The Holidays…

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So this weekend (yesterday actually), we decided to “run to a few stores” and get a few last minute gifts. Namely presents for L’s teachers. Target looked like a bomb went off in it. Every aisle was basically trashed. I had to dig around in the gift bag aisle to find some bags to use for L’s gifts for his friends at school. I guess it’s totally acceptable to just pick a bag (or 50) off the pegs, look at it and decide it’s not the bag for you, and then discard it on the shelf below. It is also okay (I guess) to do this with any of the other items you see in the store. The gift cards had also been ransacked. Note to self: Do not attempt to go to Target on a Sunday afternoon the weekend before Christmas. I should have known better.

And then went to go see Santa. At the mall. I have successfully avoided the mall to do all my shopping, but I couldn’t avoid it anymore. I am super matchy-matchy and must have a picture from the same Santa (and Santa set) every year. I realize this is weird, but whatever. The line for Santa was insane. Over two hours long by the security guards estimation. Umm, I think NOT. We will attempt to go this week instead. I guess it is much calmer during the week. Okay, it better be!

Speaking of the holidays, is anyone else way behind this year? I like to blame it on the fact that B has been gone the majority of the month (he actually just got home Saturday from his last trip of the year), but I probably would be way behind if he had been here too. While all my shopping is done (thank gosh for the internet), none of my wrapping is. And none of my Christmas baking is either. In fact, I haven’t even been to the store to get supplies yet. And of course, we still need to go see Santa. Oh well, it’ll all get done. We’ve been having way more fun just hanging out and watching Christmas movies and relaxing by the fireplace!

Make me feel better, what do you have left to do before the holiday?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Alysia George

    Let’s see, I haven’t wrapped a single thing, I have to finish the baking & a little bit of shopping, I’m still waiting on my Christmas cards to be delivered & when they get here I’ll have to do those, and my house is a complete disaster. Plus I had a sick kid home today & I think she’ll probably be staying home tomorrow too, my oldest has a basketball tournament with 6 games between now and Friday, & I scheduled myself a doctor’s appointment for this week. Somehow I’ll squeeze everything in.

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