Play! by Sephora Subscriptions – Now Open!

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

Play! by Sephora Subscriptions - Now Open!OMG! Play! by Sephora subscriptions are now open (thanks to Karen for the heads up)!  Head over there NOW to get signed up because this is NOT going to last!

What is Play? by Sephora?
Play! by Sephora ($10/month) is a monthly subscription box program. Each month subscribers will receive a box of deluxe samples, along with an exclusive PLAY! BOOK — packed with helpful advice — and a PLAY! PASS to redeem in store for a free one-on-one learning session with a beauty expert. The six product samples in your PLAY! by SEPHORA box are from the same prestige brands Sephora carries in store and online, and they are sized to use multiple times.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Liz

    yay!!! finally

  2. Zelene

    Yeiiii, tnx for the heads up, I tried and the first time it sent me to the waiting list and then I tried again and I was in, so happy!!

  3. Wanica

    Thanks sooooo much, I have been on waiting list since the beginning and nothing.

  4. Loren

    I’ve commented many times on the MSA thread already but let me rant again…I’m so pissed, I’ve been trying since 9:30 am EST and it is now 11:20 am…I have still not been able to get it to accept me. I?ve used three different browsers on the computer, one on my phone as well as the app, and 5 different email addresses on each. And yes I logged into my Sephora account. I officially give up.

  5. Loren

    All these other people are like “Yay, I got it on the first or second try!” why won’t it let me!?

  6. JacLyn

    I signed up! I can’t wait to get my first box. 😀

  7. Kneecoal

    Thanks for the announcement! I was able to sign up after being on the waiting list for awhile.

  8. Jen

    Got in thank you so much!

  9. Staci H.

    Yay! So excited it’s finally open to all of us. I hope the boxes stay as awesome as they have been during their trial run. There were some great products in those ?

  10. Jodie

    Ekkkkk, I have been waiting for this to open up. Love.
    I am sure this will be put back on the waiting list – so I am glad that I made the cut.

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