GlobeIn October 2015 Subscription Box Review – “Cozy” + Coupon Code

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own and no compensation was received. This post does contain affiliate links.
GlobeIn Artisan Gift Box
Cost: $35/month
Ships To: United States (Free). Canada ($12). International ($15).
Coupon Code: New customers can use the coupon code “WELCOME” to save 25% off their first box of a 3+ month subscription.
GlobeIn October 2015 Subscription Box Review - "Cozy" + Coupon Code
GlobeIn October 2015 Subscription Box – “Cozy”

The GlobeIn Artisan Box is a monthly subscription box featuring GlobeIn‘s favorite products from global artisans. Each box is curated around a monthly theme selected by their editor with the aim of helping you experience new and interesting products and cultures.

GlobeIn October 2015 Subscription Box Review - "Cozy" + Coupon Code
The Box

GlobeIn ships via USPS. Boxes ship on the 15th of the month (I received mine early for review purposes). Orders placed after the 15th of the calendar month will ship on the 15th of the following calendar month.  If boxes sell out before the 15th your subscription will begin the following month.

GlobeIn October 2015 Subscription Box Review - "Cozy" + Coupon Code
First Look
GlobeIn October 2015 Subscription Box Review - "Cozy" + Coupon Code

GlobeIn releases spoilers for their boxes in advance so I knew what to expect from this box. Well, I pretty much did. This box has some variations so you won’t know exactly what’s coming in your box until you get it.

GlobeIn October 2015 Subscription Box Review - "Cozy" + Coupon Code
The Information Booklet
GlobeIn October 2015 Subscription Box Review - "Cozy" + Coupon Code
GlobeIn October 2015 Subscription Box Review - "Cozy" + Coupon Code

The October 2015 GlobeIn Artisan Box theme was “Cozy” and included the following items to help you curl up into the season:

~Fair Trade Free Weave Scarf by Marquet ($21.99): I received the cream version of this scared in my Benefit Basket this month and I like the brown / tan one I received in this box just as much.  I’m not sure how many different varieties were sent out, so so far they all look great.  The scarf itself is woven on a traditional hand-built loom using 100% locally grown cotton.  The weavers are able to work in between harvesting and planting season to create these beautiful scarves so that they do not need to leave their families like other rural Thai workers.

GlobeIn October 2015 Subscription Box Review - "Cozy" + Coupon Code
Marquet Fair Trade Scarf (Thailand)
GlobeIn October 2015 Subscription Box Review - "Cozy" + Coupon Code
Marquet Fair Trade Scarf (Thailand)

~Divine Chocolate Cocoa Powder (Ghana) (~$4): Devine Chocolate is a cocoa-growing coop located in Ghana. It’s 85,000 farmer members get a share in the products, a say in the company and a voice in the global marketplace.  GlobeIn included two recipes for this chocolate powder in the booklet (a “Simple, Creamy and Surprisingly Healthy Hot Cocoa” and “Cocoa Roasted Almonds”) but the possibilities are really endless with this one.

GlobeIn October 2015 Subscription Box Review - "Cozy" + Coupon Code
Divine Chocolate Cocoa Powder (Ghana)

~La Souk Ceramique Mug (Tunisia ($15)):  This mug comes from Nabeul, which is on the Mediterranean coast of Tunsia.  It is hand painted and I suspect a variety of different mugs were sent out.  My mug is more like an oversized teacup (and I love it), while the information card shows a totally different mug in a taller shape.  I think seeing the different varieties of this one will be very fun!

GlobeIn October 2015 Subscription Box Review - "Cozy" + Coupon Code
La Souk Ceramique Mug (Tunisia)

~Palm Leaf Basket by GlobeIn (Mexico) ($12): All GlobeIn Artisan boxes include a palm leaf basket. This month the mug arrived all bubble wrapped inside of the basket.

GlobeIn October 2015 Subscription Box Review - "Cozy" + Coupon Code
GlobeIn Palm Leaf Basket (Mexico)

All totaled I came up with a value of $52.99 for the October 2015 GlobeIn Artisan Box. I really loved this box and think it was the idea theme for fall.

What do you think of GlobeIn? If you are interested in subscribing you can head over to their site and get signed up and don’t forget that new customers can use the coupon code “WELCOME” to save 25% off their first box of a 3-month subscription.  Or, while supplies last you can use coupon code “COZY” to get a second FREE hand-painted mug (which will match the one in your box) with your 3 or 6-month subscription purchase!


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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Jayne

    Oh dear…I see mug envy issues. I didn’t realize there were different “shapes” (for lack of a better word). I was really liking the taller one shown in the spoilers because I could use it as a vase (not a big coffee drinker…and it really doesn’t look like something to drink wine from …LOL).

    Will be interesting to see how many variations there are.

  2. Renee

    Yeah, I think a lot of people ordered specifically for that tall mug. The advertising led me to believe it was similarly sized mug for all, but in different patterns. Globein even reference using it as a vase –

    “This is no ordinary mug: much bigger in size than mass-produced pieces and lovingly covered by intricate Tunisian designs, it has potential to become much more than your go-to hot drink vessel! Display it as your kitchen?s art statement or add a small flower and use it as a mini vase.”

    Your teacup is obviously not a vase. You’re attitude about it is great, but I think others would be disappointed. 🙁

    1. Jennifer

      Agreed! I like it, but I could see how if you wanted the taller one for a vase you’d be pretty annoyed to get this! I’d have to put a floating flower in here. No way it’s vase-like.

  3. Amanda

    This is the first month I ordered a box from them and one of the main reasons was for the mug. So, I will be pretty annoyed if I don’t get the tall mug, since the way I read it was that the mug would be tall, but colors would vary.

  4. Amy s

    This is my first month for Globe In and Umba. I’m really excited by Globe In but recieved my fifty dollar Umba box to find I had a cheap awful smelling soap and a woven neck cozy. I immediately wanted to cancel the Umba.. Has anyone tried both of these boxes?

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