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Fancy Food Box
Cost: $46.95/month ($39/month + $7.95 shipping).
Ships To: Worldwide. Additional shipping costs apply to shipments outside of the US.
Coupon Code: N/A

So many boxes arrived today and one of them was my December 2014 Fancy Food Box. I was anxious to see what was included because my fancy boxes have been, umm, less than Fancy lately, and was hoping that this one would redeem itself.
Just in case you aren’t familiar, Fancy, which is $39/month (plus shipping), offers a “regular” Fancy Box full of cool goodies and celebrity curated boxes which include a collection of the coolest products hand-picked by Jennifer Love Hewitt, Verbal, Kelly Rowland, Nicky Hilton, Coco Rocha, Snoop Dogg, T-Pain and / or The Rockettes. They also offer the Fancy Food Box you see here, as well as, Fancy Mystery Boxes and their Culinary Box.
Fancy Food Box ships via FedEx and took just two days to arrive to me. My mom was actually here watching WB while I helped out at L’s school today and was cracking up at the number of boxes that came today.
The first look was okay, not OMGAMAZING, but okay. Like with all of the other Fancy boxes I have received in the last few months, this one didn’t have an information card. I still have no idea what is going on with that.
Here is what my December 2014 Fancy Food Box included:
~hot cakes Peanut Butter Bites ($15): This company’s website is right. There isn’t much better than chocolate, peanut butter and salt. And these are amazing. So good!
~Red Rocker Candy Rocking Chair Mix ($8): Another yummy treat. It’s a mix of cereals, pretzels and almonds all covered in chocolate. It’s one of those snacks you have to move away from you or you will be temped to eat the entire can in one sitting.
~Raley’s Holiday Mix ($5) and EmotiCandy ($5): I love hard candies and these are really cute. And good too, but mainly I like them because they are so cute!
~We Rub You Korean BBQ Marinade ($8): We’ve gotten this before, but I am not sure if it was in a Fancy box or a different box. B will make something with it. Fancy used to include recipes in their Fancy Food boxes, but that is no longer the case.
~Annalisa All Natural Chocolates ($13.95): I don’t think you can go wrong with a box of chocolates. Well wait, if it’s 90 degrees out when you ship it than yes, you can go wrong ;). But these were perfect and totally delicious!
All totaled I came up with a value of $54.95 for the December 2014 Fancy Food Box. Including shipping, the box is $46.95, so there wasn’t a ton of added value here and I just wasn’t wowed by it. I am taking a little Fancy Box (Food and otherwise) break and will see what they send out in the next few months and if I see any improvements I may resubscribe.
Did you get Fancy Food Box this month? What’d you think? If you are thinking of ordering the Fancy Food Box, click here and get signed up! If you order now, your subscription will begin with the November box. And if you are looking for any of the other Fancy Box boxes (including Mystery Boxes), I suggest just doing search for “Fancy Box“. It’s much easier than trying to navigate their site, which I find quite confusing at times.
I’ve never subscribed to the Fancy boxes and I don’t get what all the fuss is…always seems like a completely random compilation of items to me, and there are so many other options with much better curation. I also don’t like that they send duplicate items in different boxes. I feel like that’s almost disrespectful to customers who subscribe to these boxes as a way to be exposed to new and interesting items. I also find the celebrity boxes really weird. I never really get the feeling that the celebrity has anything to do with the box. I think Quarterly boxes seem like a better investment overall with more thoughtful curation.
I almost bought the box during the sale. I’m glad that I did not. Chocolates look good!
This is so much better then any Fancy box I have received recently and like you I am taking a Fancy break! So many better boxes out there
Make beef short ribs with the korean bbq marinade. Soooooo yummy!
This box didn’t wow me either. It didn’t even arrive in a normal Fancy box, just a plain brown box. My hard candies were mostly broken and everything else was just ok. I’ve decided to take a Fancy break as well.
These boxes are terrible as of late – I cancelled my subscription. It would behoove everyone here for y’all to vocally provide feedback on the degradation of this service, it’s obviously not doing well with the haphazard content, lack of description cards, and just poor quality.
They just announced today that they are no longer offering Fancy Food Box subscriptions.
Thank heavens. El fin.