Friday’s Letters

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

Dear Find My Phone, You really do work. Why haven’t I used you more? Amazing.

Dear Random Real Estate Lady Who Called Me Yesterday, Uhh no, we do not want to sell our house and I don’t think any of my neighbors do either. Also, where on earth did you get my CELL phone number from?

Dear Duchess Kate, I cannot believe people are going to stand outside the hospital while you are in labor. I cannot even imagine how stressed that would make me!

Dear B, I am so glad you are home.

Dear Jimmy Fallon, Where is this Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream you supposedly have? Not in Michigan that’s for sure.

Dear Target + Lily Pulitzer, Stop teasing me with all your fabulousness and just go on sale already.

Dear Allergies, I hate you. So much.

Dear L, I love seeing the outfits you pick out for school. They totally aren’t what I would have selected for you, but that’s the point. You pick them and you love them! And I love that.

Dear Winter, You better be over. I put ALL out winter coats, hats, gloves, snow pants, etc. away yesterday and I am NOT bringing them back out anytime soon.


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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. Kestelle

    I thought the Jimmy Fallon ice cream was only available at the official Ben and Jerry’s stores. I could be wrong.

  2. Kerry

    They have the Jimmy Fallon ice cream in corner stores in Chicago! It is delicious, and I’m sure it’ll get to you soon. 🙂

  3. Laurin

    For months I have had this real estate firm calling me on my cell phone wanting me to buy a house in Sarasota, Florida. They said I visited their website and gave them my information. I keep telling them that I have no plans to move away from North Carolina, but they call me at least once a week. And it’s not a scam or one of those time-share type things. This is a legit business! After a few weeks of them calling me, I looked them up and the only houses they have listed on their website are for millions of dollars. I wish I could afford to move to Sarasota!

  4. Heatherp

    I am so excited for the lilly pulitzer target line. I hope that i somehow get some of what i want.
    My son wears suit shirts and ties. Like bow ties and gamer ties and converses. He looks like the 80s. Cracks me up!!

    1. Amber

      I am so nervous I’m not going to get the Lilly I want! I heard it will be released online between 12-2 CST (so 1-3 where I am), and even though I’d love to try things on, I’m going to set an alarm and order everything I want online. I may get two sizes of the things I’m dying for. I’ll definitely still go to the store on Sunday, but I live in a very “preppy” area and know things will sell out so quickly and don’t want to risk it! I’m worried I won’t get everything I want even waking up in the middle of the night HA!

      1. HeatherP

        My alarm is set too! My husband will think im nuts. At least if i bomb out at 12-2am ill have given it my best shot!!!

  5. Katie Sparks

    I want EVERYTHING in the Lily Pulitzer collection! The jewelry and the sandals are particularly adorable! I have some gift cards saved up so as soon as it goes on sale, I’m going on a shopping spree:)

  6. Leora

    The Jimmy Fallon ice cream is here in Missouri! Super delicious 🙂

  7. Erin D

    I found the Fallon ice cream at Wegmans (local grocery store) here in Buffalo. It’s amazing!

  8. Genevieve

    It’s at the Jewel here in Chicago as well. Haven’t tried it though.

  9. PA Anna

    I’m trying to decide whether to put away the heavier winter clothes. They are predicting cold weather starting April 24/28ish and going through the first week of May. They are advising to hold off planting tender plants at least a week later than normal. In other words, I will start planting my green beans, tomatoes etc. a week later than I have on average in the past.

    I’m ready for the Target & Lily Pulitzer sale!

  10. Crystal

    The ice cream is at our Walmart here in Bay City. I discovered it on a freezer end cap, I bought 2 and its delicious!! Hope you find it soon!

  11. Lindsay

    Have you seen the #iwishmyteacherknew… story, I was in tears at some of those responses

  12. Danielle Cordes

    I have barely been able to find the ice cream here in MN. It’s always out of stock but I’ve seen it at Walmart and Cub Foods if that helps!

  13. Crystal

    I am so annoyed with my Target. I’ve asked them if they are getting the collection & the customer service person goes, “What’s a Lily Pooster”? Ugh!! It’s Lily Pulitzer! According to Target on Facebook every store location is getting part of the collection & it’s supposed to be Sunday. Well this person said we don’t even get our next truck until Sunday evening so call Monday. I seriously need one of those shift dresses but I’d rather try it on first. But apparently my target is getting the “Pooster” collection so I guess I’m buying online. #mytargetsucks

    1. Jennifer

      LOL! She probably just doesn’t have a clue. I am certain that stuff is already at Target in the stockroom right now. Don’t listen to her!

  14. Zelene

    I went to target on Wednesday and saw the amazing products for Mom, did you see the white mug with golden spots and the word MOM, I love it, and with the spots I think you would totally like it.

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