Monday Morning Ramblings

Monday Morning Ramblings

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning!  Fairly normal week here.  B has Friday off so that will be nice, but other than that it's…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! It's Halloween Eve (also known as Devil's Night and now Angel's Night in my area) and we still…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! Just a normal week around here. The boys have conferences and two half-days, but that's just about all…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! This week is going to be a busy one! I have a dentist appointment, L has an orthodontist…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! We had a great weekend! Saturday we spent the afternoon at Crossroads Village for their Ghosts & Goodies…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! Nothing major happening here this week. I need to get my computer fixed, I am volunteering at the…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! Just a normal week around here. W has a field trip, the school has a Back To School…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! We are ready to kick-off a packed week! Luckily B is in town (he almost went to FL…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! Super low-key weekend here.  B was away for National Guard, so the boys and I just took it…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! B and L are off to Cedar Point today (you have no idea how long L has been…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning!  This is our last full week of summer vacation so we need to make the most of it.…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! It's eclipse day! We've got our glasses ready and hopefully the clouds stay away. ~Subscription box wise this…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning!   All of a sudden I feel like this summer is flying by??  Maybe it's because we still…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning!  What do you have going on ths week? We don't have too much happening. The boys need haircuts,…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning!  Just another summer week around here.  The boys will probably go to camp at least one day, W…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! Another week of the same around here. The boys will go to camp a few days this week,…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! Same old stuff happening here this week. A few days of summer camp for the boys, Costco, spinning…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! We've got another day with B before his trip and then it's just the little boys, and I!…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! I am guessing a lot of people are off work today (and off doing something fun), but I…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! This is our first full week of summer! The boys are going to test out their Summer Program…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! It's finally here! The last week of school! We've just got two half days, and then L is…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! This is L's last full week of school (W got out last week) and I know he's ready…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning!  Kind of a busy week here.  It's W's last week of school so that means preschool graduation!!  Eeek!…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! It's Bachelorette Day! I generally find the first episode awkward (I always hate the cheese out of the…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! How is it Monday already? I didn't want the weekend to end! It's back at it today though.…