Monday Morning Ramblings

Monday Morning Ramblings

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! So much happening here this week. First of all, B is home!! Yay! We've also got the orthodontist,…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! Semi-busy week here. L has a field trip, B will be home (only for like a second though),…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! Busy week here. I have lots of Mom2Mom stuff going on, L has a half day today plus…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! I skipped Sunday Sentiments last night so we have lots to catch up on! We had a great…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! What a fantastic weekend! The boys went to see The Smurfs with my parents on Saturday (they liked…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! What a nice weekend - weather-wise and all-around really. The kids went to a birthday party and then…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning!  We started Spring Cleaning this weekend and I am hoping to continue the trend this week.  We took…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning!  All is well here!  L and W have normal weeks at school and B is in town for…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! Let's see, what's happening here this week? B's still out of town, I'm the mystery reader in L's…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! Let's see, what's happening around here this week? Not too much really. It's a normal week for W…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! We had a slow weekend around here. It's back to school for the boys and back to work…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! The kids have the week off school for Winter Break and B's off for President's Day. It's been…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! This weekend was all about Valentine's Day around here. We shopped for Valentine's, addressed Valentine's, got goodie bags…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~First of all, that game! OMG, that game. Wow. Just wow. I was not expecting them to be down by…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! Same stuff, new week. B's traveling, the boys have school, you know the drill.  I think it may…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! Super normal week here. The boys have a full week of school, we've got the same after school…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! Absolutely nothing is new here since last night. The kids have the day off school for Martin Luther…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! Not much new here since last night. The boys have a short week of school which basically consists…

Monday Morning Ramblings

~Good morning! We got the snow day we had been hoping for so it's one more day of vacation! The…

Monday Morning Ramblings

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate and / or referral links. ~Good morning! Uhh, can you believe that next week is Thanksgiving?…

Monday Morning Ramblings

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate and / or referral links. ~Good morning! Let's see, what's going on here? B had National…

Monday Morning Ramblings

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate and / or referral links. ~Good morning! I got most of my Trunk or Treating tasks…

Monday Morning Ramblings

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate and / or referral links. ~Good morning! The little boys have school today, but B's off…

Monday Morning Ramblings

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate and / or referral links. ~Good morning! B's headed out of town again this week, W…

Monday Morning Ramblings

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate and / or referral links. ~Good morning! Nothing major going on this week. B's traveling, W…