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Dear Baxter and Buddy, Professional dog groomers may not agree, but I think the haircuts I gave you yesterday look great! A little uneven maybe, but better than before!
Dear Me, No matter how cute you think other people’s bangs look, DO NOT DO IT. You will like them for about two weeks and then they will start getting in your eyes and you’ll have bang regret. Happens every time.
Dear L, I am sorry that you didn’t get a Golden Ticket yesterday. I know it sucks ;(.
Dear Jen, I cannot believe that you did not know that Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden were married. I expected more from you!
Dear The Superbowl, I wish you were this weekend instead of next weekend. I don’t know if I can take another week of listening to people talk about deflated balls.
Dear Parenthood, I am going to miss you. I may even start all over from Season 1 to see the shows I missed and try to pretend it’s not over yet.
Dear Socks, I will never understand where you disappear to? Every time I do laundry I am missing the matches to at least 5 pairs. It makes no sense. And it drives me insane.
Dear The Baby in American Sniper, I saw the clips and yeah, you look beyond fake. Too funny!