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Paleo Life Box April 2015 Subscription Box Review

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own and no compensation was received. 
Paleo Life Box
Cost: $34.98/month
Ships To: United States (Free), Canada (add $8/month)
Coupon Code: N/A
Paleo Life Box April 2015 Subscription Box ReviewPaleo Life Box April 2015 Subscription Box Review
Paleo Life Box April 2015 Subscription Box

Paleo Life Box is a convenient box of pale snacks. Each month you’ll receive 9 or 10 full-size snacks that are both good for you and delicious. Typically 2 or 3 will be new and the rest will be tried and true favorites!

Paleo Life Box April 2015 Subscription Box ReviewPaleo Life Box April 2015 Subscription Box Review
The Box

Paleo Life Box ships via USPS and took just a few days to arrive to me.

Paleo Life Box April 2015 Subscription Box ReviewPaleo Life Box April 2015 Subscription Box Review
First Look

Paleo Life Box does’t include an information card (although I wish it did), but the box included the following items:

~Paleo People Fruit & Nut Cluster Snacks –  Banana Nut ($5.50): These are really good.  They have just the right around of crunch and have a true banana flavor.  These are probably my favorite snacks of the bunch.

Paleo People Fruit & Nut Cluster Snacks –  Banana Nut

~Crunchies Strawberries ($5.49): Now these are the kind of dried fruits I like.  The crunchy freeze-dried kind!  They are good alone and even better thrown in a salad instead ofd croutons.,

Crunchies Strawberries

~Dill Pickle Snip Chips ($5.99): Maybe had these been a flavor other than dill pickle I would have liked them.  Maybe.  There’s a Cheesy Herb Truffle flavor that sounds pretty good.

Dill Pickle Snip Chips

~Simple Squares Organic Snack Bar ($2.25): These bars are simple because they have only 5 ingredients (Organic Cashews, Organic Almonds, Organic Honey, Organic Unsweetened Coconut, Organic Vanilla, Sea Salt).  I liked the coconut flavor well enough, but I I felt like it could have used a little more flavor.

Simple Squares Organic Snack Bar

~Caveman Cookies (~$3): I forget where I first tried Caveman Cookies, but I think I liked them better the first time than I liked these.  The flavor on these (they have Brazil nuts) and cayenne pepper, just wasn’t for me.

Caveman Cookies

~Pacific Northwest Kale Chips – Cascade Ranch ($5.99): I prefer Kale Chips to Seaweed (I mean if I have to pick) and I like ranch, but I’d never actively choose to eat these as a snack.  I know a lot of people absolutely love them, but they just aren’t for me.  I’d rather just have my kale in a smoothie.

Pacific Northwest Kale Chips – Cascade Ranch

~Veggie-Go’s – Carrots – Apples – Ginger ($2.50): I’d describe these similar to like fruit roll-up or fruit leather, but not quite as stretchy.  The only ingredients in these are carrots, ginger and apples so I am guessing that’s why.  L likes these so I’ll pack them in his lunch next week.

Veggie-Go’s – Carrots – Apples – Ginger

~Nick’s Sticks ($3.25): B spied these in the box and ate them in about two seconds.  I am not even sure he could taste them they were gone so quickly.  He swore he could though and said they were good!

Nick’s Sticks

All totaled I came up with a value of $33.97 for the April 2015 Paleo Life Box.  Thats’s just slightly under the box of the box, however, I don’t include shipping in my calculations.  I don’t follow a Paleo Diet, but if you do and are looking for a snack box, you might want to check this one out!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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