Thursday Thoughts

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Disclosure: This post contains affiliate / referral links.

~Good morning! I have been in the best mood all week! The first few warm days after a LONG cold winter are the absolute best. Everyone is out of their houses, going on walks, playing in the yard (which still has snow but whatever) and we are all catching up and chatting about what we’ve been up to the last five months while it was -20 out. If you live in a state with four seasons I suspect you know exactly what this is like.

~The Bachelor! So yeah, Chris picked Whitney. It was kind of more like Becca didn’t pick him, but he didn’t HAVE to propose to Whitney so I guess he did pick her? I’m not sure if these two will walk down the aisle ever though.  I hope I’m wrong and I hope they do, but I just don’t know.  I do know that I am not overly excited about there being two Bachelorettes on the next season.  I was hoping they’d announce that Whitney and Chris were already married and expecting a baby or something, so to hear that there was going to be two Bachelorettes instead of one was just meh.

image credit: People
image credit: People

~I still have a few subscription boxes coming this week including Fabletics, Pantry Gourmets Bite Box, Messy Box, Dottiebox Mini, BOXYCHARM and Kloverbox.  I also have a bunch of boxes on their way to me (bluum, Citrus Lane, Love With Food, CandiGirlBox and Beauty Box 5 to name a few), but they won’t make it her until next week.  My FedEx Delivery Manager is showing that a label has been created for my March PopSugar Box, but it hasn’t moved yet so that’ll be next week as well.  And Birchbox is sending me a replacement for my lost March Birchbox Man box so that should be coming soon too.

~Did you see that S.W. Basics is now being sold at Target?  Well, at some Targets. None by me are carrying the line, but I hope they do down the road because they have good stuff.

S.W. Basics at Target
S.W. Basics at Target

~In other beauty news (well, sort of beauty), did you know that Ben & Jerry’s has a lip balm line?  If you did know this, why didn’t you tell me?  I had no idea!  I bet it’s fabulous.

image credit: @verity_style_bloggerFollow
image credit: @verity_style_bloggerFollow

~I have the “Search”feature nearly fixed on here so it won’t be giving error messages anymore.  There are so many posts that I guess it was just getting too be too much for the standard search feature to work?  So I changed it and am now looking into seeing if I can have it generate results in summary instead  of displaying all the posts that relate to the search in full.  Fingers crossed.  And don’t forget, if you are looking for all non-subscription box related posts you can find them here and don’t even have to worry about sifting through search results because that works just fine.

That’s all for now! What’s going on with you today? Any weekend plans?  OHHH, and randomly, for all you PLL watchers, do we know who A is yet?  I am way behind, but I need to know if we KNOW.  Not if we think we know.  If we KNOW!  I don’t want you to tell me who it is, I just want to know if it’s out there! Thanks!


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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. tiffany

    im about 5 episodes behind so maybe my comment is pointless.. but as far as i know we dont know who A is yet.. but last i saw there was 2 a’s. its so confusing you always think you know .. and then suddenly suprirse thats not A!.. so i believe no we do not know yet . lol

  2. Sindhu

    I think we will only know A in the next season. Do you want to know who quite a few people think it is?

    1. Sindhu

      I got a little bored of PLL after four seasons. The same stuff kept happening, with regard to A trapping them somewhere and them getting out after a few scary minutes. Why do these girls insist on going anywhere alone?!

      1. Jenny

        I’m with you. I really like the show and I was hoping that with Allison back it would bring a different aspect but it really has been pretty much the same this season. I’m hoping they really do tell us who A is and that next season is all about that. I’d love to know who people think it is. I’d also love for them to let us in on how A knows all that she/he knows and how they get all their info. My friend told me what it is in the books but I’m not sure that is the way the show is going. For awhile I thought maybe but now I’m not so sure.

        1. Sindhu

          The creators of the show said it wouldn’t be going in the same direction as the book, where Allison’s twin is A.
          Most people think it’s either Aria, or Hannah.

          1. Sindhu

            Can I edit that comment to remove the spoiler from the book? In case someone on here is reading them.

  3. Jenny

    No idea about Ben &Jerrys but I need to look for it.
    No we don’t know who PLL is yet. I haven’t watched this week but I think last week they said 2 more episodes so maybe next week. I’m hoping they really tell us and don’t just give us another fake out. That is getting kindof old.

  4. brandy

    i don’t even know what you said in that last paragraph! i am loving the warm weather. i will love it even more this weekend in NC!

    1. Jenny

      Where are you going in NC? We are expecting some rain on Saturday but still in the upper 60s both days 🙂

  5. Lindsay

    No word on A yet. I am currently reading the books and theres alot going on in those that neverrrrrr happened in the show. But I heard we will definitey find out who A is in season 7…UGHHHH!! Its probably the preacher the last person anyone would ever suspect.

    1. Amber

      Season 7?! They keep telling us on commercials we’ll find out next week! UGH. They always say we’ll find out but we never do. Am I the only one who is frustrated about this??

      1. Jenny

        Exactly. I’m ready to know. I think there is still story to tell even with us knowing who A really is. I’m also curious how they are going to do the college thing next year.

  6. Stacie

    Supposedly, according the promos, we find out who A is next week!!! AHHHH! Can’t wait!

  7. Cymbre Martin

    I liked the ending of the Bachelor! I have known it was Whitney since the end of shooting. Thank you Reality Steve

  8. Jill

    I really wanted Becca to win. I think it’s completely normal not to know if you’re in love, ready to move to Iowa, and get married after knowing someone for only a few months. Also, I realllllly didn’t want Britt as one of the next Bachelorettes. She seemed so fake on the show and was always playing it up for the camera. Kaitlyn on the other hand I love and can’t wait to see her on the show.

  9. laura r

    I watch PLL on Netflix, so I’ve only seen up to the season 4 finale..

    but I’ve read some pretty insane theories on A. That it’s Ali’s mom and that Ali’s mom and Toby’s mom were twins and all kinds of really bizzarroland stuff.

    I can’t wait for season 5 to come to Netflix. Even though it’s getting kind of boring and like, “WHY HAVEN’T YOU GUYS LEARNED ANYTHING IN 4 SEASONS!?!”

    1. Jennifer

      Oh man, those girls! I don’t even get why they leave the house. They obviously can’t handle this on their own and need to get some assistance!

  10. Lia

    I agree that it seems like Chris would have picked Becca if she had been ready to get married/move. I think she was probably not the right kind of person to have on the show because she’s… well… normal. Most people aren’t ready to be engaged to someone a few weeks after meeting them. And most people would want some exclusive dating and normal day-to-day stuff before getting engaged. I just feel like both Chris and Whitney were more focused on the “game” aspect than a real relationship. I honestly doubt they’ll actually get married. I feel like if they were going to she would have already packed up and moved to Iowa, honestly.

    The whole Becca situation reminds me of Eric from Andi’s season. The whole “fight” with him that ended with him leaving was so weird. All he was saying was that having a great first date with someone and then having them treat you the same as the 20 other guys in the room was weird, and that the cameras following them around made a weird environment. Basically- he was saying what I think of this show- it’s more “show” and “game” than real life.

    What did you think about the old Bachelor– the one who was a born again virgin who is married now- saying that having two Bachelorettes and having the guys choose was degrading? I mean- I guess it is but is it more degrading than having some of the girls walk around LA in bikinis and then have a tractor race? Is it more degrading than Andi’s guys stripping? The whole show is degrading! I think it’s hilarious that this guy suddenly thinks the show that made him famous is beneath him. Granted, I didn’t watch his season, so maybe his was different. But still- I know he’s stayed very involved in the franchise, so he knows what it is and shouldn’t be surprised by them doing this.

  11. PA Anna

    I’m loving the warm days! My dottiebox mini arrived today and KloverBox will sometime this week. I can’t wait to see what Kloverbox does for their anniversary!!! SW Basic is now at my Target which I did not know! I’ve been ordering their product via Target online.I didn’t know about the Ben & Jerry Lip Balm. I’ve been to the main store a few times.

    I didn’t know PLL is still on TV. I hope they do the reveal next week.

    1. Jennifer

      I am so jealous your Target carries the line!

  12. Lindsay

    The promos have been saying ws will know who A is next week. But I’ve also read that we might not necessarily see them but will be given enough info to figure it out. I love that show and am so excited for each episode right now.

    1. Jennifer

      Ahh, I cannot believe we don’t know yet!

  13. Tabitha

    Ben & Jerry’s lip balm sounds amazing! Where do I find it?!

    1. Jennifer

      I *think* Ben & Jerry’s stores? There is one downtown that I need to look at!

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