Monday Morning Ramblings

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~Good morning! I got most of my Trunk or Treating tasks done yesterday, so I think this should be a fairly calm week. I do have a field trip with W, conferences for L and L also has a few half days thrown in there, but other than that it will be calm ;). B’s in town all week which is always good.

~It sounds like enough people are interested in Secret Santa, so I’ll make it happen! If you haven’t joined already, you can join my ROASM Secret Santa Facebook Group. I’ll post details here too, but it’ll probably be easier to sort through things in there.

~This week I am expecting Bespoke Post, ipsy, Loot Crate, POPSUGAR Mystery Box, Geek Fuel, Cultured Owl, bluum, and an assortment of others. Don’t forget that the Neiman Marcus x POPSUGAR Box goes on sale on October 20th!

~Let’s see, what else is going on? Has anyone seen Girl on the Train? Thoughts? B and I briefly considered going Saturday night, but he was at National Guard later than expected and it was Sweetest Day (is that a thing anywhere other than the Midwest), so I figured it would be crazy.

That’s it from here! Have a great week!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Trisha

    Thanks for the Birchbox post as I had kinda forgotten about them, and after I looked over their website I’m thinking I’ll signup once I finish my holiday shopping. There were a few box collections I’d like to get. Hope they still have them in December!

  2. Tabitha

    I’m interested in participating in Secret Santa again. I don’t do Facebook though. Are you having everything go through there this year?

    1. Amy

      I’m the same- no Facebook. I haven’t participated in a Secret Santa before but I think it would be fun.

      1. Jennifer

        Totally not a big deal! You can still join! It’s just easier (for me). I will post the Elfster sign-up on here when I get things settled!

  3. Susan

    I recommend Girl on the Train. Yes, they had to cut out some of the details of the story so you don’t get as much background on all the other characters but Emily Blunt was really good. She does a great job of personifying the hopelessness of the main character. In my opinion, even if you’ve read the book you’re still going to really enjoy the movie…

  4. Jenny Louthan

    Oh my gosh are you guys in coats and gloves!!! It is going to be 80s here this week. I really think I’m going to melt.

    1. Jennifer

      LOL! They were up-north so it’s a little chiller up there. But it’s 75 out right now. I swear, you just never know with Michigan.

  5. Margaret

    The book was so much better than the movie.

  6. Cindy pauly

    Loved the movie!!!!! Now wanna read it too!

    1. Cindy pauly

      Is it possible to request local secret Santa..something special in stalking involved!!! Honest!

      1. Cindy pauly

        And an open minded secret santa too…lol

  7. Ashley

    I live in Iowa and have never heard of Sweetest Day! Maybe I need to make it a thing around here! I had drill this weekend too so we ended up going to the movie Sunday instead of Saturday. I brought the book to Annual Training with me and like 6 of us ended up reading it! I really enjoyed the movie. Hope you do too! Looking forward to doing the Secret Santa again this year! Take care!

    1. Jennifer

      Maybe you and B will end up in the same place for your Annual Training one year?? I swear he was in Iowa one year for his???

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