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Little Thinker Box June 2015 Subscription Box Review

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own and no compensation was received.
Little Thinker Box
Cost: $29.99/month
Ships To: United States (Including APO addresses).
Coupon Code: N/A
Little Thinker Box July 2015 Subscription Box Review
Little Thinker Box July 2015 Subscription Box

The Little Thinker Box is a monthly subscription service for children ages 3 – 6 years old. Each month the child is sent a themed-based activity box that encourages reading, creating, exploring, and learning.

The Box

Little Thinker Boxes ship the third week of every month with an estimated 3-5 business days for delivery (5-10 business days for international orders). The cut-off day for Little Thinker Box orders is the 22nd of the month.

First Look
Second First Look

I was excited when I saw the theme of this one!  It looked totally fantastic!

The Information Card

The June 2015 Little Thinker Box theme is “Baker” and included the following item:


Read – “Flat Stanley and the Very Big Cookie”

This month’s book was “Flat Stanley and the Very Big Cookie”.  It’s a great reading level book for L and WB enjoyed it as well.


Create – Creativity Guide + Supplies
Custom Apron & Cake Art

The “Create” section of the kit included two projects – creating a Custom Apron and making custom Cake Art.


WB loved the custom apron.  Anything with markers, WB is all into coloring and painting so this was perfect.


Explore – Exploration Guide & Supplies
The Baker – Pretend Play

The “Explore” section was all about Pretend Play! Rolling out play-doh to “bake”, using the cookie cutter to cut out shapes and, of course, wear your apron and hat!



Learn – Learning Guide
Learning Activities

This month’s “Learn” portion was all about Counting, Number Recognition, Letter Recognition, Letter Sounds, Color Recognition and Fine Motor Skills.  We worked a little on the color recognition, but WB wasn’t really ready for the rest.  He’s still on the young side of this subscription so that’s pretty much to be expected.

Gift for Mom

Mom Gift

Every Little Thinker Box includes a mom gift.  This month’s featured business was “Ginger Bliss Bath Co.” and included a Honey Almond (tan) Body Scrubbing Sugar Cube and a Garden Spa (blue) Body Scrubbing Sugar Cube.  The almond smelled totally fantastic!  I loved it!


There was also a tracing project in the box.  WB loved it.  B traced him and he had the funniest look on his face the entire time.  It was so funny to watch.

WB in the Hat

What do you think of Little Thinker Box?  If you are interested in ordering, you can sign-up here!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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