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Cost: $75/month
Ships To: United States.
Coupon Code: N/A

Mantry (aka the Modern Man’s Pantry) is a food of the month club that lets you discover the finest american artisan foods – and gives you ideas of what to do with them. It’s $75/month and has been around since the Fall of 2012. It’s one of the more expensive subscriptions we get, but B loves it!

Mantry ships via USPS Priority Mail and ships around the 20th of the month.
One of the things we love most about Mantry is the crates they come in! B has his in the bar in the basement and uses them for storage and shelving. They are awesome.
Ohh, I loved this first look!
The July 2015 Mantry theme was “Grillfest” and included the following items to help you live in your backyard this summer:
~QUINN Hickory Smoked Cheddar Popcorn ($4.99): We have received QUINN popcorn before, but never in this flavor. This will be a great movie night treat. Both (little) boys are into popcorn right now and will love this. And so will B and I.
~Elvio’s Chimichurri Sauce ($15): This sauce is a blend of herbs, spices and oil and is best suited for grilled meats. I can’t wait for B to get home and start grilling more this summer!
~Southern Soul BBQ Soul Dust ($6.42): Mantry suggests using this dry rub to season shrimp with and also on the rim of a bloody mary. The Mantry information card includes pictures and suggestions for each of the items in the box and their website includes lots of recipes.
~Rick’s Picks Smokra ($9.99): These are recommended straight out of the jar or as an addition to a bloody mary. These would be a B item or maybe even a WB item!
~Pata Negra Hot Imperial Chorizo (~$10): I feel like a Mantry isn’t a Mantry without a meat product of some sort! Mantry suggests using this as a tapa while your grill or heating up or mixed up in mac and cheese. I like both of those suggestions, but I suspect B will throw this in the first pot of chili he makes in the fall.
~Edison Grainery Q Mac & Cheese ($5.88): When I first saw this package I assumed it was just mac n cheese noodles. No, it’s got the actual cheese too! It’s a fancier version of your boxed mac n cheese. I can’t wait to make this for the boys and it might be what we’re having for dinner tonight.
~Carry On Cocktail Kit ($24): This wasn’t on the information card, but I know it’s going to be B’s favorite item in this month’s Mantry. He received one in a Birchbox a month or so ago and loved it. He’s going to be thrilled to get a second one. The kit includes bitters, cane sugar packets, bar spoon and a linen coaster. Everything (except the booze) you need to make a drink at 30,000 feet!
All totaled this month’s Mantry had a value of $76.28, which is an incredible value for Mantry! It’s rare for the value of their boxes to exceed the cost so I am over the moon with this one! Awesome month Mantry!!!!
Did you get Mantry this month? What’d you think? And what do you use your Mantry crates for? If you are interested in subscribing or just want to learn more, click here!