Global Delights
Strawberry Wafers – Portugal

~Marshmallow Cookies – Mexico:  On one hand I can see the attraction to these cookies.  They look fun and not too many cookies have marshmallows stuck on top.  But I thought they were a bit (a lot) odd.  The cookie part itself was good (it was soft which I wasn’t expecting) and the marshmallows were good (I swear they had like sugar or something on top), but together I just don’t know.  WB was a fan!

August 2014 Global Delights
Marshmallow Cookies – Mexico

I didn’t do a cost breakdown on the Global Delights box since it wasn’t easy to find any of the items.  Plus if I could I didn’t know what to do about shipping since I know I can’t get some of these things locally.  There were seven items in the box which would work out of $5 per item since the box is $36.  That seems a tad on the high side, but we had a great time trying everything so you have to factor in the experience factor as well!

What do you think of Global Delights?  If you are interested in ordering or just want to check out their site, click here.

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Disclosure: This complimentary box was sent for review purposes. As always, all opinions are my own and no compensation was received.
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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Beth Rang

    We can find those marshmallow cookies in our local grocery store. I think it’s about $3 a package or less. I’d have to check to be sure, but $6 an item is VERY high for those things, especially if you have any Asian stores nearby.

  2. Zelene

    We love the malvavisco cookies, but we do not buy that brand, if WB liked them you can find them in Krogers in the Latin section, they are the ones from Gamesa brand, those are much better, the name is Arcoiris (Rainbow); the something at the top is coconut, or at least it used to be hehehe, I have been eating this cookies since I was a little kid, and now my kids love them too 🙂
    Just now while I was writing here my kid saw them and asked if I was ordering on line :p

    1. Jennifer

      I will have to investigate my Kroger when I go next! Coconut makes more sense than sugar on those..

  3. Annie

    Hi from Germany 😉

    What you received os one of the popular Knorr “Gourmet” Soups. I have never seen that flavor though. Fr?nkisch means it comes from Franconia, not “frankish” haha. It’s green spelt soup. I don’t care for it too much although I was born in upper franconia… Maybe you can post on your instagram and tell us what you thought of it ? ;D

    1. Jennifer

      Will do!

  4. Joe

    Just fyi, looks like there are 7 items, not 6. These items look fun to try! 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      You are so right! I just changed it!

  5. Melanie

    I speak German! The very top, in the red area, says “extra fine and creamy.” The translation of the type of soup is correct. The rest of the package says “Good taste is our nature. Natural–without flavor enhancers, additives, preservatives, or (artificial) colors.” So if you decide to make this, now you know there is no junky stuff in it. Hope that helps! 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      Thank you!!!

  6. Lynsey

    Goggle does have a translator

    1. Jennifer

      I always forget about that!

  7. Jacquelyn Noell

    Fraenkische = Franconian
    Gruenkerncreme = Green Wheat Cream…spelt “wheat grain” cream
    Suppe = Soup

    “Guter Geschmack ist unsere natur” = good taste is our nature
    “Natuerlich ohne” = naturally without (and then a few ingredients that are not in their product)

    Directions : 2 cups boiling water, stir, let boils over low heat for 2 minutes. Serves 2.

    Hope this helps. I grew up there and vaguely remember having this.

    1. Jennifer

      Thank you! So that’s why it’s got green “stuff” in it. I would have been really surprised when I was expecting it to taste like broc. cheese!

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