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Still loving these!

Currently Burning…

Bath & Body Works Fall Scents
Bath & Body Works Fall Scents

Fall Scents.  I am not currently burning this, but I want to be!  I am dying to get to Bath & Body Works to go smell this amazing fall scents!  I need to stop skipping the seasons, but I can’t help it.

Currently Watching…

Photo courtesy Joe Gall Photography
Photo courtesy Joe Gall Photography

Flood Coverage.  We had a giant rainfall here in Metro Detroit yesterday and everything is a giant mess.  Freeways flooded, roads closed, water everywhere.  No joke, it’s a complete disaster.  Luckily (for us) we escaped damage in our area, but everyone’s basements are flooded, cars damaged, everything.  My SIL spent 4 hours driving 5 miles last night (in a circle she said) trying to get home and eventually she just abandoned her car, walked through the water to where it was clear and my brother drove her home.  She said it was horrible.  I always wondered how this stuff happened in other cities.  Umm, now I know.  5.5 inches of rain in a few hours is how it happens.

Currently Buying…

Birchbox for CEW Limited Edition Boxes
Birchbox for CEW Limited Edition Boxes

Birchbox for CEW Limited Edition Boxes. I ordered these late last night and what do you know they have already shipped!  If you buy both boxes it’s only $28 total which is awesome.  That’s less than what one Limited Edition box usually costs!

Currently On the “To Do List”…

 This and That.  Get L a haircut.  Catch up on Big Brother.  Do my nails.  Call about our front door installation.  Finish Back-2-School shopping.  Do some blog updates.  Getting B to hang the spice rack shelves.  Getting more garage sale stuff ready!  Get new Apple cords (the cheap ones just don’t work).

Currently Reading…

Mindy Kaling's Book
Mindy Kaling’s Book

Mindy Kaling – Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?  This is Birchbox’s BookClub book and they sent it to me to review (don’t tell them, but I would have bought it anyway).  So far I am loving it!

Current Obsessions…

Current Obsessions
Current Obsessions

Maybelline Baby Skin & Crystal Baby Skin (I need this in ever color stat).  Erin Condren Notebooks.  Planner supplies & stickers.  Finding out when the fall Starbucks drinks are coming out (I’m looking at you Salted Caramel Mochas).  Bachelor in Paradise.  Geocaching.  Minecraft (wait that’s L’s obsession).  Picking items for my next giveaway (any suggestions?).  My new cabinet organizer.

Currently Excited About…

Our Garage Sale!  I am so so so ready for all this stuff to be out of the house / garage.  I am also excited because my cousins are coming down this weekend which should be super fun.  I know L will love having them all here!

Currently Plotting…

The Last of the Summer Fun.  So I have narrowed down our last weekend getaway to Chicago or Toronto.  Both have a Legoland Discovery Center which is L’s key requirement. I am leaning towards Chicago.  B is leaning towards Toronto.   We’ll see how it shakes out!

What’s currently going on with you today?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 49 Comments

  1. Crstina

    For the record, I’m sure I’m not the only one who would love to go to your yard sale!

    1. Jennifer


    2. Allison

      Me too!

    1. Jennifer

      They are always so amazing and rich!

  2. Allison

    A “Back t0 School” (for grown ups) or Bath and Body Works summer/fall giveaway would be fun!

    1. Jennifer

      That would be fun!

  3. Cara James

    They have $1 shipping over $25 and $6 mason jars today!!

    1. Jennifer

      I saw that and am so tempted.

  4. Kimm Jones Furlotte

    Glad to hear you escaped the flooding. I have friends in Taylor, MI who have been posting pics of the flooding. Looks like a mess. We get our share of flooding here in Las Vegas too. I also always worry about all the stray animals caught out in it, they must get so scared. 🙁 My 55lb pit bull turns into a shaking, whining mess with the thunder and rain and has to be held like a baby. I can’t even imagine the furbabies stuck outside trying to find shelter. …. I have “currently” just been watching and reading all about Robin Williams…have been a fan since I was a kid watching “Mork & Mindy”. Suicide has touched my family as well (my uncle) and this just brings up all those memories once again. My heart breaks for all those he has left behind. Such a talent, already missing him…..

    1. Jennifer

      Oh goodness, it was so bad here! The Las Vegas streets fill up with rain so fast! I was there in July or August once and it poured for MAYBE 10 minutes and there were huge puddles everywhere!

  5. Beth Rang

    We’re having our garage sale this weekend, and I’m SO not ready. Yikes! I hope your last getaway is fun. Chicago can be so much fun, and I’ve heard fantastic things about Toronto too.

    1. Jennifer

      I’m not ready either!

  6. Kristine

    I’m so ready for fall, especially Halloween. I’m ready for pumpkin everything! Starbucks just tweeted about the psl. Yes please!

    1. Jennifer

      Ahhh when did they say it was coming?

      1. Kristine

        They didn’t say, but it has it’s own twitter now.

        1. Mrs. L

          And now that you have me following that twitter account – Pumpkin Spice Latte said on August 7th that vacation was over in 18 days…so I think they will be available on the 25th!

  7. Erika

    You can get salted caramel mochas all year round, just sometimes they don’t have the sea salt for the top-apparently that’s the seasonal part of it???… I like the iced ones best and they have all the ingredients for them at all times. I’ve been drinking them all summer, they are my favorite 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      It’s the salt I really love! And Starbucks I want to steal it every timeI see it unattended on the counter.

      1. Mrs. L

        The salt is the best part! Otherwise it’s just a plain caramel mocha or latte. I so can’t wait for the salt!!!!!!!

  8. Squinj

    I want to cling to summer as long as I can. I love swimming and water and shorts and not being cold. I hate winter. It depresses me.

    1. Jennifer

      I like fall!

  9. Jenny

    I’m already over the rain. It rained all last night while I was at the concert and then this evening we had over 3″ of rain in about 1/5 hrs 🙁 No flooding in my house but my hard looked like we had a river going through it. Its normally only that bad during a hurricane.
    you know I’m a sucker for this post. I love your currently ones and I always think hmm what am I doing. LOL usually not too much so its not nearly as exciting. 😉

    1. Jennifer

      Oh no! No one has basements in NC right?

      1. Jenny

        Only if you are on a hill 😉 and then it is a walk out and they are all dry basements so nothing like you guys have. How is your basement? I hope everything is ok.

        1. Jennifer

          Our basement is fine. It flooded once a few years ago I don’t know why really, but our insurance covered it!

  10. cindy

    watch the weather its calling for rain isn’t it..i hope it changes for you and its the cruise too..does the pore eraser really wrk

    1. Jennifer

      I didn’t even check?

  11. Lisa

    Come to Toronto!! We’re going in a couple of days! Oh, I didn’t know they had a Legoland there. We’ll have to hit it up!

    1. Jennifer

      Yes! Report back!

  12. Adrienne A

    If your kids like animals, you might want to know that their zoo has a panda for the next four years or so – it’s a temporary thing, but pandas are few and far between and this is the closest one to Detroit I’ve ever known of.

    1. Adrienne A

      That should have said the Toronto zoo.

    2. Jennifer

      Ohh, now I want to go to Toronto and see that!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Jacquelyn Noell

    The Mindy Kaling book is AMAZING! I love her. =] Her show is wonderful too.

    And I am glad that I got over a million texts from work cause my dumbass would have driven to work yesterday (avoiding the freeway of course). Those pictures are terrifying.

    1. Jennifer

      Ha!!!! Don’t you follow their page on Facebook????

      1. Jacquelyn Noell

        I do. But I don’t make it a habit of checking Facebook at 0600 when I am on my way to work. =[

        And the last post I saw from them was at 2100 the night before saying “WE WILL BE OPEN” and then a bunch of people going off on the webmaster. (This post has since been removed.)

        In the winter is the only time I really call the hotline…mostly because I live in Armada and have a crazy long drive and just all around hate being in snow/cold when I do not have to be.

        1. Jennifer

          Yeah I was up and saw it and texted my husband (I could have just walked upstairs and told him, but whatever)! At least you didn’t try and drive in! That would have been awful.

  14. PA Anna

    My kids love the LegoLand Discovery Center in the Chicago area. Be sure to buy your passes online which will let you bypass the line. Don’t be shy walking pass the long line and go through the doors. There will be a counter inside for people who buy their tickets ahead of time. It’s at an upscale outdoor type of mall that also has an olive oil shop (yummy), movie theater, a restaurant/arcade place and more. It is also easy on and off the freeway. It’s not that far from the Brookfield Zoo if you are interested in another fun destination.

    We may be going to Toronto in the winter. I’ll have to check out their Legoland website.

    1. Jennifer

      I wonder if Toronto in the winter might be a better idea??

  15. Shawna

    I have been wanting to try the Baby Skin (that sounds so wrong, huh?)! Do you like it? I don’t like wearing foundation, and even BB cream is too much for me, but would this be ok to wear on its own, or no?

    1. Jennifer

      I totally think you can wear it alone.

  16. Amy

    I loved the Field Museum and the Museum of Science and Industry when I visited a friend in Chicago, so that’s my vote, but they are both HUGE. Definitely all-day affairs.

    I’m making a cross-country move in a few weeks and wish I had the time/place to organize a garage sale, but living in an in-law unit doesn’t exactly grant me use of my landlord’s driveway. :'(

  17. Lindi

    We love geocaching too! Super fun days out with my nieces and nephews finding “treasure” Whenever we are on holidays we try to find at least one geocache in that area.

    1. Jennifer

      That’s such a fun idea!

  18. Tammy Lowe

    Hello –

    Just wanted to give you this update about the Allure Fall Beauty Box.

    I ordered all three at once but I got this e-mail explaining when the Fall box will be going on sale. Based on this I would think around the last week in August.

    Dear Allure Beauty Box Pre-Sale Member,
    Thanks again for purchasing all three 2014 Allure Beauty Boxes!
    We wanted to let you know that we’ve moved our August Beauty Box to be timed with our September issue so you?ll have all of your beauty necessities for fall. Your box should arrive around the first week of September.

    Yours in beauty,
    The Allure Beauty Enthusiasts Team

    1. Jennifer

      Yeah! Thanks for the update!

  19. SuzeeLauren

    LOVED! that Mindy Kaling book! I got it for Christmas from my ‘rents in 2012 and it’s been making the rounds through my cousins and sisters since. Seems as soon as someone finishes it we pass it along. 🙂

    1. Jennifer


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