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Celebrity Gossip!

So I wasn't planning on a Celeb Gossip post this week, but it appears from a recent Facebook post, many…


Dear…. Letters

So I know that Adventures of Newlyweds has a Fridays Letters Link-Up, but I've got a lot going on already…


So What Wednesday

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT…


4th of July / Patriotic Topiary

This isn't exactly my craft project, but since it was there when most of it happened, I'm counting it. My…


Try It Tuesday: Magic Mesh

Our screen door has been looking like a hot mess lately and we totally need to take it in to…


Apothecary Jars

I get lots of "hits" on my blog from people who searched for seasonal apothecary jars, etc. Instead of making…


Retirement is Awesome (Most of the Time)!

So I have been retired over a month now and I still love it. But that's not to say it…


Patriotic / 4th of July Apothecary Jars

I've never done 4th of July / Patriotic apothecary jars before, because I have never been able to figure out…


Silent Sunday


Why Didn’t I Think of That…..

Actually, these are all my brilliant ideas, so I did think of that! Feel free to steal them and actually…


Friday iPhone Dump

I see everyone else doing this and if everyone else is doing it, well I want to do it too!…


Flashback Friday

Upon popular (okay, well just one person requested them) request, here are some pictures from my prom. Which was 17…


Random Ramblings…

L and I set on on Sunday morning (his birthday) in search of a Sponge Bob balloon. I had previously…


99 Things….

I stole borrowed this idea from Courtney over at Keeping Up with Court.  I thought it was going to be…


So What Wednesday!

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT…


Photoshop Fun – Yep, Again

Ugh, what can I say, I am addicted. A friend of mine used to do my photoshopping (even though I…


Summer Fun

It's been SO nice here lately and we are totally loving it. I would go insane with a winter baby.…


Happy 4th Birthday Lucas!

Happy 4th Birthday to my sweet Lucas (*)! 4 years ago today our lives changed in the best way ever.…


Things I Would Like to Tell Celebrities:

Tiger Woods: Please go back to your old lifestyle. Obviously taking the moral high road just isn't for you. So…


Random Ramblings

B and I had a mini date night last night. It was mini date night because we had W, but…


So What Wednesday!

It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT…


More Photoshop Fun!

I posted about my first attempt at Photoshop the other day and have been playing around with it a little…


I’ve been tagged! 25 things you don’t know about me!

I've been tagged by Erynn over at two journeys: one life. I "met" Erynn years and years ago on a…


Things People Google

I realize I haven't done this in a while and it's totally overdue. So, here is what people have googled…


Silent Sundays
