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I told you I had a few more giveaways before the holidays and today’s giveaway is for a PopSugar Special Edition Holiday for Her box! The box contains the following items:
~Loeffler Randall Envelope Clutch ($70)
~Turkish-T Diamond Throw ($65)
~RMS Beauty Living Luminizer ($38) & Brightening Brush ($12)
~Illume Gilded Amberleaf Metallic Knob Tin (candle) ($23.50)
~Kate Somerville ExfoliKate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment ($22)
~Habit Cosmetics 21 Nefertiti (nail polish) ($18)
~Droga Chocolates Money on Honey ($7.95)
This box is still available and if you want to pick it up (and score a free December PopSugar Must Have box in the process) there is still a chance! If you order by 12/17, PopSugar says it will arrive by 12/23. You can read all the details about the free box offer here. Oh and don’t forget that PopSugar is also offering 50% off their December Must Have Box (spoilers) with the coupon code “SUGAR50“.
To enter all you need to do is click “Enter” in the Rafflecopter widget below. Of course there are a zillion other ways you can enter as well, but all you need to do is click enter. And don’t forget that you can come back to enter everyday!
Excited about the throw!
I love that turkish throw! Must have! 🙂
The turkish throw, with the ExfoliKate as a close second!
I’m usually not a fan of enough in a PSMH box to justify the cost. I actually like and think I’d use everything in this special edition box, though! I think the throw is my favorite.
The Illume candle is so lux!
I love the turkish throw! 🙂 Thanks Jennifer!
The Turkish throw!:)
I love the Illume candle the most. Thanks!
The throw, even the color is perfect!
the RMS highlighter!!!
Love the throw and the candle!
I adore that throw! Perfect colors for my living room!
Definately the throw!! Looks so cozy!!
My favorite item is the throw!!
The throw!
I LOVE the throw!!!
I would love to try the Exfolikate! This box is amazing!
The throw is my fave! Nice & cozy.. 🙂
I think my favorite item is the Luminizer! I haven’t had a chance to try it, but it gets great reviews!
I love the white/gold theme of this box. This may be the best LE box to date! I love everything, but I gotta have that throw!
I want to try the chocolates! They sound so good. 😀
The Blanket
Definitely the throw — it looks cozy in the cold weather!
The throw for sure.
The throw, love throws and this one looks soft and cozy.
The throw! who wouldn’t be excited about that! Perfect of cold January evenings.
The clutch!
The clutch! Finally a neutral, classic clutch in high quality materials and it’s the first box I didn’t buy! Go figure.
My favorite item is the throw!
Clutch is awesome.
That candle looks nicer than any candles I have. I think that’s my favorite.
Probably the throw! It’s finally cooling down enough to use blankets for non-sleep activities, like watching tv. Nothing compares to snuggling up under a blanket!
The throw!
Love that throw!
Definitely the throw.
I really like the throw
for sure the throw!
I want the luminizer!
I have two favorites, the clutch and the candle!!
A tie between the candle and the throw!
I love the Turkish T Diamond Throw
I need that throw!
I love the throw!
My favorite is the clutch!
love the clutch!
I’m pretty excited about the luminizer! And the throw. Ooh and the clutch!
The candle, but the throw is a close 2nd!
The envelope clutch
The clutch!
Is it weird if I say the chocolate? It may just be that I’m starving waiting for my lunchtime…
Love the Clutch, but everything is lovely!
I love everything in this box, particularly the candle and the clutch! I should just buy the box, but it’s the holidays and I don’t really NEED it. We’ll see if I continue to hold out!
The throw is gorgeous!
Im dying to see if the turkish throw is worth all the fuss- everyone I know seems to be obsessed! 🙂
I think the clutch.
I love the throw but adore the illume candle!
I think the clutch would be my favorite item.
The throw and the exfoliating treatment.
I love a good blanket–so the throw it is!
the throw for sure:) hope i win ! never win anything !
Cute box, not with the$100 to but it, but I would really love to win it!
ExfoliKate! My skin needs it!
Definitely the throw, but I like the ExfoliKate too!
Love the throw!
Wow! I’m a nailpolish fanatic and would love to try the Habit Nailpoish but the Turkish T-Diamond Throw looks gorgeous too! Thanks for hosting this great giveaway!
I love it!!
Love the throw!!
The throw!!! I need this!
Most excited about that beautiful clutch!
The throw for sure!
That throw looks so cozy, definitely want.
I LOVE the throw but there isn’t a thing I don’t like in there!
The throw ! <3
The RMS highlighter!
Love the clutch in this box!
The RMS Beauty Living Luminizer.
Been eyeing the Illume Candles!
The Turkish throw!
The throw! I’m slightly obsessed with throws and am currently using a baby blanket…
I love the throw!
Definitely the candle – it would look so elegant in my far-from-elegant living room. 🙂
The throw is my favorite!
The throw looks gorgeous.
That clutch and the throw are gorgeous!
The clutch and the gilded tin make this box feel SO luxe–so they’d have to be my favorite items, although I love the whole thing. Picked up one to give my mom for Christmas, but would love to win one for myself!
I am most excited about the Turkish throw! 🙂
I have to pick the throw! I’ll be really excited about it if I win.
My favorite item is the throw!
The Turkish throw.
would love all of it
Ahh, I never win these but I really like the throw! This is a great box.
The throw and polish!
I honestly love everything but I have wanted to try the RMS Beauty Living Luminizer for years so I’ll go with that one 🙂
The throw–something I couldn’t justify buying for myself, but would LOVE as a gift!
The throw!!
Love the throw! The candle is a close second.
Love the throw
I like the throw!
The nail polish is my favorite
Love the clutch! Thanks for the giveaway!
love the clutch.
Definitely the throw!
That clutch! And the chocolates 🙂
the throw and the clutch!
Love the Turkish throw!
The candle!
The diamond throw is my favorite!
I would love the throw!
I like the Turkish-T Diamond Throw.
I love the throw—perfect for “chilly” winters in Arizona!
The throw
The throw! So warm and cozy looking!
I’m going to have to join the group consensus here and say that the Turkish throw is the best item in this box! So pretty and cozy!
This box looks amazing!
I want that throw!
The candle! And I’m not a candle person.
The Illume candle tin is my favorite!
I love the throw!
The clutch, throw and fingernail polish are my favorites!!!!
Envelope clutch
I was going to order the droga chocolate but they are really expensive. Money on the honey for me.
My favorite item is the throw! It will match my bedroom decor perfectly and I like that it is lighter weight because living in California in doesn’t get too cold. A close second is the candle. When it is done burning the gold container could be used to hold rings or other little things. Thank you for this giveaway!!!
Love the throw!!
I would like to have the throw.
I love the blanket! Thanks!
The throw
the throw is definitely my favorite!
The throw because its cold right now!
love the clutch
I never use clutches, but I love the clutch. I am convinced that I will use this one. 🙂
That throw is so nice! thats what i want!
I’m in love with the clutch!!!
The candle and the throw!
envelope clutch!
It’s hard to decide but that candle is my fave!!
The throw.
I love a throw blanket!
I love, love, love the Loeffler Randall Envelope Clutch!
I want a throw!
The candle!
the throw is amazing
I love everything but the throw is my favorite!
that clutch for sure!
The throw
I like the blanket
Love the Turkish-T Diamond Throw 🙂
I’m all about candles lately
The Turkish throw, for sure! 🙂
I like the clutch, its not my usual style so I’m surprised how cool it is!
love this box! Would go so well with my December Glossybox, love that candle!
The clutch
Most excited about the Turkish throw!!
everything is so awesome!
I love the clutch and the candle
I love the throw!
This whole box is amazing! That nail polish is gorgeous, and the candle sounds divine! I would gobble those chocolate caramels up in a heartbeat, while snuggled up in the throw.
The Turkish-T Diamond Throw!
Most excited about the throw.
I know you’re sick of purses from all the other subscription boxes but I love the clutch! I don’t have anything like it yet!
I LOVE POPSUGAR BOXES. I don’t subscribe monthly anymore – but that turkish throw sounds divine. thanks for the giveaway (as always!)
I like the throw the best!
I like the exfoliant the best!
Am I the only one to not have experienced a Turkish throw? I need one- it’s so cold here! (I realize that comment does not increase my odds
Wow the gold candle tin is so pretty !
My favorite is the RMS Beauty Living Luminizer! 🙂
I LOVE the clutch!
That blanket looks so beautiful and comfortable.
The Turkish throw!
The thing I love the most in that box is actually the nail polish!! So in love with the color and the bottle.
I love love love the clutch! But the entire box is pretty amazing!
The luminizer! I want to be luminous.
Loving that throw!!
Loeffler Randall Envelope Clutch
The throw seems great!!
I love the candle! But the throw is awesome too. . .
I would love to have that throw on my couch!
I love this entire box, but I’m most excited to try the Kate Somerville exfoliator and the candle!
Love the throw!
Prob the throw!:)
The luminizer!
My favorite is the Turkish-T Diamond Throw!
The throw!
Definitely the throw!
Love the throw!!!
The throw
The throw is beautiful.
the throw, I really want…it’s hard to justify NOT buying this box, trying to stay strong lol
That throw!
the throw!
I love a clutch, I just can not help it!!!
The throw! It looks so soft & comfortable & the colors are great!
The throw!
Love the throw & the candle. Thanks for doing the giveaway! 🙂
I really love the throw or nail polish! Thank you for the opportunity!!
Love the candle!
The throw Is awesome!
The clutch is (surprisingly) my favorite!
I love the chocolates, but cannot get over how gorgeous the throw and candle are!
Definitely the candle!
the clutch!!!!!!!
The candle and the throw are the perfect combination!
The Loffer Randall Clutch!
The throw!
Those are my favorite too! So cozy to bring in the new year with the family.
i have always wanted to try the rms luminizer
That clutch is to die for!
Got my box last night….Its totally a four way tie…the throw, the candle, the chocolates and the clutch. I don’t even like clutches, but I love this. The only thing that was a meh for me was the luminizer. I’m a grease bucket, so I feel like I illuminate just fine.
clutch – it’s not blue
The clutch!
The blanket is sublime
My favorite item is that throw. It will go perfect in my bedroom!
i like the turkish t-diamond throw
I love the clutch and the throw!
nail polish