So What Wednesday

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if….

    • I’m a tad annoyed that W slept better before his reflux was under control than he does now.  WTF?  This seems to be backwards.  
    • L and W have pictures tomorrow and I am still not sure what they are wearing.  Last minute advice anyone?
    • I’m a little nervous I talked people into getting the Pop Sugar Must Have bag. I mean, what if it sucks?  I mean, if  it does, you can get your money back, but I don’t want anyone to be sad ;(.  I am totally hoping it doesn’t suck though. Now just get it to my house already!!!!
    • I totally hope L passes his swim class and can move on to the next one.
    • My spam box (which I just deleted cleaned) already has 7000+ spam messages. This is one (the only one really) downfall of entering so many contests.
    • I had a skinny margarita (not to be confused with SkinnyGirl out of the bottle) at Rojo last week and cannot stop thinking about it.  It just occurred to me that Rojo is not a national chain so most of you will never get to try this exact delicious drink (or snack as some of my girls would call it).  Duh.
    • I wish they’d stop taking pictures of poor little Suri Cruise.  Leave her alone already.  She’s just a kid and is clearly scared to have a million people in her face.
    • I need to find some time to just sit down and work on my blog.
    • I am envious of people who have kids L’s age (or older) that still nap.  REALLY?  L has been over napping for over a year.  Maybe I will just institute “play in your room time”?
    • I LOVE Lululemon, but cannot stand when I cannot figure out which pants I love and which pants are just okay without going to the store.  A normal person would know. Not me.  There are just so many choices and they arent’t labeled, so it’s hard  which are the ones I love and which a e the ones I hate!

So what are you saying so what to this week???




*Disclosure: You click and buy, I get free stuff. I won’t be sad if you don’t buy it, but it’d be more fun if you did. Plus, B is eventually going to pull the plug on all these fun subscription boxes if I don’t start earning my keep around here.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. lisa

    my favorite lulu pants are the groove, hands down!

  2. Leah

    I know! $35 for popsugar is a lot.. I’m going to take a peek at yours before I sign up for my own. It’s awesome they have a money back guarantee. And $150/worth of products IS a good deal. So curious!

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