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2020 Advent Calendar Reveals – Day 16

2020 Advent Calendar Reveals - Day 1
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2020 Advent Calendar Reveals - Day 12020 Advent Calendar Reveals - Day 1

I thought I would do a post revealing all the treats we received in (all) of our Advent Calendars each day.  Here is Day 16!

Aldi Wine Advent Calendar
-Trestoria Sauvignon Blanc (So-so)

Aldi Cheese Advent Calendar
-Black Pepper Gouda (better than the Fiery Hot and Mustard Goudas) 

Costco Wine Advent Calendar
-Moulinet Red Blend (I love all the Costco reds so far)

Target Wine Advent Calendar
Let’s Wine About Winter Sauvignon Blanc (I don’t even want to “wine” about Winter yet, I am ready for snow)

Illchester Cheese Advent Calendar
-Jarlsberg (I love this, but B doesn’t huge on the texture).

Aldi Vista Bay Hard Seltzer Advent Calendar
-Raspberry Lime (This one is a repeat)

Nespresso Advent Calendar
-Variations Italia Pecan Biscotti (Hopefully B doesn’t fall in love with this, because it’s not available in the US)

Costco Ultimate Advent Calendar for Dogs
Duck Jerky (Again not really sure, but the dogs loved it).

Atelier Cologne Clémentine California Advent Calendar Perfume Set
Vanille Insensée (Another love! I found to be a true vanilla. Not vanilla like cookie scented, more smooth and true).

What’d you get in your Advent Calendars today?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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