Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~I am finally doing another edition of Saturday Smiles! ~The boys had their first full week of school since before Christmas break.  We have had so…


Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~School is over!!!  Both boys got fantastic report cards (I am extra proud of L for good marks in organization and handwriting!!!) and we're free for…


Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~It's been so gorgeous out this week! We've been spending our evenings outside and we all love it! ~I have all of the week's laundry folded…

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Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~L turns 10 tomorrow.  TEN!!!!!! ~B and the boys sent me a gorgeous arrangement and gift from Farm Girl Flowers for Mother's Day.  So pretty!!! ~We only…


Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~It's Saturday and today is supposed to be GORGEOUS!!! ~I ran outside twice this week.  I still find it super difficult, but I am trying! ~Spring Carnival…

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Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~We made it thru the wildest week ever! We had an ice-storm, snow, a power outage, a cable outage, two birthdays, and an EARTHQUAKE! What in…

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Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~It's Hunter x Target launch day!! Happy shopping! ~I haven't been running a ton lately, but I got treadmill 5K in this week and I am…


Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~We had a great time at Niagra Falls! It was the (little) boys first time going and my first time going in the winter (well that…

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Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~It's St. Patrick's Day! ~The boys had a great Spirit Week and school! Yesterday happened to be wear green for St. Patrick's Day and what else…


Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~It's Saturday and we made it thru the week! ~L did amazing at his Wax Museum presentation. And I loved being able to go and see…

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Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~Although it may be cold and we have snow on the ground now, we had two GORGEOUS days this week when it was 60 degrees and…


Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~We got a snow day yesterday! The boys were so excited! Not too many things better than a snow day when you are a kid. ~The…


Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~It's the weekend and we get to sleep in! ~I had a Starbucks yesterday for the first time in weeks. And it was incredible. ~While I…


Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~The boys got their progress reports yesterday and did awesome! ~I finished two books this week!!! ~Our school had a fitness night last night and we…


Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~Michigan State won last night!  Hopefully, that means they are back on track! ~It's supposed to be "warm" out today!  At this point 40 degrees is…


Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~Today is the Michigan State - Michigan Basketball game! GO GREEN! ~B did the 300 / 30 day Ab Challenge with me. He quit early, but…


Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~The weather is supposed to be warming up! Maybe we'll be able to go outside again! #yaaassss ~For the first time (ever) I ran 5 miles!…


Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~The boys are on holiday vacation! Last week was super busy and we are happy to have a few weeks to sleep in! ~Everyone did great…


Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~We got snow! So much snow that we ended up getting a snow day out of it! YAY! ~L passed his hearing test! He failed the…


Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~My server is all moved!!! Yesterday was a little rough - my old host went down as we were moving the server which messed everything up…


Saturday Smiles

Today I'm Smiling Because... ~It's Candle Day!  Bath & Body Works is having their annual candle sale today and my mom and I (along with the boys and our coupons)…