Two on Tuesday…

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Two questions today…

1. Fall Back or Spring Forward? Which do you prefer? Or if your state / county doesn’t do this, where do you live? Even though you get an extra hour (or so they day) of sleep during Fall Back, I like Spring Forward better. It’s like the unofficial end to winter. The days are instantly longer and it makes me more awake! Plus, with fall back I don’t know that I have gotten that “extra” hour of sleep in years. Kids aren’t real down for getting an extra hour of sleep.

2. How does your city / neighborhood “do” Trick-or-Treating? I know some neighborhoods do parades or parties instead of trick-or-treating and then others will do two nights of trick-or-treating (I don’t get this). Ours is pretty standard. Everyone generally heads out between 6 and 6:30 and lots of houses will kind of set up camp in the driveway to pass out candy. They turn it into a party which I love (and plan to do when my kiddos are done trick-or-treating with me).


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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. HeatherP

    Im a “fall back” person. This is the first year that my kids started adjusting to the time change two weeks early. they are just not waking up on time. But also I feel like this is my renew time. the summer the days are bright so early and stay bright late, I feel like i need to start early and keep going, I do not rest much. In the winter, I renew and recharge my batteries. my mind feels like its getting up later and it feels good.

    1. Jennifer

      I need to start thinking like you!

  2. lynn m.

    I despise both time changes. Wish they’d set it at the half hour and be done with it. My kid sucks at sleeping and both completely screw me over.

    In Tampa/Clearwater people usually go from about 530-8. At 8 I Turn my porch light off. I’m from Key West though and down there during Fantasy Fest if Halloween falls on the main parade day they change the day of Halloween. So this year they are “encouraging” people to trick or treat on Friday. I always thought it was awful, even as a kid.

    1. lynn m.

      I sound like a huge humbug LOL

      1. Jennifer

        LOL! Your comment made me laugh though!

    2. Ragan

      I kind of don’t like either change, either. My dog and cats don’t understand the difference and wake me up at the same time, regardless.

      As for the second question, we will see. This is my first year in an actual neighborhood with houses in over a decade. First I lived with my parents on 37 acres, 1/4 a mile from the road. You couldn’t see the neighbors’ houses. Then I lived in a condo where kids weren’t allowed. But we got a flyer saying it would start at 6 so I guess we will be ready. All I’m going to do in preparation is remove the dog poop from the yard and hide the dog’s ramp (she has injured knees so she needs it to get up and down the front steps) so no kids try to walk on it. (Although they likely weigh less than my dog, it is not supposed to be used by people and I wouldn’t want to deal with insurance if someone got hurt.)

      1. Jennifer

        It’s always interesting when you move to a new neighborhood to see how many kids you get!

  3. Britney

    1. Definitely fall back! In Texas that means it time for cooler weather to get lower electricity bills, SO NICE!
    2. We live in a huge subdivision outside of Houston, most of the houses closer to the playgrounds pass out candy, we didn’t even see one kid walk down our street last year. From what I understand kids typically go out about dusk around here. So this year I’m not buying any candy and keeping my lights off so we won’t have any leftover candy to eat. 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      Did you guys get a lot of rain down there or was it mainly Dallas?

      1. Britney

        Not too bad in Houston, however we were home at our parent’s in Hubbard (a town near Waco) for the weekend and we had roughly 20″ of rain in a 12 hour time span. Which is a lot of rain and it made the whole weekend MISERABLE… but they really needed it so no one complained too much.

  4. Laura

    Here in PA, they make the kids go on a certain night (usually Thursday the week of Halloween) between 6-8 pm. It’s so stupid. One town made them go last Friday a week before Halloween!! I just don’t get it. The towns send out an announcement of what day and time to go. It’s like a dictationship.

    I love spring ahead as soon as September hits, I’m counting down the days til April arrives.

  5. Elissa

    I live in Arizona so we don’t do daylight savings time. It’s a little weird so in the summer we’re Pacific time and in the winter we’re Mountain time. Mostly it messes with the TV schedules. The local channels stay the same but the cable channels get an hour later in the winter. Also, it makes us either 2 or 3 hours different from ET depending. But I like not having to “spring forward” and “fall back”. No lost hour of sleep, no changing of clocks.

    1. Jennifer

      That is confusing! There is (or was) some county somewhere in Indiana that didn’t switch either. Talk about confusing!

  6. Beth

    I live in Iowa and we call trick or treat “beggar’s night.” Kids go house to house on a weeknight evening, each city picks what day they want (usually Thursday before Halloween), and kids have to tell a joke to get a piece of candy. I was really baffled when I heard not every place does the joke thing, it’s what I grew up with! This year is different because Halloween is on the weekend so most cities are doing trick or treat on Friday or Saturday.

    I prefer spring forward because I hate how early it seems to get dark in the winter. And generally just hate winter.

    1. Jennifer

      I have never heard of the having to tell a joke thing! Or the trick-or-treating on a day other than Halloween!

  7. wendyinca

    Yes we have daylight savings & really don’t like it. I mean, I don’t sleep well anyway and it just makes that worse!
    Since I live in one of the nicer parts of town, people drive their kids to our neighborhood to trick or treat! (At least that’s what the neighbors told me!) Anyway, I get about 100 kids at the door (I counted- an old family tradition). I just bought some CANDY yesterday & I’ve already eaten 2 bags. Omg. I wish they would pre-order so I get just the right amount.

    1. Jennifer

      My brother and SIL get people who drive to their neighborhood too. They’ve got tons of houses close together by them. Not so much where I live, but the kids don’t care!

  8. Bre

    It’s funny someone commented that they felt dictated to in time and day for trick-or-treating. We’re originally from OH and it’s what we were used to. I complain there is no set timeframe. Here in FL, it’s on Halloween and the kids come at all hours. Makes me a little annoyed when we get trick-or-treaters at 10:30 at night.

    1. Jennifer

      We don’t have a set time frame here either. It’s more of a suggestion. Kind of from 5 or 6 till “whenever”. Usually the little kids go out first and then the older kids go.

    2. Laura

      I used to live in NJ where kids just go trick or treating after school. I’m not used to the PA thing. I meant by dictating that if feels like they have a certain time frame and that’s it once it’s over it’s over. I don’t have kids just making a comment.

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