Smartass and Sass August 2023 Theme Spoilers

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The August 2023 Smartass and Sass theme is “MERCURY IS IN GATORADE (OR SOME SHIT)“!

Get ready to tell the planets to take a seat and embrace your inner smartass astrologer like a true badass. Brace yourself for a celestial experience that’s as absurd as Mercury chugging sports drinks. So, grab your star chart and prepare for a wild ride that’s part astrology, part comedy, and 100% “what the actual fuck?

What is Smartass and Sass?
Smartass and Sass is a gift and subscription service for snarky individuals and cynical assholes. They hand-select products for boxes that will make your inner sass-monster cackle with glee. Each box will include 4-8 new hand-picked and generally hilarious items each month you’re subscribed.
Cost: Shirt Only: $15.95/month. Box: $34.95/month. Big Box: $49.95/month.  (prices do not include shipping)
Category: Lifestyle Subscription Boxes

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

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