PopSugar Must Have Luxury Box Giveaway!

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

UPDATE: Okay, these boxes went fast! And it appeared that everyone wanted to win THIS box and not get a 3-month subscription, so I ended it early, picked a winner and bought a box. Shoot me. That winner was Kristy W. who has been notified. Congrats Kristy! BUT there is good news and I’ll have a new post up soon revealed it. Don’t unlike me on Facebook and start calling me nasty names just yet!

image credit: PopSugar

So I mentioned it in my last post, but PopSugar is offering a Limited Edition Must Have box for the holidays. It’s $100 and they are only selling 1,000 of them. And I bought one for myself right away. Then I was thinking heck, you all deserve one too. So I am giving one away! This giveaway ends TONIGHT at midnight because I am not sure sure how quickly these will sell out? If they happen to sell out before the giveaway ends, I will gift you a 3-month subscription and say I am sorry about a million times ;). (*). So what are you waiting for? Go enter!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(*) The only other option is to buy it ASAP and ship it to myself and then I’d ship it to you. But then you might not get it by the holidays and that would suck. For you.
(**) Like I said, if this sells out too fast, you will get a 3-month PopSugar Must Have box subscription. And my apologies.

Disclosure: This giveaway is sponsored by me. And you. Since you guys are nice enough to use my referral links, I like to give back when I can!

Spread the love


Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 86 Comments

  1. Amanda

    I should win because…I’m awesome. That is reason enough.

  2. Lauren

    I think I just entered? This sounds like a fun box to win!

    1. Jennifer

      You did. But click the next button to get 10 more entries for leaving a comment!

  3. Deb

    Yay!! I hope I win! I need something exciting in my life… haha

  4. Kristy W

    How do I enter? Is this all I have to do?

    1. Jennifer

      No, you have to click the buttons in the Rafflecopter widget. In the box on the screen.

      1. Kristy W

        I didn’t have the rafflecopter widget on my computer but it was on my iphone so I registered that way. Weird that my computer didn’t have it but my phone did…;OP

    2. Jennifer

      Now you are all good!

  5. Claire H.

    I should win because I won’t “unlike” you on Facebook after the giveaway! AND I have never tried a monthly subscription box so this just might be my gateway into an addiction 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      Ha!!!! That is a good reason why you should win!

  6. Kyra

    Woohoo! I’d love to win!

  7. Christina Ward

    OMG!!!!!!!! I want to win sooooooo bad!!!!!! I am a full time stay at home mom to three little girls ages 8, 4, and 3 months. I love that I am able to stay home with my babies but finances are definitely tight because of that and I would just really really really.. did I mention REALLY love to win.. I wanted to order this so badly but I just can’t afford it.. the holidays are about my children so it would be really nice to get a surprise for myself.

  8. Kristin Lockwood

    I should win because… I have clicked and gotten you credit on a lot if your links and you in turn, have gotten me addicted to the Subscription Box madness! Nathan will never go for me spending $100 on one though, even if I tell him how much I need it and how super awesome it will be! Plus, how many other people dedicate a whole day of thanks just for you!!! 😉

  9. Farra

    I entered b/c if its an awesome box of goodness & I didn’t order it I’ll be p!ssed.

  10. Sara W

    Hi!! I am always following your blog!! I’d really love to win this one, sincemy budget won’t allow for me to purchase it myself 🙁 How do I enter the giveaway? I can’t find a “rafflecopter” 🙁

    1. Jennifer

      The rafflecopter widget (it’s a box embedded in the blog post) should show up on your computer?

      1. Sara W

        Not showing up 🙁 Can I enter any other way?

        1. Sara W

          Did it through my phone. Let me know if I am good 🙂 Goshhh…your kids are cuties!!

          1. Jennifer

            You should win because you think my kids are cute!! LOL!

          2. Sara W

            they are!!! 🙂

  11. weena

    i will love you and your lovely blog forever! i seriously need something to pick me up! thanks so much for this awesome giveaway!

  12. nichole budnick

    Because i bought a ton of mantry

  13. Loni Melton

    I love reading your blog. I myself am a bit obsessed with subscription boxes. Waiting on my first cravebox!

  14. Erika

    I should win because I’m too cheap to pay for something like this without actually seeing/using the items first to know that it’s worth it – not in regards to money, but worth it in regards to me using enough items in it.

  15. Susan G

    This is amazing. I want to pull the trigger but I can’t afford it this month. Would love to win!

    Thanks for having this contest!

  16. Sarah N

    I should win because I would love a treat like this! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

  17. Stephanie

    I want to win but I am afraid that if I do I will become addicted like you!! Still hope to win! I “like” you on FB & will not “unlike” you after the contest is over! 🙂

  18. stacy

    I should win because I just promised to watch my spending so we can get serious about paying off the lingering bills from my Son’s birth, no insurance to bad insurance has left us with lots to pay for our unplanned little miracle. An overwhelmed working mom, I want this box so bad to treat myself and gift to my wonderful mom/babysitter!

    I love that you are doing this giveaway, even if I dont win, I think its a wonderful gift you are paying forward from your referral credits and makes me want to share something, anything, with someone to keep it going!

    1. Jennifer

      Aww, that’s a great reason! Best of luck!!

  19. Ashley

    I would like to win because I would love to see whats going to be in it but I’m trying my best to resist buying it! 😉

    Saw your post on MUT

  20. Tiffany

    I cancelled this box early on and I’m definitely interested as to what they pull together for the holiday season.

  21. Stephanie

    Never had a grab bag as a kid, so I think I deserve to win 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      You have no idea how sad this makes me.

  22. Britt

    I entered – but I am not even sure if you will ship internationally? It?s tragic that we don?t have the Popsugar Must-Have boxes over here in Germany. You can totally make them popular world-wide… or at least in parts of the world :-). Do I just need to leave a comment here or also on FB?

    I had to cancel my prescription to Glossybox because the sucked…

    I LOVE your blog. Seriously. Not just because of this giveaway. 🙂

  23. Cindy

    I’ve watched all those other giveaways go by…but this time I’m playing!! 🙂

  24. Crystal

    Jennifer, I know that you said you felt like you should give back for all the referral rewards you have received but I still tip my hat to you at your generosity. I have to choose to opt out on purchasing the box at this point as I had to leave my job due to a nerve disorder (though I will definitely keep my fingers crossed for this)

    Are you opting in for yourself?

    1. Jennifer

      I did opt in for myself! I hope things start to look up for you (maybe starting with winning this?)!!! Good luck!

      1. Crystal

        That is kind of you thanks!

        I have decided the nerve disorder won’t beat me, it makes things challenging and sometimes more than others but I am facing this with a positive attitude. 🙂

        1. Crystal

          By the way, I am sorry I couldn’t bring myself to say “I deserve this because…” simply because I don’t necessarily feel entitled to it. I would rather show you why it would be such a blessing in my life right now and instead recognize your graciousness.

          1. Jennifer

            Aww, everyone deserves a treat!!!

  25. Melissa

    This is such a great idea! You are even cooler than I originally thought 🙂

  26. Kyuu

    I’m a poor recent college grad with a lot of student debt. I’ve been interested in PSMH but it’s too pricey a sub for me (and keeps selling out!), much less the luxe box. It’d mean a lot to me if I could try a PS box of my own!

    Thanks for hosting this. <3

  27. Angela

    I love how you are making this blog process work for you! Way to go mama! I should win cause, well, I never do. LOL 🙂

  28. Desi

    I should win because I have gotten addicted to subscription boxes from reading your blog.

  29. Karen

    I want to win because I have never tried a subscription box before but I read every one of your reviews and have been considering trying one because of you 🙂

  30. Angie Petkoff

    I should win because I’m not working (by choice) so I’m not “treating” myself as much as I used. Plus, I like winning :).

  31. Anastasia

    I would love to win because I just can’t afford this box but really-really-REALLY want it!

  32. Marcia

    Hi Jennifer,

    It is so sweet of you to be offering up one of these luxury gift boxes! Being a single suburban mom, it is so hard to not be able to get these awesome gift subscriptions for budgeting reasons. $100 buys a lot of food and pays for a lot of activities. I would absolutely love to win one, since I’ve never one anything, especially as a Holiday treat. But I’m sure whoever wins will be thrilled and thankful. Thanks for having this contest!

  33. maggie

    Oooh! I hope I win!!!! Great giveaway! how fun!

  34. Yesenia

    I would love to win this box because I love surprises!!!

  35. Rachelle

    This is so awesome of you to do! I would love to win one of these, since I can’t afford one! Being a single mom with no support from the ex, what little I can save is going toward my son’s Christmas.

  36. Kimberly H

    I would love to win this because… I am already shelling out tons on the other boxes you have gotten me addicted to and I can no longer afford to feed my kids. LOL.

    Thank you for this great give a way!!!

    Enjoy your blog.
    ~Kim from TeXas

  37. Catherine Schmidt

    I should win because I love PopSugar and I would LOVE this!

  38. Dan

    I should win because my fiancee would love this!

    1. Jennifer

      Aww, how thought to enter for your fiancee! She is lucky to have you!

  39. Shanyn

    Thanks for giving this away 🙂

  40. wendy wallach

    I should win because I survived Hurrican Sandy but went without power for over a week and although I am luckier then alot of people in my area between the hurricane and living with my mom for a week and now the snowstorm I could really use some me time and indulgences!

    1. Jennifer

      You should win! A week with no power??? That’s awful!

  41. megan

    I would love to suprise my mom with this on Christmas morning!

  42. Jillian

    I’m a poor law student who could use a fun gift right after finals!!

  43. Alice

    wow! I was totally eyeing this last night. I really want this because it says limited and it’s Popsugar must have and it’s a mystery and your blog has made me obsessed with all those things (If it was also box on a Target end cap, I would probably be jumping up and down.)

  44. Shannon

    Hi! My name is Shannon and I have an addiction to subscription boxes. :/ But I promised my husband I wouldn’t blow our paychecks on subscription boxes so I would like to win because otherwise I won’t be able to purchase one. If I win, I will have so much fun divvying it up to give to friends!

    1. Jennifer

      Ha! My husband thought they were dumb at first and now he is totally addicted too!

  45. Tiffany

    I’m a first year grad student, and I’ve had to take beauty products almost entirely out of my budget (essentials only!) . This would be such a fun hoilday surprise !

  46. Elizabeth

    I should win because my husband and I don’t really do gifts for each other, so this would be an awesome box to have under the tree with my name on it!:)

  47. Meredyth

    It would be amazing for me to win this. I’m so overwhelmed with school this semester and haven’t been able to pamper my self at all.

  48. Corin C.

    I want one! I’ve not jumped on the “box” bandwagon just yet, so this would be my first…if I win!

  49. annk

    would love to win – thanks for the giveaway. Just found your blog and started reading it – awesome!

  50. Meg

    It would be awesome to win and to open with my 3 sisters and mom on Christmas and then share all the goodies 🙂

  51. annk

    PS – got my sister addicted to them (subscription boxes). Her husband saw it – and was like ” does Popsugar have one for men?”!

  52. Abby

    I should win because it sounds awesome! I never have won anything cool like this!

  53. Kaitlin

    I’m about to start grad school/the CPA exam so I don’t have the money to buy myself treats so winning would make my holiday season so much brighter!

  54. Alice

    Is “Liking” the same as being a “Fan” on FB? I know I liked you last week but not sure if that is equal being a fan (yes, I am purposefully not FB educated because I want to avoid addiction). I signed up already under a different email (my “legit/professional” email) that is connected to FB since I didn’t know if we could mix and match emails.

    1. Jennifer

      Yep, it’s the same! As long as you clicked it, you are all set!

  55. Heather

    Love your blog!! Hope I win!! 🙂

  56. Aimee

    I love popsugar! This would make a great gift! And I’m greedy!

  57. Brittany

    AH! This is such a great giveaway. This would be my Christmas present to myself! My husband gets annoyed with all the subscription boxes I get ( I’m obsessed!) it would e so great to tell him I won this one when I receive it in my mail 🙂 thanks for such a great blog – I love reading about your obsession with these boxes, much like mine!

  58. Jill

    I should win because I’m working full time, going to school part time, and deserve a treat!

  59. Danielle

    I’d love to win to find out what these boxes are all about!!

  60. Meagan S

    I should win because this Christmas is my baby’s (and he is the first grandchild) first and I have no doubt that I will get the shaft from everyone in favor of him (which is fine).

  61. Wendy F.

    So cool that you’re doing this! Thanks from all of us!

  62. Shalane Koon

    I should win because baby Matthew says so! 🙂

  63. Norma

    Please let it be me!!!!!

  64. Ellen A.

    I’d like to enter… but it says that the contest is over on the Rafflecopter 🙁

  65. Heather

    After a craptastic 24 hr it would be nice to have something good to happen.

    1. Jennifer

      you gotta comment on the new post!

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