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Bespoke Post Review + Coupon Code – September 2014 “Dash”

September 2014 Bespoke Post
Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
Bespoke Post
Cost: $45/month
Ships To: US, Alaska, Hawaii, and Canada. They will also ship to military addresses upon e-mail request.
Coupon Code: “RESCUE” to save 30% of your first box.
September 2014 Bespoke PostSeptember 2014 Bespoke Post
September 2014 Bespoke Post

B’s September 2014 Bespoke Post arrived over the weekend!  We didn’t end up making a selection this month so we received the default box for the month.

In case you aren’t familiar with them, Bespoke Post delivers fresh and interesting lifestyle brands and products to men. Each month, you’ll get to choose from their limited-edition boxes filled with an array of products built around a central, unique theme. Don’t want one that month? Just skip the month (you can opt out during the first 5 days of the month) and you won’t be charged.

The Box

Bespoke Post ships via USPS.  I think this box took just under a week to arrive.  I could tell as soon as I picked it up that there was trouble.  All I could hear was glass clanging around.  Uh-oh.

First Look

After looking under the first layer, I realized that only one bottle was actually broken.  The rest were just rolling around in the bottom.  A second bottle had a chip in it, but it was intact.  I was surprised it wasn’t packaged a bit better actually.  And that more bottles didn’t break.

The Information Card

The September 2014 Bespoke Post theme was “Dash – Orange” and included the following items to help you make your own homemade bitters:

~The 12 Bottle Bar: Cocktail Book: This book gives you 200+ recipes and all you need is 12 bottles to stock your bar with.  B is very interested in this book and will eventually get through them all I bet.  It will take a while, but he’ll do it!

The 12 Bottle Bar: Cocktail Book

~The Bitters Kit: We haven’t made our bitters yet, but it doesn’t look overly difficult.  The thing is you have to wait 4 – 6 weeks for them to be ready.  That’s a long wait for a drink ;). And you have to shake them once a day.  I am going to wait until I know we will be home for 4 weeks straight (this isn’t as easy as it sounds) and then we’ll start on them.

Bitters Kit: Dry Ingredients
Bitters Kit: Mason Jars
Bitters Kit: Funnel, Droppers & Cheesecloth
Bitters Kit: Dropper Jars

Since a lot of this was custom to Bespoke Post I couldn’t do a cost breakdown on this box.  It wasn’t my favorite box from Bespoke, but I think it will be a fun project to work on.  And it will be really fun to try those recipes ;).  I am hoping for a fall themed October box with a warm scarf or nice driving gloves.

What do you think of Bespoke Post?  Did you get a box this month?  Which one?  If you are interested in subscribing or just want to learn more, click here and check out what boxes they have available.  You can use the coupon code “RESCUE” to save 30% off your first box!!!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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