Sunday Sentiments

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~Happy Sunday! We had a pretty low key weekend around here. Sometimes you just need that. We are all recovered from the school carnival Friday night and considered going to the local Tons O’ Trunks event the next day (it’s exactly what it sounds like – a ton of different kinds of trucks gathered in one place), but the weather got so nasty. It rained (poured) most of the day yesterday and pretty much all of today. And the mystery leak we have in our attic came back! Super! LOL. It’s not that bad – just annoying. It doesn’t always leak and no one can ever pinpoint exactly where it’s coming from so it’s quite difficult to get someone to fix it. I’ll get it sorted out though!

~In between raindrops on Saturday we did get to test out our latest “As Seen on TV” item.  L loves them all and frankly so do I.  We finally ran into the Balloon Bonanza at Target a few days ago and snatched it up.  And I have to tell you, it really works.  For real.  The box comes with 3 sets of balloons.  One red, one yellow and one blue.  You hook it up right to your hose and just fill them up.  The instructions say you are supposed to shake them to release the balloons (they tie automatically) but I found that they ended up falling off when they got too full.  My only complaint was that the balloons were tiny. On the other hand they didn’t break as easily as giant water balloons do, so that’s good.  But I should still rather have larger ones.  Anyway, will I buy it again?  For sure!  It saves an insane amount of time.  It should have taken me ages to individually fill and tie 120 balloons!  Oh, it says they are reusable, but I haven’t figured that part out yet.
Balloon Bonanza

~Not sure if you saw them yet or not, but we received full spoilers on the Summer 2015 POPSUGAR Must Have Box and we got our first spoiler on the Summer 2015 FabFitFun box!! I linked to both of them so if you click prepare to be spoiled.

~Have you read about that new LEGOLAND hotel in Florida?  OMG that is the coolest thing ever.  I hear the park isn’t overly amazing, but that hotel certainly looks awesome.  I think the boys would freak!

LEGOLand Florida

~A few current things: 1. This Essie Gel Setter top coat is awesome.  It says you need to use it with the Essie polish, but I really don’t see why that would be true.  Anyway I loved how glossy it made my nails and will be putting it over everything from now on.  LOL!  I just did it yesterday so I don’t know if it will make the polish last longer, but I hope so. 2) Flowers!  I am not a fan of the planting process, but they look SO pretty when they are all finished.  So pretty!  I should have bought this kind for the front yard (and not just the backyard) too, but oh well. 3) Sculpty Sand. This is in the Target One Spot right now and the kids love it.  It’s like moon sand – it feels like sand but it’s easily moldable.  And unlike what happens with playdough, this looks look all mixed together. 4)  Cheeseburger Goldfish. Who thought of this?  Eww.  I am not a fan but the kids love them.  They are Cheddar, Ketchup and Hamburger flavor.

A few things
A few things

That’s all for now!  I am going to try to get caught up on a few things after the kiddos go to bed!  Hope you are having a great night!


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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Jenny

    N wants to go to the Legoland hotel so bad but he wants to go when the waterpark is open to so I need to make sure I plan correctly. LOL

  2. PA Anna

    My 6 year old wants the Balloon Bonanza too. He asks for it when he sees it at Target. The Lego Hotel looks like fun. Cheeseburger Goldfish sounds gross.

  3. Lori

    Are you doing the Arbitrary Day gift exchange for Reddit? It sounds pretty similar to the Secret Santa one. Today’s the last day to sign up if you’re going to do it! I just filled mine out 🙂

  4. Beth

    We got the cheeseburger goldfish, too! And they are so disgusting. I had to spit them out, couldn’t even chew, haha. Just really made me laugh to read you thought the same. I won’t even give them to my kid because I don’t want to smell them on his breath.

    1. Jennifer

      LOL!!!!! How could you NOT get that bag at the store when you saw it? You had too! They are seriously so odd. WB was giving some to my brother and I tried to warn him against taking them, but he wasn’t listening…

  5. Cathrin

    grav3yardgirl did a YouTube test of the balloons and had the same problem with them being small. After some advice from viewers, she retested with better results. Check out her 2nd review for some tips!

  6. Meredith

    I read somewhere to fill a tub with water and let the water balloons rest on the water as they fill up. It’s supposed to help them fill up more before they fall off. I haven’t tried it but it seems worth a shot.

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