So What Wednesday…

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This week I am saying So What If….

~I really want to see Magic Mike XXL.
~I am sad that Ben & Jen are getting divorced.
~I am so excited about Team USA advancing to the Final game!
~I was actually relieved to only get one subscription box in the mail yesterday.
~Instead of unloading the dishwasher like a normal person, I am using children’s silverware.  Oh well.
~I actually like Chuck E. Cheese early in the morning before it gets crowded.
~I have to look way from WB when he’s in a time-out because he sits there and laughs and makes funny faces which cracks me up.
~I gave the plumber going to my old condo to fix something the complete and total wrong address.  Oops. Luckily he’s fabulous and just laughed at me.  #imlosingmymind
~I want Target and all those other stores to put those school supplies away.  Put.them.away.  Summer just started!
~I am looking forward to the drive up-north.  I hope to get a good chunk of my book read!
~I am pretending like B may not have to go on an extended overseas trip again this summer. I’ll deal with that if / when it happens.
~Speaking of B, I am not sure if he’s ever going to catch up on all the sleep he lost!


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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Jenny

    I’m going on Thursday 🙂 and then again maybe next Tuesday with another group of girls. LOL and I’m just a little bit excited.
    School supplies are all out here since we do year round and the new year starts next Tuesday. We didn’t have to order since my school offers edukits which allow us to preorder our supplies and they are just delivered to the classroom. This is the first time I’ve done it. The last two years I’ve still bought our supplies but when I check the pricing I’m only saving a couple dollars so this year we took the easy way out. We will still go and let him pick out a couple personalized things but the basics are covered.

  2. HeatherP

    So I read this as Ben & Jerry are getting a divorce and almost had a stroke, then reread it, it took a few minutes to calm down. I’m fine now.
    This is the dark week for sub boxes. I’m just about ready to burst waiting for any Zoe Box of Style spoilers. I really wished there were some more leaks of what would be in it.
    My kids have actually not been able to catch up on sleep since summer began. They are so excited to stay up and oh boy, good days and bad days. I do wish summer was just one big party.

    1. HeatherP

      oh and school supplies? Seriously? I noticed this too, over the weekend, it annoyed me. We just started summer, I am not ready to start thinking about school. My brain is on summer vacation. Stop it stores!!!

  3. WendyinCA

    I read that as Ben & Jerry getting a divorce too! I thought to myself- I didn’t even know they were married, how could I have missed that, I love caramel cone…wait… (Re-read) Lol. I’m glad I’m not the only one!

  4. Kelsey Ellen

    I totally get the pretending stuff isn’t happening. I’m still pretending like N isn’t leaving for China on the 16th. Was supposed to be the 22nd and it’s been bumped up. He won’t be back until November and I’m still trying to wrap my brain around it.

    Would going to Magic Mike alone be lame? I have no one to go with but I think it might help lift my spirits LOL

  5. Jen H

    I saw Magic Mike last night – terrific! Better than first one and soo funny! You will love it!

    Our kids start back August 5th so not that soon for us. Our school calendar has gone to an accelerated one so we have longer breaks but start earlier. When our kids were in elementary, I did the preorder school supplies at the end of the year and its the best! No need to add that to the many costs of going back to school then!

  6. Ragan

    What you need to do with the dishwasher is just leave the clean stuff in there and go take out silverware/plates/glasses as needed.

    1. Jennifer

      Ha! I used to like to do that with clothes in the dryer while I lived by myself. I would walk down two flights of stairs to the basement just to grab one shirt out of the dryer to wear.

  7. Cindy

    School supply sales start know the 1 2 5 10 25 cent bargains..I know its hard to get excited about when you havnt emptied last years back pack yet..but its great to stock up at those prices specially for fill a bus or back pack fundraisers cuz by the time the kids get their list the prices r skyhigh..I got 1000 $ worth for 100 $ last year and it was tons of stuff

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