Things People Google

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I haven’t done this in forever and it’s so time. I’ve posted about this before, but I use a service that allows me to “track” my visitors. I really only use it figure out what lands people on my blog because, well, I don’t want to draw the wrong crowd here or anything. Sometimes innocent words in a post could turn into not so innocent for someone else. Know what I mean? Anyways, the best part about my tracking service is the funny terms that land people here. I shouldn’t talk because I have been known to google some crazy things, but I still laugh. Here’s what have landed people to my blog in recent days:

Oreo O’s: OMG, so I got a comment on my blog a while back that said that Kraft and Post have agreed to start making Oreo O’s in the States again. Wikipedia had been updated and said production would be resuming on Oreo O’s and they would be available in Winter 2013, but that is now gone.  What a nasty rumor for someone to start.  I mean really.  Broke. My. Heart. I am not looking into vacations to Korea to get my hands on some.

Advocare Herbal Cleanse Vomit (or some variation of this): I’ll admit the herbal cleanse drink does taste like vomit, but I never actually did vomit.    Also someone searched for “does the advocare 24 day challenge make you crazy?”.  No, it doesn’t.  I blogged about my experience with it here and I can tell you first hand I never felt crazy.  Hungry, yes.  But crazy?  No, never.  Oh, people also want to know what will happen if you eat fried foods or “fall off the wagon”.  Umm, you won’t lose weight?  LOL.  The programs calls for 90% compliance, so if you screw up a bit, just get yourself back on track as soon as possible!

Cosmopolitan Las Vegas Gym Fee:  This is lands so many people on my blog.  Seriously.  I reviewed our stay at the Cosmopolitan here and mentioned that we hit up the gym, which was $12/day.  I really had no idea that going to the gym in Vegas was this popular?  I mean no one was really there when we went.  But I do totally recommend staying there.  $12 gym fee and all.  That place is fabulous.

Suburban Mom’s As Call Girls: I have no experience personally with this, but I imagine it would be a nice way to make a little extra cash?  And to get out of the house for awhile?  I kid.  But I am not really sure why there is a demand for this (is there?).  I smell like formula 99% of the time.    Sexy right?

Apothecary Jars:  The number 1 search I get is “what should I put in my apothecary jars”.  My answer is whatever you want!  I put together a collage of all my jars here.  I am working on some new ideas for fall, Halloween, and Christmas to mix things up a bit!  Stay tuned.

Birchbox, PopSugar Must Have Bag, etc.: Since I started reviewing my monthly subscription boxes, I’ve been getting a lot of hits about them.  It appears that 99% of subscribers were pissed about the July PopSugar bag. As they should be.  And I suspect the rest of the searchers are looking for spoiler pictures.  Just like I do every month.  Nothing like trying to ruin your own surprise.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

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