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Happy Legs Club January 2017 Subscription Box Review

Happy Legs Club January 2017 Subscription Box Review
Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

Happy Legs Club January 2017 Subscription Box Review
Happy Legs Club is a monthly women’s shaving subscription. Your first box will a handle plus the cartridges of your choice. Every OTHER month after they will send you six new razor blades so you can continue to get that smooth shave.

Happy Legs Club
Cost: Bashful: $4/month. Happy: $6/month. Hey Hey: $8/month.
Ships To: Continental United States.
Coupon CodeSUBSCRIPTIONBOXRAMBLINGS10” to save 10% off your first shipment!

Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own, and no compensation was received.

Happy Legs Club ships via USPS on a bi-monthly basis.

I received “Hey Hey” to review which is $8/month or $16 per delivery.

The January 2017 Happy Legs Club included the following items:

~The Handle: Your first delivery will include a free handle (based on your subscription selection). I received the “Hey Hey” which features a heavier weighted metal and rubber handle.  It’s easy to grip and substantial, without being awkwardly heavy.

~The Blades: The “Hey Hey” cartridges have five stainless steel blades + 1 top blade bikini trimmer. I loved them!  I got such a close shave with them and didn’t cut myself once ;).  I also found them to be easy to snap in and out of the handle.  I’d had razors that where the cartridges would “unsnap” from the handle if I dropped them in the shower and then I wouldn’t snap back together. I am happy to report that this was not the case here.




Happy Legs Club works out to be $2.67/cartidge for the “Hey Hey” which seems to be less than the cost of most other 5-blade cartridges I have come across.  Plus you can’t beat the convenience of getting these shipped right to your door!

What do you think of Happy Legs Club?  If you are interested in ordering use coupon code “SUBSCRIPTIONBOXRAMBLINGS10” to save 10% off your first shipment!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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