Saturday Smiles

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Today I’m Smiling Because…

~We made our first library trip of the summer yesterday! Love the library!

~It finally rained here! Stormed actually. Luckily we didn’t have any damage or lose power like some people. We had some patio furniture end up on the lawn and someone’s garbage can ended up in our driveway, but no big deal!

~This is B’s last weekend home for a while. I am not sure we have any set plans, but we will do something fun.

~Based on the sneak peeks we have seen so far, the July boxes are looking great! I’m looking at you especially BOXYCHARM!

~I scheduled a VO2 max test so hopefully, this will help me figure out my splat point issue (the issue being that I get none anymore).

~Clean sheets always make me sleep 100% better!

What are you smiling about today?



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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Tabitha

    Interested to hear how your VO2 max testing goes. I took a friend with me to Orangetheory and she was kinda discouraged by her low splat points despite me trying to convince her that she clearly must have a super efficient heart. How much is the test?

    1. Jennifer

      It’s $125. It seems high to me, but it’s either that or continue to get 0-1 points and not really know what’s going on. I ca nget my heartrate into the orange but just barely. It jumped into the orange yesterday for about 30 seconds during an all-out at like 8.5mph and 2 incline. My legs were toast, but my heart wasn’t! I will report back for sure!

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