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Royal Treasure Chest September 2016 Subscription Box Review

Royal Treasure Chest September 2016 Subscription Box Review
Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own, and no compensation was received.  This post contains affiliate links.
Royal Treasure Chest
Cost: $40/month
Ships To: United States (Free). Canada (+$10), Worldwide (+$20)
Coupon Code:  “EARLYBIRD25” to save 25%.

Royal Treasure Chest September 2016 Subscription Box Review
Royal Treasure Chest is a monthly vintage subscription box. Every month, you or your friend, family, or lover will receive a box of three vintage items on a journey! Items will range from scarves from another era, jewelry from a forbidden romance or forgotten books. Each treasure is unique, genuine, and hand-picked. No two boxes will ever be the same.

Royal Treasure Chest ships via USPS on a monthly basis.

Royal Treasure Chest allows subscribers to customize their boxes from a number of categories including Olde Books, Curios & Knick-Knacks, Jewelry, Tie Bars & Cufflinks, Paper Ephemera, Ladies Accessories, Gentlemen’s Accessories and Surprise Me!.  I opted for Curios & Knick-Knacks, Ladies Accessories and Surprise Me!



Royal Treasure Chest
 includes a note about where the items in your box were discovered.  From the sounds of the note, mine were found in an old secluded home in a tiny little village called Emeigh in Central Pennsylvania.  My box included the following items:

~Steinbock Austria Dish and Vase: I am not sure what this is.  I don’t think it’s a vase (unless it’s a very small one), but I am not sure what else it would be?  It looks to me like an oil diffuser (you know, with the sticks), but I don’t think it’s that either.  I tried to do a little internet research but came up empty.  Someone is selling a similar one on eBay and called it a box, but it doesn’t open, so I don’t think that’s right.  Whatever it is, it’s gorgeous and in fabulous condition.

~Flower Necklace: This metal necklace is quite beautiful and almost looks like it is made out of stained glass?  It’s even prettier when it reflects in the light.

~Scarves by Vera Scarf: I believe this is a vintage Vera Bradley Scarf!  It looks almost brand new, but if I had to guess, I’d say it’s from the early 70’s (totally a guess).  It’s gorgeous, and the pattern is fantastic.

I couldn’t do a cost breakdown on Royal Treasure Chest, but I enjoyed this box.  It was fun and opening it up was a complete surprise.  Since no two boxes are the same, it will always be a fun one to open!

What do you think of Royal Treasure Chest?  If you are interested in subscribing, you can check them out here.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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