Melted Crayon Art

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Pinterest struck again and, over the weekend, L and I decided to make another fun project I spotted on there. I love using L’s own projects to hang on the walls in the playroom and in the basement, so I knew this melted crayon project would be perfect.

We used a box of 64 crayons, Elmer’s glue, an 11×14 canvas (I think) and a hairdryer.
First we lined up all the crayons and made sure they were color coordinated.
It's harder to color coordinate crayons than you would think.
Next I put glue on the opposite side of the canvas and L and B transferred crayons one by one, so that they stayed in color order.
All glued on! Just waiting for it to dry.
These are the rejects from the box of 64. We only wanted bright colors!
All dry! I should have used more tin foil....
Looking good. It didn't take too long to get the crayons to start melting. And splattering.
We really had no idea on how this project should have been completed? Were we supposed to ends? The pointy part? Who knows.
All done and I love it!

I was super pleased with how this project turned out.  I probably would melt the crayons longer next time, but they were splattering all over and we kind wanted to contain the mess.  I think doing it outside would be the best idea.

Did you do any projects over the weekend?  If so, let’s hear about it!!!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Alysia

    Wow! This is awesome. I really must get on Pinterest. When the kids are back in school…

  2. Shannon

    I saw this on Pinterest and wondered how it was done! I may have to make one for the playroom! So cute!

  3. joanne

    so cool Jen! I think I need to do this too!!
    Thanks for the awesome idea and the great picture directions!

  4. Amy Pelletier

    I am so excited to try this with Ava!! After I saw you posting about this on FB I decided it’s time I got on Pinterest, too. I requested an invite and am still waiting. How long do you think I need to wait?? 🙁

    1. Jennifer

      I just invited you. Let me know when you get it!!

      1. Amy Pelletier

        Got it, thanks! Now I just have to figure out how to get started. 🙂

  5. Amber

    I think an easier way to do it is to use the crayons in a hot glue gun (instead of glue). Another Blog I read (Hello Miss Chelsea) shows how she did it.

  6. Beth

    Just wanted you to know that I enjoy “stalking” you on your blog. It’s one of my favorite ones. Can I just say, does your husband ever wear a shirt?? Not that I’m complaining. If my husband looked like that, I’d insist he be bare chested all the time, too. Keep all your crafts/baking/organizing/sale items stuff coming. I really enjoy it.

    1. Jennifer

      OMG. I’m cracking up!! He wears a shirt when we are out in public, but never when he is outside working or going on a run. I think the teenage girls honk at him when he’s running ;).

  7. Dani

    Very cool project. Where do you plan on hanging it?

  8. joanne

    so cool Jen! I think I need to do this too!!
    Thanks for the awesome idea and the great picture directions! What is pininterest?

    1. Jennifer

      I will send you an invite Joanne!

  9. Wendy

    I love this idea! Yours came out great!

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