Two on Tuesday…

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Two questions today…

1. I am on an IKEA craze right now and it got me thinking, what is one item from IKEA that you’d NEVER buy again? For me it’s the HELMER Drawer Unit. In theory it’s absolutely perfect and it was for the first week or so. Except for assembling it. That was awful. And now, it’s falling apart. It *might* be because I have too much stuff in it, but when I pull the handles to open the drawer and the entire front panel pulls off, that bugs me. I’ve had such good luck with everything else I bought, except for that.

2. Have you ever walked about of a store and either forgotten to pay for something or not been charged for something? I over purchased pillows for the couch and ended up having to return a few. They could not find one of them on my receipt AT ALL. Turns out we never got charged for it. Oops.  The cashier was like I don’t know what to do?  I’m like just take it because we didn’t pay for it and I don’t really know what to do either.  Has this ever happened to you?  What’d you do?


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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 19 Comments

  1. Cindy

    Target famous for not charging or ringing up more than once or this really irritates me when they scan 1 item sev times to cover similar items but wernt exact and codes are different..then when you go to return..its not there!..and then you get the third degree!!!….and also when u ask for them to please ring seperate…ea item should be scanned individually!!!You did only buy pillows once? Did u have them just scan your card to try to locate without receipt? Is b gonna be in secret Santa? So want to send retrieve box full of seasonal room looks great!

    1. Cindy

      Supposed to say refrigerator box full of pillows sorry!

      1. Cindy

        Do you know about cartwheel target toy deal..half off diff toy ea day till Christmas I think..great marketing..anyone know what we’ve missed so far? Love to know!

  2. Beth

    I have never not got charged for anything, but before school started back I bought a Captain America shirt for my son at Target. It ended up not fitting. Our closest target is about 30 minutes away in another state, so when I finally went to return it about a month later I had lost the receipt, which I didn’t think would be a big deal. I figured they’d put it on a gift card and I would turn around and spend it in the store. Well, when the lady tried to scan it, it wouldn’t come up in the computer. Turns out they never even sold that shirt there. I guess someone bought it somewhere else and then returned it to target, then I bought it. I think I paid like 10 bucks for the shirt, so it wasn’t that big of a deal, but i thought it was the weirdest thing. I don’t know how it rung up for me in the first place. The lady was sure I had bought it somewhere else, but I KNOW I got it at Target!

  3. Melissa T.

    Did you see there is a Starbucks groupon today? good deal!

    1. Nicole

      For once I actually managed to snag one! Usually by the time I wake up and check my email, they’re gone, but I sleepily checked my email while waiting for the shower to heat up today. Woo hooo!

    2. Ake

      Thanks! I never would have found this on my own.

  4. Britney

    1. I have never been to an Ikea! In my defense I buy and refinish antiques and used solid wood peices… which is probably just as hard as putting the Ikea furniture together. 🙂
    2. I have forgot to put lip stick and nail polish on the counter before and realized it when I got to my car. Both times I took the items back in to the cashier… guess I didn’t need them anyway. If I ever received something that they forgot to scan in I wouldn’t know… I am the worst about checking my receipts. However, I am really good at making sure they scan in my coupons!! lol

  5. HeatherP

    I have a little rule for missed charged items. Since I have gone home and realized on MANY ocassions that I have over paid in the past (either a sale item rung up full price or they duplicated an item), if its smaller items, I will let it go with out guilt. I have the kids with me usually and its so hard to watch the cashier, but store often enough do not have pricing updated and you HAVE to watch. If its a very large item and higher in value I will go back, but on my time. Sometimes its so hard juggling the kids and hard enough to get out once, but to get home and see they missed something, it can be quite annoying to me.
    I hope I dont sound like an awful person, but I feel my method balances things out.

  6. laura r

    IKEA bedframes. We’ve bought 2, when we lived in the condo, and they both broke in unfixable ways. Never again, though we have a king bed now and I don’t think IKEA has frames for those anyway?

    My rule of thumb for not charging me for something is if I don’t notice it until after I’m in my car (ie at home), oh well. But the same is true for overcharging me. If I don’t notice that they charged too much until I get home, I don’t think I’ve ever gone back for a price adjustment.

    1. Jennifer

      I am not sure if they do? I think that might be the one thing I have never purchased from IKEA!

  7. Nicole

    I actually won’t buy any Ikea furniture because the war that it starts between my husband and I while trying to put it together isn’t worth it, lol. He’s one of those guys that doesn’t read the instructions and uses power tools when it says in giant bold letters, do not use power tools!

    I occasionally (and accidentally) notice items I haven’t paid for, almost always at Target. Usually, it’s because they are under the cart or simply because they didn’t scan it and I didn’t notice until I get home and check my receipt for my savings. If I’m home, I don’t go back and tell them. I’ve given them enough money and had them miss discounts and coupons they were supposed to apply to me. Do I feel bad, yeah. But it’s never anything big and they’ve gotten plenty of my money. Does that make me a bad person? eh….I say no. Now if I noticed while walking out and didn’t say anything….then I would be a jerk.

  8. Melissa

    Oh my gosh, my husband and I had the exact same problem with Helmer!! It made me think that those robots they have in the store opening and closing drawers over and over are a total scam! They probably fix the drawers every night after closing!! So, after Helmer croaked on us we decided to buy some real furniture and bought from Hunt on Black Friday.

    I feel like this I have caught some mistakes where they didn’t charge me and I went back to pay and they were totally less than impressed. I was like, “Give me some props for taking time out of my day to fix YOUR error!!” Lol. A weirder situation I recently had was where I bought an automatic cat food dispenser at a local pet food shop. I swear it was marked $79.99, which is about what I’ve paid before. Well, when I got home I looked at the receipt and it said I had been charged $119.99!! When I looked at the box, I saw that they had taken the price tag off!!! How suspicious is that?!? I like to support local stores but from now on, I’m going to PetSmart!

    1. Jennifer

      That made me laugh because sometimes it’s SO hard to get something like that fixed. It’s like their computers don’t have a way to charge you more so they are like now what?

    2. Jennifer

      And the HELMER. AHHH, I should have gotten the wood under desk one. I want to throw this out the window.

  9. Jenny

    I can’t think of anything I’ve gotten at IKEA that I wouldn’t buy again. Oh wait my mom got some pillows that were just crap so I’ll go with those. Of course I haven’t bought much furniture there but I do like your little dresser too bad it doesn’t work.

    I have the same as many other responses if I get home then I don’t go back since I know I’ve over paid sometimes too. I have had to return something before that come to find out I didn’t pay for and they get so confused when you do that. I actually had Kohls insist on giving me a gc for an item that wasn’t on my receipt. They basically told me that I had to be missing another receipt and the item should have been on that one. I know I was correct since it was a piece or an outfit so I no longer even try with them. LOL I have been known to forget items on the bottom of my cart at Target or the grocery store and usually notice when loading my car and then I’ll go back in and pay for it since I’m still there. 🙂

  10. Stacie Seidman

    So far my Ikea purchases have all been satisfactory. But I don’t have very many yet!
    One time at Marshall’s I bought an Emma Fox wristlet along with other items. I looked at the receipt when I got in the car, because the total seemed low, and saw that they didn’t charge me for the wristlet. I went back and paid for it, and they were kind of shocked I went back. Says a lot about society I guess.

  11. Kelsey A

    One time I had bought matching PJ pants for Christmas for my husband and I (he’s such a good sport) at Target and when I got the total, I thought it was less than expected but another thing I bought ended up being clearance so I chalked it up to that. When I got home and looked at the receipt, I realized that they had only charged me for one pair of pants. I’m assuming the cashier didn’t notice there were 2 since it was the same pattern. I didn’t go back and I didn’t necessarily feel bad, I spend enough there lol. My husband and I also have a knack for being undercharged at restaurants, usually not being charged for our sodas. I usually add a couple extra bucks to whatever tip I was going to be leaving 😉

  12. Lori Haas

    I got these tan plates and bowls…like a dish set. They are soooo cute but they squeak when your fork or knife touches them and when silverware makes contact they leave all these little gray scratches eveywhere…that do not wash off. They are annoying dishes. Who would have thought a dish set could be annoying!

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