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Koala Crate
Cost: $19.95/month.
Ships To: United States and Canada.
Coupon Code: Use code “SHARE10” to save $10 off your first month.

Koala Crate is from Kiwi Crate’s new(ish) line of crates and is designed for preschoolers ages 3-4. The box includes all the materials and inspiration for projects related to a theme such as colors, transportation or safari. Crates are designed to give children exposure to new materials and new concepts that encourage hands-on learning and fun.
Koala Crate ships via FedEx Smart Post and took about a week to arrive.
I decided to have L and WB work on this one together. I figured that L could read the instructions and WB could be his assistant.
The July 2015 Koala Crate theme was “numbers” and included three projects “easy play dough”, “number activity mats” and “number games”.
Project #1 – Easy Play Dough
The first project was “easy play dough” and included all the materials needed to make your own play dough. It was high on the messiness scale, high on the grown-up involvement scale and involved “communicating” and “discovering”.
L was all over this one. And WB intently watched and waited as the dough was made. The instructions were super easy to follow and all of the ingredients were pre-measured. It would have been difficult to mess this one up! Both boys loved how good this smelled too thanks to the Kool-Aid.
Project #2 – Number Activity Mats
The second project in the crate was “number activity mats” and used the dough made in the previous activity to create fun shapes, cook up pretend food and make funny faces. It was medium on the messiness scale, medium on the grownup involvement scale and involved “creating” and “moving – fine”.
L was into working on the activity mats, but all WB wanted to do was play with the play dough. I don’t blame him! The idea is to put the activity mat under the flexible placemat so they can be reused and don’t get play dough all stuck to them, but WB used the placemat to play. This dough was softer than regular play dough and I think WB really liked that. It was easier for him to work with.
Project #3 – Number Games
The final project in the crate was “number games” and included items to let you play games with number dominoes to learn about counting. It was low on the messiness scale, medium on the grownup involvement scale and involved “discovering” and “communicating”.
L totally got these games, but WB? I am not sure. He identified some numbers and did a little counting here and there, but it didn’t hold his attention too long. I think he was focused on getting the play dough back in his hands!
Koala Crate also includes the imagine! magazine. “imagine!” includes stories, mazes and other fun activities relating to the theme. It’s a great addition to the crate and allows you to continue with the theme long after you have finished the projects. I like keeping in my purse for restaurants and car trips!
What do you think of Koala Crate? We have really been enjoying it! I love to watch WB “get” it and begin to do more of the activities in the crate. If you are interested in subscribing you can sign up here and use the coupon code “SHARE10” to save $10 off your first box!
What a great review! I am LOVING your whole site (just ordered my 1st citrius lane mystery box’s so thanks!!)
I love Koala crate. Honestly I got them for the toddler but my 5yo and I like them even better than Kiwi or Tinker crates. 😀