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Friday’s Letters

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Dear “The Quest”, I kind of like you. You remind me of The Challenge on MTV. I am kind of sadI found you so late in the season.

Dear Starbucks, Remember this week when you ran out of Grande cups and you gave me the Venti size instead for the same price? That was super sad. Let’s do it again soon ;).

Dear Michigan State, Let’s win this weekend okay? You too Lions. And you three Tigers.

Dear WB, I have no idea what was so funny last night that you were literally cracking yourself up about in your bed. But I admit, I laughed too.

Dear Teen Mom, Oh my, you were a train wreck this week. So.much.fighting. I couldn’t even figure out what was happening because it was all just so confusing.

Dear School Fundraisers, Why, why, why do you do this to me? You know my kid wants to go in the “cash grab” machine and that requires us to sell 8 bajillion items.

Dear The Lunch Ladies, Thanks for hooking L up with lunch the other day. I was super worried when I didn’t see any money taken out of his school account that day and it turns out (according to L) there was an issue with his card (i.e. it didn’t exist) so he couldn’t pay. You didn’t make him eat a cold sandwich or send a note home saying we owed money or any of that.  You just gave him his pizza.  Thank you.

Dear Weather Forecasters, OMG you acted like we were getting the storm of the century this week.  And you know what happened?  It rained.  And not even a lot.  Thanks for freaking everyone out for days.  For nothing.

Dear Pumpkin Spice Oreos, Although you don’t sound very good, I still cannot wait to try you.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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