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Little Lace Box
Cost: $49.99/bi-month
Ships To: United States.
Coupon Code: Use code “RAMBLIN10” to save $10 off your first box of a 6 (aka 3 boxes) or 12 (aka 6 boxes) month subscription.
Little Lace Box is a subscription service that delivers hand-curated, nearly impossible-to-find designer products directly to your doorstep every other month. Boxes will be brimming with high-end, brand name beauty, lifestyle, and home product samples to treat yourself to and dazzle your friends during your next night out.
Little Lace Box ships via USPS Priority Mail sometime after the 20th if the month. I love that they use Priority Mail because it means that there isn’t much difference between the time the first person gets their box and the last person gets their box. If you want to stay spoiler free, this is a good one for it!
This box was super heavy and was packed full of products. I had such a good time going through and unpacking it all.
The April 2015 Little Lace Box theme was “Nonna’s Kitchen” and all of the items were selected as a homage to their Grandmother’s. The box contained the following items dedicated to all those memories from the sights, sounds and wonderful smells of a big Irish / Italian family:
~Porcelain Jewelry Dish by Artisan Janelle Beaulieu ($14): If you can zoom in on the information card and read the description of this, do it! It was selected because it reminded them of a jewelry dish their Grandmother had in the kitchen. Some of the boxes had glazed dishes and some (like mine) were unglazed. If you don’t need a jewelry dish in the kitchen for when you take off your rings when you cook, you could use it next to your bed or even as a soap dish.
~Gourmet Olive Oil & Balsamic Vinegar from The Ancient Olive ($13.99): I am really excited about these! They were bottled just for Little Lace box and are a perfect fit for this box. The Sicilian Lemon Balsamic Vinegar is “light and fresh” and perfect for Spring while the Milanese Gremolata Olive Oil has consists of lemon zest, minced garlic, Italian flat lead parsley and a hint of mint. B is going to love cooking with these.
~Olive Oil Dipping Bowls by Le Cadeaux ($15.99): At first I couldn’t figure out why you would need individual dipping bowls, but then the information card mentioned double-dipping and that makes total sense. Also, we all seem to fight to be the one sitting by the bowl when we just do one so these will be great. Like everyone else I did think that one of the bowls (the fruit one) seemed out of place, but it seems like that’s how it’s supposed to be.
~Tea Towel by Belle & Union Co. ($14.99): LOVE this tea towel! We have gotten lots of fun ones from subscription boxes but this is one of my favorites. We hang one on the stove at all times and this one is already there.
~Filotea Pennetta della Domenica from Marx Foods ($8.99): I don’t normally buy $9 boxes of pasta, but when they happen to come in subscription boxes I love it. I can so tell the difference and it’s an amazing treat to have.
~Trentasette Red Pesto with Truffles Sauce from Marx Foods ($8.50): I believe there was an assortment of different pestos, sauces and pates sent out and I LOVE the one I received. I just want to get some bread and dip it in this!
~Cucina Dish Soap from Fruits & Passion ($8.99): You need to clean up all those dishes somehow! I do 90% of the dishes here (as I should since I am rarely the one cooking) so this is all mine. It smells fabulous and really just looks like a fancy soap.
~Market List Notepad by Brianna (Little Lace Box) ($4.99): LLB wanted to include a notepad that matched the tea towel and when they couldn’t find one anywhere they decided to design it themselves. We’ll totally put this in the kitchen. If we remember to bring it to the store or not, well, that’s a different story.
~One Full-Sized Ancient Olive Oil or Balsamic Vinegar ($13.99): LLB wanted to include a bottle of olive-oil or vinegar in this box, but due to the port strike Ancient Oils also had problems getting their large bottles shipped in. So they provided subscribers with a coupon code to redeem from the LLB shop to use to get a free bottle – your choice of flavor! This is even better than it being in the box itself because now you get to pick just what you want.
All totaled I came up with a value of $104.43 for the April 2015 Little Lace Box. I loved what they did with the theme and thought the curation was spot on. I also love that it included a TON of items in this one and not a larger big ticket item because, hopefully, it means there is something in here for everyone.
The information card also revealed that the June Little Lace Box theme is “Classy and Fabulous”! The box will include fashion accessories to help you make the transition to summer and maximize your wardrobe for both day and night. I cannot wait for this one!!! If you are interested in ordering you can head on over to their site and select the one-box option for $59.99 (does not renew). Or you can get a 3 or 6 box subscription and use the coupon code “RAMBLIN10” to save $10 off your first month!
As I mentioned, I received this box to review, but I love LLB so much that I also purchased up a box to giveaway! If you want to win just enter in Rafflecopter below and you’ll be set! Make sure you come back to enter everyday though.
I love that jewelry dish! I’d love to try that pasta too, though I’d be afraid I’d love it so much that I would only want to buy $9 pasta from now on.
Love absolutely everything in this box!
The set of 4 bowls is so cute!
It’s all pretty amazing but I have to say that red pesto sauce and tea towel would be the most useful for me.
This is a cute box! I want to try that red pesto with truffles!
That jewelry dish is beautiful!
Love the dipping bowls
I LOVE the decorative bowls. Thank you for the chance!
The jewelry dish.
The Jewelry dish is my favorite item in the box.
The pesto pasta sauce 🙂
The bowls are cute but I also want that dish soap and the notepad!
Oh my god!!! A complete dinner set! I loved the 4 small dipping bowls!!! Nice to use them for oil with rosemary and dip a nice small toasted bread!!
Everything looks amazing
the tea towel! so cute!
Honestly…the dish soap, LOL! But the dipping bowls are a close second.
The olive oil!
The dipping bowls are cute, but I’d like to try the sauce, too! 🙂
I’m loving everything in this box!! I’m a huge foodie and I love being in the kitchen, so it’s perfect for me!
Love the tea towel
I so want that tea towel, so cute! Such an awesome box.
The Olive oil dipping bowls are so adorable!
The tea towel, it’s just so perfect!
I think that jewelry dish is just adorable! But I’d love to try that pesto!
I’m really excited about that delicious-sounding olive oil and truffle pesto!
The tea towel is so adorable.
Such a nice box! Would love it all, but those bowls are so cute!! Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
$9 pasta! I could use some lasagna style pennette….
I can’t choose just one favorite item in this month’s LLB – the cute dipping bowls, olive oil and the jewelry dish!
I love the little dish and also want to try that fancy dish soap! thanks for doing all these giveaways lately!
I would love everything, but I really want the tea towel and olive oil!
Love the little dipping bowls!
the bowls
I am so inspired by that dish to do some ceramics (and by ceramics, I mean sculpty) of my own, so I would have to say that’s my favorite item!
I love the four little bowls!
I am so impressed with this box. I would love to try the olive oil pesto sauce.
The oils and red pesto sound delicious!
I think the dipping bowls are really cute.
Those olive oil dipping dishes are darling!
I can never say no to fancy oil and vinegar!
Such a cute box! I love the olive oil dishes!! Bread with parmesan & olive oil is one of my favorite things right now!
Everyone is commenting what their favorite item is in response to your question, and you’re not really getting the varied comments you would have if you hadn’t set the giveaway up that way. Personally I think the items I would appreciate the most are the soap and pasta, and the box would be used if I won it. However, I wouldn’t personally purchase this box because I don’t typically buy cooking boxes. I do want to point out though that no one is mentioning the customer service problems they’ve had, or comparing boxes.
Yeah, I probably should have done a separate giveaway post. But I already had the spoiler post and didn’t really want to have 3 separate LLB posts in one day. Although, I suppose it really wouldn’t have mattered.
I like the porcelain jewelry dish.
My favorite item in this box are the Olive Oil Dipping Bowls by Le Cadeaux.
The dipping bowls are adorable!
I would love that dish!
I love everything in this box, but especially the tea towel.
Love love love those little dipping bowls.
wow! these girls are so good at curation. I can’t wait for my subscription to start in June!!
That dish is adorable. What a great box!
This is a great box. Thank you!
I adore those beautiful dipping bowls!! What a great idea, the bowls I use for me and my kids are always too small, these are perfect!
I love the olive oil /vinegar and the darling tea towel!
The olive oil and dipping bowls would be awesome. Great box give away as usual; you rock! Thank You.
The truffle sauce!
I love the jewelry kitchen dish! I’m always putting my jewelry on the kitchen windowsill! It’s a disaster waiting to happen. I also love all the oils in this box! Wishing I had ordered.
The olive oil!
I love this box.
I love the jewelry dish. It looks like a sand dollar.
I love the jewelry dish.
I’m really excited about the Trentasette Red Pesto with Truffles Sauce from Marx Foods! Looks so good!
It’s so hard to pick a favorite – everything is great. I do really like the porcelain jewelry dish, and the dish towel. Let’s face it, I would be excited to have any one of the contents of the box!
I absolutely LOVE everything in this box but I particularly love the jewelry dish! It’s perfect!!
This is going to sound strange, but I really love that tea towel, even though there’s other cool stuff in the box.
I love every single item in this box, but I think I like the little dipping bowls best – the thing I would probably use the least! lol
I love the towel
I ran out of dish soap the day I got this box, so have to say I like the dish soap best!
My favorite item is the little dipping dishes. I think they’re just adorable! Great box overall.
I love the dipping bowls! I’ve actually been meaning to buy some.
Love the entire box !!!
I’d love to try the olive oil and balsamic!
Love everything, but I’m most excited to use the code & pick out a vinegar. But, my fave IN the box is the tea towel.
the bowl set
I would love to try the truffle sauce.
My favorite item is the pesto sauce
I think everything is nice but I love fancy olive oil.
love the bowls!!
Great box love the dipping bowls.
The dipping bowls are my favorite!
The lemon balsamic!
I like the pesto
Do you know when the classy and fabulous box will be available to buy?
Wow, this box is consistently amazing! I think my favorite item is that red pesto, because it sounds divine! Those bowls are super cute too, though. Really, I love the whole box!
The jewelry dish! This is a fantastic box!!
I love everything in this box, and the set of 4 bowls are so cute
The olive oil and the red pesto sauce are easily my favorites
I think that the tea towel and bowels are absolutely perfect! I could easily see them in my kitchen!
Best box ever!! I think my favorite item would probably be the dipping bowls!
The little dipping bowls are so cute. The pesto sauce looks yummy.
My favorite items are the dipping bowls
I love the tea towel! Anything with farm markets is an immediate favorite!
My favorite item is the Pesto sauce!
the pesto looks amazing….!
This is crazy hard for me bc I found everything in this box adorable!! I guess the trinket dish.. Hmm..
The little dishes! I already have a few just like them that I picked up from a swanky airport shop & I use them all the time!
My favorite are the oils and the pasta and the pesto sauce. Love this box!
After posting a pretty innocuous comment on MSA regarding the lace dish with no design on top, I received the following response. All LLB subscribers beware. I’m actually really sad because I loved their box:
Hi Browning,
This was sent to me to handle. My kids call me the Darth Vader of subscription boxes, because I hate when people are uncivil in their communication with us. I cancel people like that every week, and it?s as easy as scrapping mud off my shoes. We live in a civil society and I?ve taught my children to act in a civil manner, and I expect nothing less from a customer. There are 157 million women in the US, canceling the rude ones still leaves plenty of good people. Why would anyone think that they can pay $45 for a subscription box, and that somehow gives them the right to deride people on a personal level. I completely understand if you don?t like the contents of a box, or you don?t like the girls taste. You have the right to express your opinion, but taking it to a personal level goes beyond the pale.
What if we posted a page on our site called the Britt McHenry award, and we awarded it to you this month? Do you know who McHenry is, she?s a vile human being, and although we aren?t a huge business, we get 60,000 visitors a month to our site. They would all see your name and we would explain why you won this month. Would you be embarrassed? How would it make you feel? When you say, ?LLB is covering up something.? That isn?t just expressing your displeasure with our product (again, you have the right to do that), it?s an indicting comment against the very character of our company, and it is completely untrue. But you said it anyway. Is this a cry for attention or help? Actually I don?t care either way. I guess your comment, ?my bad? is your way of saying you?re sorry for making untrue statements about our company.
I?m cc?ing the Cadmans because this is posted on their site. We have the utmost respect and admiration for MSA, but just as squirrels like to eat from bird feeders, Liz has built a beautiful bird feeder and it?s being overrun by squirrels.
I posted on MSA about the way they treated you, but I didn’t even see the squirrels comment, that is just awful. So are they copying Liz on so she will ban you or to let her know she has horrible followers? I thought the whole point of allowing us to comment on the posts was so we can applaud or vent about our boxes. LLB seems to have a lack of common sense because if they did have it, they would know better and being flip with customers isn’t how you go about things. They have to learn not to take comments so personally, people are going to complain be it justified or not. For example, I’m new here, but on an older post I saw someone write an uncalled for nasty comment to Jennifer and she responded so politely; that’s good customer service! The person who wrote that email to you should have typed it out to vent, took a step back, had someone proof it and clean it up to make it sound professional. If I talked to customers like that at my job (even when they are completely wrong) I would not have a job, it’s that simple.
Hi Adele! Yeah, the whole thing has been pretty crazy. I posted the entire email thread on MUT (Google-make up talk little lace box). Interesting commentary there. Yes LLB cc’d Liz on the email, but she had nothing to do with it so it was quite odd. She’s been incredibly supportive. My comment on MSA regarding the unglazed dish was never meant to offend LLB. But their email response was just too offensive to not share. Thanks for your comments here and on MSA! I appreciate it.
olive oil! We can never have too much:)
The oils. I love flavored oils and vinegars.