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Dear Michigan, 87 degrees and sunny for the first day of Fall? I’ll take it!
Dear Christmas Lights, I didn’t expect to see you at Target yesterday, but there you were!
Dear L, Thanks for letting W sleep on your bottom bunk all those years! I suspect he’ll be back in your room just as soon as the novelty of the Pokemon sheets wears off.
Dear PTO Meeting, You were pretty fun last night! Not Bad Moms fun, but still fun!
Dear Buster and Bella, I can’t help but laugh when you pull out every single one of your toys and play with each one for two seconds. Just like little kids!
Dear iPhoto, I don’t have know what happened, but all of a sudden half my pictures won’t import like normal? Hopefully you magically fix yourself just as quickly as you broke. LOL!
Dear Michigan State, I’m already nervous for the game tomorrow night, but in a good way! Go green!
If your PTO turns all Bad Moms then I might need to move up with you. LOL Mine are all very boring in comparison.