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Koala Crate
Cost: $19.95/month.
Ships To: United States and Canada.
Coupon Code: Use code “GOODSHOPGIFT” to save $10 off your first month.

WB’s January 2015 Koala Crate arrived yesterday and since we had no plans this morning, we decided to get to work on the projects.
If you aren’t familiar, Koala Crate is from Kiwi Crate’s new line of crates. It’s designed for preschoolers ages 3-4 and includes all the materials and inspiration for projects related to a theme such as colors, transportation or safari. Crates are designed to give children exposure to new materials and new concepts that encourage hands-on learning and fun.

Koala Crate ships via FedEx Smart Post and took over a week to arrive. I believe that Koala Crate ships are various times during the month depending on when you originally signed up for the box. I signed up in the last half of the month, so that is when my box ships.
The box was perfectly packed and included all of the pieces. I never heard of anyone missing items from their Kiwi Crate / Koala Crate boxes, so that is a very good thing.
The January 2015 Koala Crate theme was “music & rhythm” and included the following three projects:
Project #1 – Dancing Silk
The first project was “Dancing Silk” and included all of the items needed to create a colorful scarf to move and groove to the music with. The project was high on the messiness scale, medium on the grownup involvement scale and involved “moving – gross” and discovering”.
This was easily WB’s favorite project of the three. Well, making the scarf turn red was his favorite anyway. He was so into pouring the water and Kool-Aid in and then stirring the scarf in and watching it turn red. He wasn’t as excited about dancing with it (he doesn’t need any props when he dances I guess), but he was certainly happy to make it. And he did like just flat out running around with it!
Project #2 – Singing Trumpet
The next project we worked on was “Singing Trumpet” which included all of the materials needed to decorate and make your own music. This project was low on the messiness scale, high on the grownup involvement scale and involved “creating” and “communicating”.
We had fun decorating this one and also playing it. The tissue paper on it really does make neat sounds and when L gets home, I know they will be fighting over this.
The final project in the box was “Rhythm Game” and allowed you to explore patterns and rhythms with your guiro. This project was low on the messiness scale, low on the grownup involvement scale and involved “moving – fine” and “exploring”.
The idea of this one was to follow along with the rhythm sheets and use the patterns to create different sounds. WB is still kind of little for something like that, so we just played with it. He liked seeing what sounds he could create and the louder it went, the more he liked it.
Just like Kiwi Crate has their explore! magazine, Koala Crate has imagine! “imagine!” includes stories, mazes and other fun activities relating to the theme. I try and keep one in my bag at all times with some crayons to keep the boys occupied when we are waiting at restaurants, running errands, etc.
What do you think of Koala Crate? If you subscribe do you enjoy it as much as WB and I did? If you are interested in subscribing you can sign up here and use the coupon code “GOODSHOPGIFT” to save $10 off your first box!