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Since I did the Loves, it’s only fair to do the Hates too!

  • Mustard.  Why does it stink so bad?
  • Gum.  Yeah. I hate gum.  So nasty.
  • Kim Kardashian and her stupid wedding.  Is she seriously getting married? Seriously?  Really?
  • Kwame Kilpatrick.  Enough said.
  • When B parks like right on top of my car in the garage.  Sometimes I just want to tell him to go back out of town so I can park right in the middle again!
  • Being out of touch about something, googling it to get back in touch and then seeing it / learning what it is, and wishing you were still out of touch.
  • The use of the word epic.  The first moon walk was epic.  Your weekend of drunkenness?  Not epic.
  • Cat hair.  It makes my eyes water and I get all itchy.
  • Camping.  I went once, for one night.  Unless it’s in the backyard or basement, I think that will just have to be a father-son trip!
  • Parallel parking.  I can count on one hand the number of times I have parallel parked.  Giving the choice between parallel parking or walking 10 blocks in the rain, I’m probably going to walk the 10 blocks.
  • People who have to slam on their brakes every two seconds.  Umm, hello, leave some space between you and the car in front of you and you won’t have to keep braking!
What are you hating these days?  You can try, but you just can’t love it all!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Dani

    I cannot believe you hate gum. I think my weakened jaw is from all the gum chewing when I was younger.

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