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MyIrelandBox Review – January 2017

MyIrelandBox Review - January 2017
Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

MyIrelandBox Review - January 2017MyIrelandBox Review - January 2017

MyIrelandBox is a subscription box straight from Ireland to your doorstep!  The box includes one large or 2-4 Irish made/designed home goods, accessories, jewellery, stationary or beauty products.

Cost: $55.50/month
Ships To: United States, United Kingdom, and the European Union.
Coupon Code: N/A

Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own, and no compensation was received.

MyIrelandBox ships from Ireland and, in general, takes about a week to arrive.

MyIrelandBox sends a variety of items, but jewelry and home items are favorites.

The January 2017 MyIrelandBox included the following items:

~Tea and Talk by Alice Taylor ($14.55): I know we have received books from MyIreland Box in the past, but I can’t recall ever getting a novel!  I like when they change things up in boxes.

From Amazon:
Relax with Alice, sit and chat over a cup of tea, as she invites you into her life. See an old press overflowing with the linen collection of two generations, the oil lamps and clocks inherited and collected over many years, and the books of people who once lived here. Alice tells you of the sad loss of her beautiful dogs Kate and Lolly, friends of the heart, and takes you around her village to meet her neighbours, join a meitheal to plant trees, and visit the fairy doors in the nearby wood. But Alice’s home and community are not a perfect place: hear about the split in the local GAA club, blocked off rights of way, the donations of the local canine population on the footpaths! Visit a restored famine graveyard and hear about the landlords who once owned this village and the landmarks they left on the landscape and the people. This is life in a small Irish village in 2016, one hundred years after the Rising.


~Sealed with Irish Love Irish Mug by Maire McKeogh (~$10):  As you know I have never met a mug I didn’t like, and this one is no exception.  It’s a hand drawn illustration of an old Irish cottage window along with a gorgeous old cast iron kettle and plant sitting on the sill.  What I really want to know though is how this arrived from overseas in perfect condition with being wrapped in only one sheet of bubble wrap.  I can’t even ship something to another town without it breaking.  Amazing!


~Bog Standard Candle by County Down ($9.64): This candle smells like Spring.  It’s a fresh grass scent with notes of lily and grass enriched with herbal and musk notes.  The packaging is beautiful, and I just can’t tell you enough how much I enjoyed this


~Ursula Celano Tote Bag (~$13): The boats on this bag are designed to be reminiscent of the boats sailing around the blue seas surrounding Dublin and the great lighthouses that adorn the coasts.  It’s a great side for a library book bag, and I appreciate that it wipes clean!

All totaled the January 2017 MyIrelandBox had a value of nearly $50.  That’s less than the cost of the box, but it’s important to remember that many of these items are not available in the states and would incur shipping charges to get them here.

What do you think of MyIrelandBox?  If you are interested in ordering, you can check them out here.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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