Subscription Box Ramblings Birthday Giveaway (CLOSED)

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It’s not Subscription Box Ramblings’ Birthday (I have no idea when that even is), but it’s MY birthday, so it’s giveaway time! Today’s giveaway is for things I’d put on my birthday list this year (if I made one). The giveaway (winner takes all) includes:

~The Sunshine Sisters by Jane Green ($17.08)
~Glossier Cloud Paint (Puff) ($18)
~Glossier Birthday Balm Dotcom ($12)
~Rainbow Sprinkle Marshmallow Crispycake (~$7)
~Popsicle Snow Globes ($14)
~$100 Gift Card to one of the following: Lululemon, Athleta, Lucy or Lole ($100)

If you want to win, just enter in the Rafflecopter box / widget below (if you can’t see it head here) and make sure to come back every day to enter.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: This giveaway is sponsored by Ramblings of a Suburban Mom – Subscription Box Ramblings and is not in any way sponsored by or associated with any of the brands / products included in the giveaway, their subsidiaries or affiliates. Please read the Official Rules which are located in the Rafflecopter widget under “Terms and Conditions” prior to entry. Please note this giveaway is open to U.S. Residents only. 18 years of age or older.



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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 151 Comments

  1. jmd

    I don’t know what I’m doing this year, but usually I go out to eat somewhere and have dessert!

    1. Jennifer

      Dessert is always good!!!

  2. Jill

    Bakery cake with extra frosting!

    1. Jennifer

      Invite me next year! LOL! I love birthday cake!

  3. Jessica A

    Go on an adventure with husband and/or friends.

    1. Jennifer

      How fun!!!

  4. Linda

    Have a great birthday!

    1. Jennifer

      Thank you!

  5. Zelene

    Since we are very far away from our family I do no like celebrating a lot since I miss my family more and my husband is pretty bad with birthday details, so, we usually stay at home and relax a little bit.

    1. Jennifer

      ;(. There is always cycle class!!!! This is the first time in years B has been in town for my birthday, but if he wasn’t here that’s probably what I’d do!!

  6. Jennifer Davis

    Usually dinner out with family and parents.

  7. Margaret

    I never celebrate my birthday, but this year’s birthday was a big one, so my husband and I took a solo trip (no kids)! Best decision ever!

    1. Jennifer

      Ohhh, how fun!!!!

  8. Alicia

    I celebrate usually with dinner with my family on the day of and then desert of my choice afterwards. I usually try to do a dinner and drinks with my friends sometime around my birthday also!

    1. Jennifer


  9. Browning

    At the beach! Hope you have an amazing birthday today!

    1. Jennifer

      Thank you!!!

  10. Kat

    I normally just go to a movie on my birthday. It was Wonder Woman this year!

    1. Jennifer

      Did you like it??

  11. Callie

    My birthday is on New Year’s Eve so I am always out and about on my birthday.

  12. Lin

    A very happy birthday to you!

  13. Robyn

    My birthday is on October so I usually take my fall vacation close to my birthday.

  14. Amanda

    I try to take the day off work, relax and go to the pool if it’s warm enough. Then I buy myself a small cake and usually take out from somewhere.

  15. Valerie M

    It’s my daughter’s birthday today! We don’t usually do much for mine. Maybe get dinner and open a few presents.

  16. celyn

    Happiest birthday!

  17. Staci

    Usually I celebrate with family and friends. We might go out to dinner or do something fun like the movies or bowling. Happy birthday!

  18. Sara D

    My birthday is Friday but celebrating is always different. Last year husband was away for training, this year he’s working. Im going to take the kids to Disneyland on Wednesday and pretend it’s my birthday that day and eat all the treats!!

  19. Amber Y

    I am 26 and this past year it just hit me that I hate birthdays. I went out to dinner with family but wouldn’t let my friends do anything for me! Maybe this year I’ll embrace it and have a better attitude?!

  20. Ms. Potts

    I normally run around town collecting Birthday freebies from restaurants!

  21. Ruby Yoshi

    A nice restaurant dinner

  22. Kimmy Ripley

    I always go out for a sushi feast!

  23. Heather Mathison

    I always love to buy myself something I’ve been lusting after all year!

  24. Chandra

    Happy Birthday! If I’m off from work I go out to dinner and my mom usually buys me a cake!

  25. ms tk

    Happy birthday!

    We celebrate with a fancy dinner and a homemade cake.

  26. Lori

    I always love to make a big deal out of birthdays so everyone seems to spoil me for mine. Lots of dinners with friends and family, lots of drinks, and lots of desserts! Thank you for the fun giveaway!

  27. JacLyn

    We have a small party with my husband and the kids and have my favorite meal (linguine with white clam sauce and maybe some sushi). Maybe we’ll play video games or watch a movie and I’ll try to use it to get the children to do some extra chores. XD

    1. JacLyn

      Happy birthday, btw! 🙂

  28. Melissa A

    Usually dinner out or take out of my choice followed by a yummy chocolate chocolate cake! My last “big” birthday, my husband had a surprise party for me and my 3 siblings came half way across the country to surprise me! Nothing will ever top that for me!

  29. Deborah

    I love having a family dinner at home. A Costco cake is usually a good idea because I have seven children and eight grandchildren (soon to be nine). Add in all of the significant others and we have quite a rowdy and happy crowd.

  30. Joanne

    With family

  31. Deb

    Happy birthday! We usually just go out to dinner. I hope you get your wish list items!

  32. Cheryl

    I don’t celebrate my birthday anymore.

  33. Nancy

    My birthday was on the 19th. Husband and son surprised me with dinner, roses, gift cards, and lottery tickets! But no luck on the tickets…:(

  34. Julie

    Happy birthday! I usually celebrate my birthday in a low-key way, but cake is a must!

  35. Ashlee

    Happy birthday!!!! ???
    Normally we do dinner with the family for my birthday. This year I’m pregnant, didn’t want the food and missed out on the drinks. I bet yours will be really fun!

  36. Ren

    I’m a bit surprised that so many people do what we do…dinner and dessert. Along with a present of course. This past year I went Southern themed and picked BBQ for dinner, Cheerwine soda and a seven layer caramel cake for dessert. The cake was so rich I stowed the leftovers in the freezer and used it for another two dessert nights. I hope your birthday is just as delicious!

  37. Tara

    Lunch with my Mom, dinner and cake with friends and cake and cards from my kids…lots of cake ?

  38. Renee

    I always take my birthday off work. I try to plan something for myself that day, but even if I don’t, being off work is still a treat! Hope you had a wonderful birthday!

  39. Shiree Shaffer

    The usual dinner out with family- but this year I will also be doing 37 random acts of kindness- I was supposed to on my 35th birthday but I got bit by a mosquito and ended up with west Nile encephalitis. I was in the hospital and then rehab center (during my birthday) learning how to walk and talk again. I was still not really ready by my 36th birthday. This year I’m DOING it!

  40. Shiree Shaffer

    Oh yeah- and Happy Birthday!

  41. Jen

    Definitely a delicious meal of some sort. And some fun activity with my sweetheart, like going to the zoo or a museum. If possible going somewhere pretty to watch the sunset (but I try to do that pretty regularly anyway)

  42. Kristin

    Dinner with the hubby. Happy birthday to you!!!

  43. Michelle C

    I don’t like a big fuss, but I usually go out to dinner with my family.

  44. Ake

    Happy Birthday! My birthday is soon too, and I love to celebrate by taking advantage of all the free offers that companies give out. Mostly it’s food (I love not having to cook), but a couple of exercise studios give out free classes, and I got a pillow from Kohl’s yesterday.

  45. Elisabeth

    Dinner with my boyfriend

  46. Annie

    Happy Birthday! We have a couple birthday traditions for the kiddo, but not for ourselves. We try to do extra nice things for each other and have a few gifts, but that’s it.

  47. Amy P.

    I celebrate my birthday with my family. Usually a special dinner.

  48. Anie Chen

    I normally go out to dine with close friends or family, or a home made dinner with cake and all that jazz; specially for the kids (and kids at heart~ like me).
    This year is a big one. So… Im going to a tropical getaway at a friends place. Cant wait to hit the beach. ?

  49. Michelle Hill

    I always have a big bonfire on my birthday.

  50. Vicki Levy

    Happy Birthday!

  51. Mary Rang

    Go out to eat somewhere with someone special.

  52. Rceli

    I’m a July baby. So ever since I was a kid I never got a big party with all my friends at school. It’s always been multiple small get togethers with small groups of friends here and there because of schedules. I still do that to this day, the whole month of July is my birthday with gathering with different freinds every weekend and throughout the month.

  53. Swati

    Happy Birthday!! ?
    We usually do dinner by ourselves or with a few friends 🙂

  54. Elizabeth W

    Happy birthday!

    We usually celebrate with just dinner, cake and family time.

  55. Jill

    Go out to eat. Nothing fancy.

  56. Nicole A.

    My birthday is 5/22, but I almost always save the celebration for Memorial Day weekend when my friends and I go to a music festival in Napa.

  57. Hayley

    I love to go out with a big group of friends for my birthday! Happy birthday to you!

  58. WendyinCA

    My birthday is at the end of January so we usually do an overnight in Ashland Oregon to eat great food, shop, enjoy the lovely town in quiet Winter. It’s just become the tradition after all these years! (& the total opposite of the heatwave now!) Anyway glad you had such a nice birthday and Happy belated Birthday!!

  59. Candice

    Not sure this year (Aug) because husband won’t be available to watch monsters but last year I had lunch at nursing home and painted his grandma nails for her birthday the next week (she is turning 101) and went to movie solo! Be happy for repeat even if it takes paying babysitter and came with monsters after 🙂

  60. Leana

    I take the day off work and go to the spa and have dinner with family. I also go to other lunches and dinners hosted by friends. This year my brother already gave me my gift…an adorable puppy!

  61. Jessica C

    Happy birthday!!

    My birthday is on Christmas day, so my birthday plans are always set in stone. Since I was little though, my mom always wanted to make it special so when it turns midnight on Christmas, we have birthday cake and I get to open my presents. I’m 30 and that’s still our tradition LOL

  62. Jen

    Dinner with family.

  63. melanie purcell

    happy belated birthday! this year i celebrated my birthday at the soccer and baseball field. nothing like a day of kids sporting events on your birthday to make it complete 🙂

  64. Maura

    Usually it’s not a huge deal, dinner, drinks and dessert with my family.

  65. Dianna Greer

    Happy Birthday! That snow globe is the cutest thing ever!!

  66. Kristine

    My birthday is in December, so with the holidays and everything so festive, I celebrate birthday month. I don’t do anything specific every year but I just take in the season and enjoy.

  67. Michelle Tichenor

    I turned 60 this year and spent a week in St Thomas!

  68. Ivy

    Dinner at a new restaurant!

  69. Lauren

    Night out with my husband, spa day with my mom & sister!

  70. Jennifer T

    Mine is right after yours Jen (27th).. I don’t really do much to celebrate, maybe happy hour this year though!

  71. Paulina

    I usually just hang out with my son and go out to eat.

  72. Kristen

    Dinner with family and amazing cake from Cafe Latte!

    Enjoy your birthday!

  73. Jenny T

    Cupcakes!! And dinner out.

  74. lori

    Happy birthday!

  75. Denise B.

    We usually go out to eat on the weekend.

  76. Diane F

    Usually a nice dinner and a delicious dessert

  77. Sophie A

    Last year I took a trip to Universal with my bestie for a long girls weekend. But usually, we just go out to dinner with family and splurge on dessert.

  78. Jenny S

    We usually go out to dinner, and my BF gets me flowers. : ) We try to catch a soccer game, if it works out there is a home game. This year my soccer team surprised me with a birthday cake. Yum!

  79. Kara Krause

    Me and my oldest daughter share a Birthday. So, right now it’s usually spent doing kids stuff. Ha!

  80. Kelly

    Spa day and family dinner

  81. Tracy Shafer

    I usually have a nice dinner with my husband.

  82. terri s

    something good to eat and treat myself to something new nail polish, a pedi, earrings or a new outfit; whatever catches my eye! happy birthday to you!

  83. Azeem

    I spend my birthday with my family having fun

  84. Alyssa

    Usually celebrate with a nice dinner with my boyfriend, and dinner with both of our families!

  85. Cindy A.

    Happy Birthday! I always make sure to have cake on my birthday. 🙂

  86. Katie Sparks

    This year was just a nice dinner with my husband!

  87. Karen

    With two young kids, my birthday celebrations are usually pretty low key. I hope you had a wonderful birthday!

  88. laura r

    I usually spend the 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after celebrating. This year I had a big gathering at a brewery, a 4 mile bike ride, went climbing and hiking. Last year same brewery, indoor climbing.

  89. Wendy R.

    The Greek Festival is near my birthday every year, so we usually go to celebrate.

  90. Elle

    I celebrate my birthday with friends and family!

  91. Kristin

    Dinner and drinks… and normally a day at the beach!!

  92. Darlene Carbajal

    My boyfriend takes me out to eat! Once in a while, I like to have a party!

  93. Marilyn Nawara

    We go out to dinner and then come home for cake/ice cream

  94. Colleen Boudreau

    I usually just go out to dinner with some friends.

  95. Nicole H

    We usually get a cake from a local baker and that’s it. My daughter’s birthday is three days later so that usually overshadows things.

  96. Roisin d

    My birthday usually falls on or around mother’s day. I don’t like the rush in restaurants so we usually keep it low key. Then I buy myself something pretty. This year I extended my pop sugar sub for another 3 months

  97. cindy

    Family party 3 bdays that week!

  98. miranda

    I like to go on a mini vacation

  99. gary

    I like going out to dinner

  100. Lauren Becker

    I usually go to a favorite restaurant with my family and just hang out. Nothing too big really.

  101. paige chandler

    Fried chicken with friends every year,

  102. Mo

    My birthday is coming up soon. I’m planning on going to brunch with family and baking a cake to eat.

  103. bill

    I like getting together with family

  104. Rebecca

    I don’t celebrate my birthday enough – maybe cake and dinner with family at the most!

    1. Rebecca

      Friends usually insist on dinner though 🙂

  105. Ashley C

    I usually celebrate with a birthday dinner with family and some cake!

  106. LIK? WHAT DADDY, TELL US, ?ELL US.? Each boys jumped up and down desirous to know the wway to
    make God happy.

  107. Rebecca I.

    I don’t usually have much of a celebration. If I’m lucky, my oldest sister usually stops by with some treats. However, for my 40th birthday, I’m itching to take a trip!

  108. Tessa

    Fancy dinner out + dessert!

  109. John Sweeney


  110. Lorena Keech

    We don’t do much, maybe dinner out.

  111. Leela

    I don’t really do anything.

  112. Emily

    I have a small party

  113. Julie Hawkins

    I celebrate with family and cake!

  114. Lisa

    I usually go out to dinner but other than that just take the day off from work and relax!

  115. Kristen Benson

    I sleep ???

  116. Kayla Klontz

    I normally go out to dinner for mine,

  117. Kerry p

    As I age, I don’t celebrate. I go to work 🙂

  118. tina reynolds

    My husband and kids plan a dinner cake and usually a movie or concert

  119. Rita A

    get together with family. We have 3 birthdays in one week in July.

  120. sarah conaway

    We have a field party

  121. rhonda miotke

    We always go to a mexican restaurant that gives a free meal on your birthday.

  122. Brandon Sparks

    The wife and kids always makes my favorite meal on my Birthday..

  123. Kathy Pease

    It is funny you ask..Today is my birthday and I am celebrating with a few beers..Maybe

  124. Anita Jude

    with my family dinner and cake



  126. danell palmer

    I always spend my birthday with friends and family out at a restaurant!

  127. Christy Caldwell

    Usually I have dinner with a friend and always still get a card and $25 from my parents. ??

  128. Buddy Garrett

    We go out to my favorite restaurant.

  129. Breanna Pollard


  130. qhuinn s

    I always run 3 miles on the forest trails, then celebrate with losts of rocky road icecream.

  131. Richard Hicks

    Usually someone takes me out for a dinner

  132. Samantha

    My birthday was actually 4 days ago! I celebrated with a picnic in the park with my family and then my parents came over and we went out to dinner and had some ice cream cake!

  133. Trisha Musgrave

    I normally just relax and home with my family and have cake and ice cream.

  134. Andrea P.

    I do dinner & drinks with my family!

  135. Susan Chester

    My birthday is December 25th, so my birthday kind of gets ignored.

  136. Trisha McKee

    I throw myself a dinner party with about ten of my closest friends! I did this for my 40th birthday. I was tired of hating birthdays and waiting around for anyone to do something for me. I did it myself and now it is tradition. I don’t want presents, so i usually don’t mention it is my birthday. I just want friends, wine, food and laughs!

  137. donna porter

    I celebrate with family and friends with a nice dinner out.

  138. Paulo Isaac


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